Chopper: Lethal darkness

Chopper: Lethal darkness

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adenis123 Dec 28, 2016 @ 12:24pm
Santa Claus probably flying DUI in a "no fly zone"!
I do believe in the Christmas spirit, but it is the 29th of December now.
I did find it sort of amusing having Santa and his unlucky reindeer Rudolph, flying precarious orbits over terrorists.
But the novelty is really wearing off, big time.
I haven't bought a "Frosty the Snowman" kids game, so either remove them, or let us shoot them down. Sorry for the radical measures. More so, for poor Rudolph.
The immersion factor is totally removed by this silliness.
Please, no more of this ridiculous stuff in the future.
The mass quantity of chaffs (aluminium foil that act as a ARHCM, or active radar homing counter measure) that he leaves behind his sleigh, is also affecting the accuracy of our I.R weapons.

I have noticed that the targeted ennemies don't hold any firearms, often walk directly in a raging inferno (they might be shell chocked), and their heads(too big) are not proportioned to their body. They occasionally survive, when a devastating blast occurs almost next to them.

Lots of sales success with the fun, Chopper: Lethal Darkness game. It is well deserved.

PS. Santa Claus flying license #SC251200 has officially been suspended on this day. Heavy fines and severe disciplinary actions, are to be expected. Ungiven gifts will be distributed by our dedictated military personnel.
Last edited by adenis123; Dec 28, 2016 @ 10:12pm