Drawn: The Painted Tower

Drawn: The Painted Tower

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Whitebeard 30 JUN 2022 a las 4:36 p. m.
Advice for running under Windows 10
Navigate to the file folder for the game, and right click on the .exe file. Set the program to run in Windows 7 Compatibility mode, and check the box to run it under Administrator authority. Click the button for High DPI settings. Check the lower box and set it for System mode.

Start the game and delete any profiles you have created. Open Options and make sure Full Screen is check marked. Make sure Aspect Ratio is not check marked. Create a new user profile and start the game.

I have two very different machines that exhibited different problems with this game. It now runs perfectly on both computers with these settings.

To be sure, or if you still have problems, disable the Steam overlay for this game.
Última edición por Whitebeard; 14 JUL 2022 a las 4:44 p. m.
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Delisper 9 MAR a las 4:57 p. m. 
Thanks for your post.
I tried reinstalling the game today and simply had a white box open. Am trying to follow your suggestions in the hopes that the game may become playable. I had to google how to set the program in Windows 7 compatability (did not realise there is an extra step after right clicking on the exe file). I have checked the box to run as administrator but am stuck on "click the button for high dpi settings".
I have a "change high DPI settings" box which I am hoping means that it is automatically set to high dpi settings.
As you can see - am not familiar with the workings of programs at all.
Where is the button for High Dpi settings please?
And no idea where a "lower box" is to set whatever to System mode.
Whitebeard 9 MAR a las 6:00 p. m. 
The Change High DPI settings is it. The bottom thing under that governs High DPI settings: Application or System. Different systems behave differently, Try it without doing any High DPI modifications first, then try changing it to System to see if it is any better. This is the oldest of the Drawn series, and is a little finicky about settings.
Delisper 10 MAR a las 3:43 a. m. 
After posting the above I did try starting the game again. This time it gave me a screen asking if I wanted this unknown app from a publisher to make changes to my device. Clicking on yes gives me the white screen again. Clicking no gives me a "failed to start the game - cancelled by user".

Since seeing your reply I decided to try again. This time I pushed the "change High DPI settings" button to have a look at the options. There are two - Program DPI (use this setting to fix scaling problems for this program instead of the one in settings
- High DPI scaling override (override high DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by: application) [application is greyed out].
I ticked High Dpi scaling override, leaving application (which can now be changed to another option). Starting still gives me the white screen. I then went back and changed application to system. This made no difference either. There is one final option, system (enhanced). Tried that, same white screen.

I think I should save us both more wasted time and move on.
Thank you again for trying to help. I do appreciate it :)
Whitebeard 10 MAR a las 6:46 a. m. 
Are you on Windows 11? My advice was for Windows 10. I haven't even tried the game on Windows 11 yet. Also, are running on an administrator login? The original Drawn the Painted Tower has a remake that runs fine on 10 and 11.

I started it on my computer and it runs fine. The only settings on mine are Disable Full Screen Optimizations, and Windows 7 compatibility mode. This on a desktop computer with an RX580 8gb Video card. I don't understand your White Screen, unless it is a driver issue.
Última edición por Whitebeard; 10 MAR a las 11:29 a. m.
Delisper 10 MAR a las 5:09 p. m. 
Yes, win 10 64 bit
I updated my driver recently (Nvidia)
Device name DESKTOP-SU940CN
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB
Device ID 91DD2D55-7383-4423-BE82-45C061ABFCEB
Product ID 00326-10000-00000-AA545
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Not sure what you mean by running on an administrator login - which is probably the big issue, my inability to grasp these program tweaks needed. My attitude is if I need to tweak a program then I should just not touch it.

I was wanting to replay the game - I have finished it some while ago but wanted to replay. Some kind person told me how to get rid of my old game profile so I could restart - but that white screen.

You have gone over and above - I really appreciate your help.
Delisper 10 MAR a las 5:23 p. m. 
Just quickly took a screenshot of the white screen issue https://imgur.com/a/6hJgSCI

Starting the game also mucks around with my computer a bit - the up arrow on my taskbar usually shows me some hidden icons and for some reason when I get the white screen, the menu for steam also pops up at the bottom. The issue for me is I cannot close it and it has a tendency to move. I am positive that I should uninstall Drawn and place it in my "rubbish" folder never to be used again.
Whitebeard 10 MAR a las 8:09 p. m. 
So you are running in a window? Did you also try full screen? The administrator thing is about your rights to files on your computer. You mentioned some options were shaded out, so I thought maybe you were on a user account and not on as an administrator. I have had problems with nvidia drivers more than once. I have shifted to AMD because of it.

You can always get ReDrawn the Painted Tower Collectors Edition. It will run if you want to relive it.
Última edición por Whitebeard; 10 MAR a las 8:20 p. m.
Delisper 10 MAR a las 9:48 p. m. 
Thanks for the reply. I don't think it is possible to run full screen. The game opens with my settings and profile from my last play. I assume I would have to get the game working to be able to change from windowed mode to full screen.
I do have the ReDrawn game (I checked) - but my reason for trying to play the original was to see if I could increase my achievements, hence not now worrying about it.
Whitebeard 10 MAR a las 9:57 p. m. 
The old version usually starts in 4:3 and you have to set the game to fill the screen. I don't understand why yours seems to be launching in a window. I you have nVidia, open the control center and check on which does the scaling the GPU or the Display. I usually set it to GPU because of lot of old games that only run in 4:3. If the GPU does the scaling they work correctly, the Display setting will stretch it sideways and run the top and bottom off the screen.
Delisper 10 MAR a las 11:03 p. m. 
Am not smart enough. That is - I opened the Nvidia control panel. But I don't understand what to look for (sorry). There were 3 options (3D settings, Display, Video). I picked change resolution under Display (which seems to be what you were indicating). It seems to be asking for settings relating to the screen I am using. Nothing about GPUs. It is set to the size of my current screen (1920 x 1080).

I play most of my games in a window if I can. The game is launching in a window as that is the way I would have set it the last time I played.

I googled your statement "open the control center and check on which does the scaling the GPU or the Display". This directed me to "Adjust desktop size and position" under Display. Partway down is - perform scaling on:- and mine is set to display. So I changed it to the other option - GPU.
(The reason I am typing all this out is so that if it goes FUBAR I might be able to undo what I have just done - I don't retain this knowledge very well).

Edit: I applied the change, will try the game one last time.
Edit: no change, stupid white screen is still there (yes, still windowed). Thanks again for trying. Am uninstalling, the game is already in my rubbish category.
You have a ton of patience and I appreciate that :)
Última edición por Delisper; 10 MAR a las 11:08 p. m.
Whitebeard 11 MAR a las 8:50 a. m. 
Good Luck. At least we tried.
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