Dark Train

Dark Train

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MAKAIROSI Jan 11, 2019 @ 8:42am
So i enjoyed the game but
1) control. Imho the control is terrible. I understand the devs wanted to try something new and kudos to them for that, but it didn't work. I got frustrated many times just because the machine wasn't behaving like i wanted it to.

Simply adding wasd control would fix this issue, but i doubt they're going to add it.

2) ending. I see a lot of people complaining about the ending, and it does seem pretty abrupt and non-sensical, however i don't mind such an ending - what i do mind is that this ending happened when i didn't really finish doing anything.

I don't know, like, save someone, or whatever. I mean, was this the train's purpose? Just stop in the middle of nowhere when a scream sounds and release some sort of mechanical bird ? That's what i think bothered me, that the ending revealed the train's purpose, which was seemingly nothing.

3) puzzles. I understand the game is supposed to be surreal but the puzzles were really counter intuitive. It wasn't "thinking outside of the box" nor was it "difficult", it was just random. For example writing constellations on the starry sky at one point i found this one by accident and as i was doing it i was wondering why am i doing it??

4) purpose. Like i said on the ending paragraph, i still have no idea what the train's purpose is. Or why were all these puzzles as they were, or what were those places inside the train. No idea. At first i thought we were supposed to be in a world were humans were extinct, and you were trying to bring the last human to safety or something. Then i saw humans, so i thought you were in world ruled by machines and you were trying to bring the last living animal (the bird). Then i saw the animal was mechanical too, so i thought that maybe this is a sentient machine, so you are trying to bring that to safety. But with that ending even that is out of the question.

Also there were plenty "sentient" machines around so sentience isn't an explanation either. Another explanation is that the machine was a miniature of the original world, so that the machine has a certain perception of the world it exists in. But this doesn't explain anything, it's just interesting.

Finally, i don't think there was any explanation. As in most abstract art, the explanation is whatever you want it to be, rather than being set from the original creator.

Anyway, like the dev said, this is not the full game, we are looking forward to the two expansions which i doubt we can expect for free. I just wish there was some sort of closure in this first part.