

Goooood News! Vive discount news here.
Well thanks to Choates,Jinx and a few other helpful individuals ive been doing some more reasearch on how to obtain my Vive since my saving took a massive hit after some Car issues, and ive found a few useful links...

Sadly it will still be at least 2-3 months till i catch up again before im able to purchase,

So ill be continuing to push for a desktop/controller mode even after as i want many people to enjoy Anyland as possible, ive also jumped into Unity last night to produce some templates,

So hopefully in the process i may come up with some unique ideas for my own title, as i have my Sony, Nintendo and soon Steam Greenlight Publishers licenses,

At the moment im working on an AR application for the Las Vegas convention center and hope to gain a contract at next years CES, so i can finnally start my business properly.

Running into financial issues recently was no fun for me, as im sure its hard on kids who cant afford the hardware that there friends have, i know this all to well as a kid all my friends had a Snes and i had an atari.
Which is the main reason i try to help as many people find solutions as possible, no barriers.
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Zobrazeno 15 z 5 komentářů
Us anylanders managed to save for the VIVE... but we cant actually afford to do anything else now.... my main form of clothing is created in AL now:)

Hope you get there sooner chap
Jinx 16. kvě. 2017 v 15.24 
A friend of mine got married instead of buying a Vive! LOL! ;-) ;-)
I had a chance at life once. I bought a vive instead and found an anylife.
Nicolas Cage původně napsal:
I had a chance at life once. I bought a vive instead and found an anylife.

New official Anyland tag line for the store? lol so true once i get my Vive, goodbye reality,
i reject your reality, and supstitute my own - Adam Savage
Naposledy upravil VeGas GhOst; 17. kvě. 2017 v 21.02
Changing my review now
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Zobrazeno 15 z 5 komentářů
Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 16. kvě. 2017 v 14.39
Počet příspěvků: 5