The Dungeons of Castle Madness

The Dungeons of Castle Madness

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Shamiah Aug 13, 2016 @ 9:52pm
Full Screen Map?
I just bought the game. Is there a way to see the whole map of the area you explored? The mini-map is ok but it's hard to see an overall picture of where you have been. I have tried clicking the mini-map area but nothing seems to work. If that isn't in the game can it be added? It would really help to make the game better. Thanks
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Kingius  [developer] Aug 14, 2016 @ 2:04am 
Hi Shamiah, it's not currently in the game to see the entire map of a level, a sort of compromise between modern games and old school games where there was no map at all. However I shall take your suggestion on board and give it some thought for a future update. Perhaps a secret item that could be found which could show a big map like that would be a cool thing to discover on a level.
Shamiah Aug 14, 2016 @ 9:20pm 
Hello. Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah that would be cool. Even if you had to use an item. Maybe it's an item you can find or buy. Either way would be great. The mini map really isn't that useful. At least for me it's not. It's way too small. If you made the mini map show a larger area that might help. Overall I'm liking what I have played on the game. Thanks again.
Shamiah Aug 14, 2016 @ 10:04pm 
It's also a shame the maps are not kept once you leave the area. It would be nice to be able to see where you have been. It seems like the maps are not saved once you exit an area.
Kingius  [developer] Aug 15, 2016 @ 5:38am 
Thanks for the suggestions :-)
boylez Aug 21, 2016 @ 12:43am 
I agree with Shamia - I remember fondly getting the grid paper and mapping each level but we dont have time these days and the memory isnt that flash ( too much beer drank out of aluminium cans I reckon) - a map would be a good thing - and, perhaps the facility to insert notes to it. Cheers
boylez Aug 21, 2016 @ 12:47am 
By the way - what IS the grid dimensions?
boylez Aug 21, 2016 @ 2:13am 
Ignore that last one - 15 x 15 according to my grid mapping - painful as I remember it <grin>
Shamiah Aug 22, 2016 @ 3:21pm 
Yeah. I used to like mapping on paper. Now I have so little time to play I would rather play and not waste my time mapping. So I was disappointed to see this game didn't have a full screen map. Even a larger map area would help or a way to mark stuff. The maps also get deleted when you leave an area. So really that little mini-map isn't that helpful.

I also hate another gameplay idea they have which is the save crystals. Because I play in short spans of time I have played for awhile and don't have a crystal when I forced to quit. So I can't save the game. Again wasting the very little game time I have to play. I would just like to save when I need to.

I understand why it's in there but I have seen other games use 'check points' where they allow you to save but that save game gets deleted when you reload. So it's a way to soft save the game. Then they still have hard save points which are like the crystals in this game. I like that idea much better.

I like the game but some of the gameplay ideas don't really match the amount of time I have to play. The dev said they might add a full screen map with the use of an item. I was excited when the game updated today. Was hoping maybe they added the map feature. They didn't. Can't tell what has changed.
Last edited by Shamiah; Aug 22, 2016 @ 3:22pm
Kingius  [developer] Aug 22, 2016 @ 10:18pm 
Grid size is actually variable - later levels get bigger. The last update fixed a few bugs and closed down an exploit with character creation. The full screen map item is coming, it will be in the next game update. A gameplay video is also being created for the store page. As if all that wasn't enough... There's also a brand new level in the works, which will also be released for free as an update to the game once its ready. Stay tuned!
Shamiah Aug 22, 2016 @ 10:56pm 
Awesome news. Thanks! Looking forward to the update and the full map item. Any chance of a change to the saving system? Thanks for supporting the game.

A gameplay video would be useful for people on the fence. It's always good to see a game in motion. Thanks again for the fast replies. It's great to see a Dev do updates and replies!
Kingius  [developer] Aug 24, 2016 @ 1:17am 
Update released featuring the new 'Ancient Map' item. Viewing it shows all of the automapped level in one go, basically it's a 'big map'. Starting wizards begin the game with one. There is also one hidden away in Lurkwood and another in somewhere secret in the training dungeon (so near the start of the game), helpful for other classes. There are also others in secret places on various levels throughout the game. No plans are afoot to alter the save game system; every level except the first one (Hilltown) have save crystals within them, you don't normally have to travel far to find one, there is one after the very first fight in the training dungeon, for example. If you start exploring you are sure to find them scattered all over the place. Hope that helps!
Shamiah Aug 24, 2016 @ 10:43am 
Awesome!!! Thank you so much. Will make a wizard to give it a try. Thanks for adding this feature. Can't wait to try it. So happy when a Dev will listen and put in suggestions from the fans. Thanks again!
Shamiah Aug 25, 2016 @ 9:26pm 
Played a bunch today with the new changes. I'm not sure if the new map is working correctly. When I use the item I don't see the full area I have explored. I made a wizard and explored the training dungeon. When I use the item I only see a small section of the level's map. Not the whole thing. Shouldn't it display the whole area?

Some other ideas are is there any chance of getting item stacking. Like for the gems or other smaller items like the potions? The inventory space is very small. So stacking would help that quite a bit. It would also be great to expand the inventory and make a few other pages of space to store items. I have seen an Armor Shrink item so that might help some.

I also haven't been able to find any place to sell items. Should I just be throwing them on the ground? Inventory space runs out very fast and most robes and armor takes up quite a bit. Guessing the design is to just throw stuff on the ground?

Someone said in a review that the game keeps track of the items left on the ground. This is true but much like the map it deletes them once the game is saved and loaded. Guessing this is by design.

I did get a few strange error messages. Something about index out of range and another about objects or events. I was clicking and closed the dialog box too fast. Next time I will write down exactly what the message was.

Liking the game and played a a few hours today. Thanks again for adding the new features!!!
Last edited by Shamiah; Aug 25, 2016 @ 10:00pm
Kingius  [developer] Aug 25, 2016 @ 11:46pm 
Looks like the Ancient Map doesn't draw the outerwall at the very bottom of the grid, from grid reference 11+. That's a bug. Good spot! I'll get a fix out for that shortly.

If you do encounter any further script errors, there's a troubleshooting forum you could leave the description on and anything that might have led up to that scenario. Any info you can give will help. The game does get regularly playtested but sometimes bugs can fall through the cracks.

If you can find an apple basket you can stack apples into that. Also shrinking armour and shields (multiple times if necessary), your second weapon slot (for a another weapon and shield/torch or just a big two hander) help with the inventory. Heroes carrying around vast hoards of loot is not something this game is about; it's totally unrealistic and very dull in terms of games design. It's much more interesting to have to face tough choices about what to take and not take, just a like a real explorer would have to. Think of it as being part of playing the role, if you like. A medieval knight would never take around a spare set of platemail on his person, he'd never be able to do this! However the game is quite generous in that regard in that you can, several in fact. Other RPG's are, quite honestly, often farsical with the almost limitless garbage the heroes lug about with them just to convert into gold, and there's not a 'bag of holding' in sight to allow them to do this. It's never depicted on the heroe's avatars, though, I notice, I wonder why ;-)

As you can't sell items directly it's best to hold onto just what you need. There is a way to sell stuff indrectly... you can transmute unwanted items into gems and then use gems to get new items. Another tactic you can use is to melt down metal items into ingots and carry those around instead. Another benefit of the reforging skill. Hope that helps!

Shamiah Aug 26, 2016 @ 2:25pm 
Great. Glad you can fix it. It didnt look right but I wasnt sure. I will post any errors I find in the other forum. So far I haven't gotten those errors to show up again. Thanks for the game hints. I see that you also posted few of them under the game hints topic. This is a good idea. I havent figured out how to use skills yet. I did add points to the forge skill. Not sure how to make it work. Thanks again for the fast replies!!
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