Yore VR

Yore VR

Tectonic VR - YORE VR  [developer] Oct 25, 2016 @ 3:04pm
General Tips and instructions
  • Weapons drop with the side buttons, tools with the trigger. Why you ask? Well it's easier to hold a crossbow steady when shooting with the trigger and when swinging a pickaxe like a crazy person you press the side buttons a lot by accident.
  • Pick up Quivers with Trigger and drop them in the circle that appears around you to lock them in place. Use the side buttons to reposition them
  • Use the basket as a vacuum cleaner of sorts to save yourselve the pain of bending over and picking objects up manually. Just push the basket down onto the resource and it will suck it up
  • Press down the left half of the right touch pad on the Vive to enable/disable dpad movement on the left hand
Last edited by Tectonic VR - YORE VR; Jun 29, 2017 @ 10:33am