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THQ Nordic  [developer] Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:00am
Information on Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition release (ENG/GER)
Hey there - please find a message from my colleague, Philipp, below - you are for sure keen on more information on the Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition release

This is a message from Philipp, PR and Marketing guy from Nordic Games.

Introducing the Nordic Franchise Loyalty Program (if you’re into acronyms: NFLP) for Darksiders

With the release of the Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition on November 5th 2015, I am very excited to give you all the dirty little details on behalf of Nordic Games, and the introduction of our NFLP for the Darksiders franchise.

The following post explains the 3 different tiers of said NFLP for Darksiders on Steam. In other words: these are applicable for anybody who bought a Steam version, i.e. on Steam itself, as a boxed PC Steam key version or on any other digital platform selling Steam keys.

Our original plan was to have the free copy unlocked for everyone owning Darksiders II and ALL DLCs, but unfortunately this was not possible from a purely technical point of view (on Steam). Therefore we chose to give our loyal fans the closest possible option to this original plan:

• Tier 1: Owners of the Darksiders Franchise Pack ( http://store.steampowered.com/sub/18777/ ), purchased or activated through Steam before November 5th, will receive Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition for PC completely FREE.
• Tier 2: Owners of the original Darksiders II, purchased or activated through Steam before November 5th, will be able to pick up Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition for PC at an 80% discount for the first week of release.
Edition on November 5th 2015 will get an 80% discount during the first release week
• Tier 3: All newcomers to the series will be able to get Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition for PC at a 20% discount for the first week of release.

“But how does this black magic work?!?!” you may wonder…
If you are a Tier 1, you will find the Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition automatically as a game in your Steam library once it releases on November 5th 2015.
If you are a Tier 2, you will have an 80% discount usable on your purchase of Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition during the first release week.
If you are a Tier 3, you will have a 20% discount usable on your purchase of Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition during the first release week.

Thank you for playing Darksiders, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy the Deathinitive Edition of Darksiders II on PC.

Best regards,

Philipp (PR Nordic Games)

Liebe STEAM Community, hier eine Info von meinem Kollegen, Philipp, ihr seid sicher schon gespannt auf mehr Informationen zum Darksiders II Deathinitive Release:

Dies ist eine Nachricht von Philipp, dem PR- und Marketingverantwortlichen von Nordic Games.

Hiermit will ich euch mit dem Nordic Franchise Treue-Programm (für diejenigen von euch, die auf Abkürzungen stehen: NFTP) für Darksiders bekannt machen.

Mit dem Release der Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition am 5. November 2015, freue ich mich, euch all die schmutzigen Details über Nordic Games und die Einführung des NFTP für das Darksiders Franchise zu verraten.

Der folgende Post erklärt die 3 verschiedenen Stufen der besagten NFTP für Darksiders auf Steam und für alle Plattformen, die auf Steam Keys basieren. In anderen Worten: Sie betreffen jeden, der eine Steam Version gekauft hat, entweder auf Steam selbst, als Box-Version, oder jeder anderen digitalen Plattform, die auf Basis von Steam Keys handelt.

Unser ursprünglicher Plan war es, jedem, der Darksiders II und ALLE DLCs besitzt, die Gratisversion (Rang 1) anzubieten - leider wurde uns dies von einem rein technischen Standpunkt auf Steam verwehrt. Also haben wir uns für die an diesem Plan naheliegenste Möglichkeit entschieden:

• Rang 1: Jeder, der zum Release der Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition am 5. November 2015 das Darksiders Franchise Pack ( http://store.steampowered.com/sub/18777/ - diese Version wird mit dem Release von Deathinitive offline gehen) besitzt, das entweder direkt auf Steam, oder aber auch durch einen Steam Key (boxed und/oder digital) aktiviert wurde, bekommt die Deathinitive Edition umsonst (freebie, gratuit, gratuito, for free, gratuito).
• Rang 2: Jeder, der bis zum Release der Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition am 5. November 2015 das originale Darksiders II (auf Steam selbst oder durch einen Steam Key aktiviert, Box- und digitale Versionen) besitzt, bekommt einen Rabatt von 80% während der ersten Releasewoche.
• Rang 3: Für alle Nicht-Besitzer wird es in der 1. Veröffentlichungswoche einen Rabatt von 20% geben.

„Aber wie funktioniert diese schwarze Magie?!?“ wird sich vielleicht der ein oder die andere wundern…
Diejenigen, die den Kriterien des 1. Rangs entsprechen, werden die Darksiders Deathinitive Edition automatisch als Spiel in ihrer Steam Bibliothek finden, sobald es am 5. November 2015 veröffentlicht wurde.
Diejenigen, die den Kriterien der 2. Rangs entsprechen, werden das Spiel mit einem 80% Rabatt angeboten bekommen, der für den Kauf einer Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition verwendbar ist.
Für diejenigen, auf die Rang 3 zutrifft, wird es einen Rabatt von 20% geben, der für den Kauf einer Darksiders II Deathinitive verwendbar ist.

Danke für das Spielen von Darksiders, ich hoffe, dass euch die Deathinitive Edition von Darksiders II gefallen wird.

Liebe Grüße
Philipp (PR Nordic Games)
Last edited by THQ Nordic; Nov 5, 2015 @ 1:58am
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Showing 1-15 of 891 comments
Venom Snail Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:19am 
Only for franchise owners? Really?
I mean, I have Darksiders 1, Darksiders 2+Season pass+ a bunch of DLCs, I'm missing some weapons, an horse upgrade...and we won't receive the upgrade for free? Please extend the offer to people owning at least DS1+DS2+Season Pass, it would be the right thing to do honestly.
Eliv Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:22am 
Same here, I own Darksiders 1 and Darksiders 2 + season pass and some dlc.
Newblade Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:25am 
I'm only missing the soundtrack and a stupid armor set DLC from the franchise pack, and I'm getting the same discount as people that only own DS2. Please reconsider.
Toadie Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:33am 
Wait...so I'm only missing the soundtrack and I have EVERY SINGLE other thing in the franchise pack and I'm not getting it free? Is this true?!
~Sn@ke~ Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:36am 
Originally posted by Punished Snake:
Only for franchise owners? Really?
I mean, I have Darksiders 1, Darksiders 2+Season pass+ a bunch of DLCs, I'm missing some weapons, an horse upgrade...and we won't receive the upgrade for free? Please extend the offer to people owning at least DS1+DS2+Season Pass, it would be the right thing to do honestly.

THQ Nordic  [developer] Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:37am 
Hi guys,
Our original plan was to have the free copy unlocked for everyone owning Darksiders II and ALL DLCs but unfortunately this was technically not possible so we were told and therefore we chose the Steam version being the one unit unlocking the free copy which is as close as possible to the content we wanted our loyal fans to own - the Darksiders Franchise pack. Hope you anyways appreciate the great loyalty program, we will offer you together with our friends from Valve, no matter if you are unlocking the free copy or the high end 80 % discount.
Thank you & Cheers
Toadie Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:39am 
Originally posted by Nordic Games:
Hi guys,
Our original plan was to have the free copy unlocked for everyone owning Darksiders II and ALL DLCs but unfortunately this was technically not possible so we were told and therefore we chose the Steam version being the one unit unlocking the free copy which is as close as possible to the content we wanted our loyal fans to own - the Darksiders Franchise pack. Hope you anyways appreciate the great loyalty program, we will offer you together with our friends from Valve, no matter if you are unlocking the free copy or the high end 80 % discount.
Thank you & Cheers

If I own every singe piece of content in the Franchise pack, but didn't actually purchase it as the full package all at once, does that mean I don't qualify? That would be really frustrating if that's the case.
CrazyCJ Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:41am 
So if I have everything in the pack but the soundtrack,can I buy the soundtrack and that counts as having the pack, or do I really have to pay $60 for stuff Ialready own to get new version of a game for free? I mean if I can just pay $5 for the soundtrack and have it count as owning the pack that is better than the $12 that the new version would be at with the 80% discount.
Froh Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:42am 
So, little question. If we own every single piece of the franchise pack (but we didnt buy "the franchise pack"), do we get the Tiers 1 ?
THQ Nordic  [developer] Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:44am 
Originally posted by Toadie:
If I own every singe piece of content in the Franchise pack, but didn't actually purchase it as the full package all at once, does that mean I don't qualify? That would be really frustrating if that's the case.
Then you will still get the high end 80 % voucher - as said, technically we had to bind tier 1 to one single SKU, which was and is the Franchise pack. 80 % off isn't too bad either, right? :)

PS: Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition will cost 29.99 and all Darksiders II owners which are not having the Franchise pack will get the 80 % discount on that price - so it will be around 6 bucks.
Last edited by THQ Nordic; Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:46am
Toadie Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:47am 
Originally posted by Nordic Games:
Originally posted by Toadie:
If I own every singe piece of content in the Franchise pack, but didn't actually purchase it as the full package all at once, does that mean I don't qualify? That would be really frustrating if that's the case.
Then you will still get the high end 80 % voucher - as said, technically we had to bind tier 1 to one single SKU, which was and is the Franchise pack. 80 % off isn't too bad either, right? :)

I mean sure, its better than nothing, but after spending a LOT of money on all the DLC and the season pass, it just annoying to have to pay 12 bucks more, especially since the discount only lasts a week. Don't get me wrong, I know you guys didn't really have to do any discount, but its still a bit frustrating after the support us hardcore fans of the game have shown.
THQ Nordic  [developer] Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:49am 
Originally posted by Toadie:
I mean sure, its better than nothing, but after spending a LOT of money on all the DLC and the season pass, it just annoying to have to pay 12 bucks more, especially since the discount only lasts a week. Don't get me wrong, I know you guys didn't really have to do any discount, but its still a bit frustrating after the support us hardcore fans of the game have shown.
6 bucks - not 12 bucks :) price is 29.99 and you get an 80 % voucher if you own Darksiders II.
Kinslayer Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:49am 
Originally posted by Nordic Games:
Originally posted by Toadie:
If I own every singe piece of content in the Franchise pack, but didn't actually purchase it as the full package all at once, does that mean I don't qualify? That would be really frustrating if that's the case.
Then you will still get the high end 80 % voucher - as said, technically we had to bind tier 1 to one single SKU, which was and is the Franchise pack. 80 % off isn't too bad either, right? :)

PS: Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition will cost 29.99 and all Darksiders II owners which are not having the Franchise pack will get the 80 % discount on that price - so it will be around 6 bucks.

It's lame that us who bought Collectors Edition get the same price as the one who got it 'normal'
Craphex Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:51am 
Actually $6 aint bad at all, I already spent more on the PS4 version last week. Love the game! Every little helps towards the third game! ;)
Hirogen(CD) Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:51am 
hmm feel a bit let down... i own Darksiders 1 + 2 for the 360...bought the steam version 'cause I supported the original developer... and now I have to pay another 6 bucks for an graphical upgrade... hmm... :steamsad:

well I hope at least you are developing Darksiders 3 + 4 :steammocking:
Last edited by Hirogen(CD); Nov 4, 2015 @ 5:52am
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