Chopper: Lethal darkness

Chopper: Lethal darkness

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Won't start in Linux
I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but when I start the game in Linux (Mint 19.1 Cinnamon) I get a black screen and then I am back in Steam with the game no longer running.

I have tried to start it up on one of my Windows 10 laptops and it goes fine to the menu.

Both machines run an Intel i5 (the Linux runs at 3.2 GHz - where the Win10 runs 2.5 GHz), both also runs an Intel GPU - and when it comes to RAM the Linux do only have the recommended 4GB whereas the Windows has 16 GB.

Anyone else have issues on Linux or should I add an extra stick of RAM from my storage?


Update: Added 8 GB extra RAM giving a total of 12 GB, and still can't start the game in Linux.
Last edited by CrazyCatman; Oct 6, 2019 @ 8:12am