A dead world's dream

A dead world's dream

Can't find the (assumed) last energy booster in lava level
Currently have 14 energy boosters, 10 breath enhancers and 8 life enhancers, and the only item the teleport panel says I'm missing is in the lava cave. Is there any clue where it could be?
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Cep  [sviluppatore] 14 nov 2016, ore 7:44 

I think the item you are missing is a life enhancer (there are 2 in this level), not an energy booster. There is only one energy booster in this level, very obvious.

If the item you are missing is the life enhancer, there is a big clue. Re-do the level carefuly and always follow the hermit advice ;)

For the last energy booster, you should look this subject :

Kind regards
Ultima modifica da Cep; 14 nov 2016, ore 7:45
Thanks for your reply :) I think that the last energy booster is in the main island now, because the guy at the main teleporter also says so. Searched for the whole island, talked to everyone enough times (and "we are all dead anyway" :o), and jumped off from every teleport platform, yet couldn't figure out any clue about the last energy booster. I read that subject, and found THAT the other player mentioned which sounds mysterious for me...
Could that energy booster atually resides in some easy place, but camouflaged with the environment?
Cep  [sviluppatore] 15 nov 2016, ore 0:11 
You are on the right track.

First clue: the big house is the same size as what you see outside.
Second clue: noticed something odd when you picked the breath enhancer in the big house ?

By the way, you can already finish the game without having everything by talking with the elder and reload after to get the last items :)
Got it!
Especailly the 1st clue really helps. Now it's time to find out the ? level :steamhappy:

Many thanks for your effort maintaining the game :)
Cep  [sviluppatore] 17 nov 2016, ore 6:37 
No worries.

Good luck finding what you're missing !
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