Vantier Sep 17, 2020 @ 5:41pm
"Hard" mode complaint
Seems very overkill for the hard mode levels to simultaneously modify the levels while also removing the checkpoints, which prevents you from effectively practicing the modified sections of the level. Games been out long enough that I doubt you guys would consider changing this, but IMO the deathless completion should really be an optional challenge rather than be paired and forced with hard levels. I only play games for the challenge, but even for me this is a bit too much lol.
    And it's unfortunate because I would like to experience and play through the hard levels, but being forced to repeatedly replay the first half of the level just to die to the same obstacle gets annoying fast and feels like I'm having my time wasted for no real reason. This wouldn't be a problem if these were 15-20 second level speedruns. But these are all 40+ second speedrun levels.
      End of rant lol