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game doesnt launch
i played a few minutes of this game a couple years ago and back then it worked, but after reinstalling it today it wont even launch. like the steam button will go from 'Launching...' back to 'Play' and nothing happens. i saw someone else talk about this in a post from like a decade ago but none of the advice there worked (verifying, deleting the intro videos, running as admin, running the other installers, running in compatibility mode....). ftr i havent changed my windows version and im using the exact same laptop as before. what is going on here why does this game hate me

UPDATE installing this game or one of the fixes i tried literally broke every other game i try to launch now, FNV wont launch anymore (failed to initialize renderer), other games are suddenly slow as hell, i dont knw anything about computers so iassume whoever made darksiders is EVIL and hates me specifically because now i cant use my laptop for games at all anymore. peace and love

FINAL UPDATE issues are all resolved after thoroughly scrubbing all traces of this game from my device, reinstalling/repairing all my graphics stuff and restarting my lappytop. ive excorcised the demon Begone forever
Last edited by peenyweeny; Feb 8 @ 2:27am