

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
76561198334197938  [developer] Oct 17, 2016 @ 9:39am
Common Questions
Questions and answers to recent questions

Q : Why are you charging $1.99 for a 10 min Experience?
A : There is a lot of work that goes into making any kind of game or experience and in VR this is especially true, due to the need for a high and stable FPS and other issues that need to be overcome. We feel when pricing we done so fairly to not only us but any customers. Also the game is in Early Access with ALOT more content to come in the upcoming months. We feel from feedback its a fun thing to show friends and family to give them a little scare!

Q : Why is the Experience only 7-10mins?
A : Our experience is in early access and more content will be added on a regular basis, expanding to a complete house.

Q : Is there any actual content?
A : YES there is, you still get a good section of the bedroom area.

Q : Are there any controls?
A : Not as yet but we are looking in a future update to include Use of motion controllers.

Q : I want a refund!
A : Steam offers refunds for anyone not happy, although we hope you will enjoy the content so far we ask you to also bear in mind future content will be coming soon,

Q: Why Spacebar to start?
A : This is a temporary feature and will be moved to headset tracking soon

Q : The content so far looks bland.
A : In an upcoming update the bedroom will be more detailed.

Q : No Options?
A : Whilst we do not think there is a need for options as such we are looking to implement a menu.

Q : What is with the Video in the store page, why is it just stills?
A : We went with this option as actual gameplay footage could ruin the experience for people.

Q : Is it scary?
A : Whilst being scared is subjective from the Beta feedback some people found it scary some found it moderate.

Q : Can I make some suggestions for future content?
A : Of Course! we welcome feedback

Q: My question is not listed here what can I do?
A : Please feel free to ask on our forums.
Last edited by MGSStudios; Oct 17, 2016 @ 6:10pm