Wrack: Exoverse

Wrack: Exoverse

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Carnevil  [developer] Jul 14, 2019 @ 10:35pm
REMINDER: Updates currently taking place in beta branch
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let everyone know that updates for the game are currently taking place in the beta branch. It's a beta for the full release, and updates are occurring rather frequently.

If you'd like to opt in, here's how:

- Go to your Steam library
- Right-click on Exoverse, select "Properties"
- Go to the "Betas" tab
- Select the beta branch

And you should be all set! There's a lot more content there, and a lot more polish, but there may be some bugs and incomplete elements (I really to finish up that dual wielding...). If you want to sit tight and wait for the full release, that's cool too!
