Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

Still no screenshots or concept art of the male Phyre
So, there is only the one avatar, isn't there?

Female or Male choice is just picking the voice isn't it?
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they showed art of male phyre already
As far as I know, the only image of the elusive male Phyre came in the very first dev video:

Go to the 5 minute mark.

It is lame how he's 'hidden' in one early video that probably no one watches anymore. The mystery could be eliminated by showing him and female Phyre each time they show new clan outfits. Just split the 4 outfits between the male and female models, then everybody would know there is a male and what he'll look like.
Originally posted by Clever Name:
As far as I know, the only image of the elusive male Phyre came in the very first dev video:

Go to the 5 minute mark.

It is lame how he's 'hidden' in one early video that probably no one watches anymore. The mystery could be eliminated by showing him and female Phyre each time they show new clan outfits. Just split the 4 outfits between the male and female models, then everybody would know there is a male and what he'll look like.
they're not doing that because all of the outfits are maximum androgyny, there'll almost certainly be 0 difference based on the male/female "choice". so it'd be pointless to show the outfits twice.
Originally posted by W.R. Winter:
they're not doing that because all of the outfits are maximum androgyny, there'll almost certainly be 0 difference based on the male/female "choice". so it'd be pointless to show the outfits twice.

Didn't mean to show them twice. I meant show 4 outfits, 2 worn by a male, 2 worn by a female.
Garanvir May 15 @ 6:43pm 
Originally posted by W.R. Winter:
they're not doing that because all of the outfits are maximum androgyny, there'll almost certainly be 0 difference based on the male/female "choice". so it'd be pointless to show the outfits twice.

Yeah I got the idea fro my post looking at the Ventrue outfits and thinking "other than the modern hipster haircut, Phyre kind of looks like a 70s Glam Rocker."

Which if that's what I gotta play can my character at least look like Bowie as Ziggy Stardust. Or better yet, Yoshiki of X Japan in his 80s maximum Visual Kei mode?
Garanvir May 15 @ 6:56pm 
Originally posted by Clever Name:
As far as I know, the only image of the elusive male Phyre came in the very first dev video:

Go to the 5 minute mark.

It is lame how he's 'hidden' in one early video that probably no one watches anymore. The mystery could be eliminated by showing him and female Phyre each time they show new clan outfits. Just split the 4 outfits between the male and female models, then everybody would know there is a male and what he'll look like.

Ah Thanks - I guess I must have blinked and missed it the one time watching that. male even had different hair and beard in his 2 pictures, making it weirder the female Phyre in every shot has that same awful haircut. If these options really exist they could kill so much of the angst by just showing them.
Anvos May 15 @ 7:33pm 
Unlikely this will change for another 4 weeks given we still have Ventrue week 2.

Hopefully we eventually see more of male Phyre, given were almost halfway through the year.
Originally posted by Garanvir:
male even had different hair and beard in his 2 pictures, making it weirder the female Phyre in every shot has that same awful haircut. If these options really exist they could kill so much of the angst by just showing them.


They're clearly not reading or registering the 'angst', or they'd have remedied the situation by now. Very simple fix, yet months have gone by with no change.
Originally posted by AC Denton:
they showed art of male phyre already

well not exactly. They showed concept art of male Phyre.

They have claimed we can choose the gender. I used to think they were still working on the male phyre but they must have a model by now. So its a conscious decision to focus on the female Phyre..
Last edited by Bloodartist; May 17 @ 2:12pm
My guess is, like how the FAQ in the discord suggests that customization will be further explored later this year, there will likely be a dev diary exclusively geared toward masc phyre as part of the pre-determined marketing scheme for regular updates.
upuaut2 May 18 @ 12:20am 
at this point i can already imagine how the male will look like! you can easily guess.

here you have it. will be something very similar to it
Last edited by upuaut2; May 18 @ 12:22am
Shinno May 18 @ 3:07am 
Originally posted by upuaut2:
at this point i can already imagine how the male will look like! you can easily guess.

here you have it. will be something very similar to it
Phyre against Phyre could go either way, but Fabian wins?:lunar2019grinningpig:
Originally posted by Garanvir:
So, there is only the one avatar, isn't there?

Female or Male choice is just picking the voice isn't it?
Abaddon May 23 @ 12:09am 
Whats up with all of the flood pants?
Feeona_PDX May 23 @ 5:13am 
There will be a different model for fem and masc Phyre, different voice too. We'll be showing off masc Phyre in the near future. 🦇
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