Ultimate General: Civil War

Ultimate General: Civil War

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What exactly is the penalty for your troops running out of supply/ammo? My troops will show the "AMMO" text above their head, their supply bar is totally empty, and they continue to fire.
Is there an efficiency penalty or reloading penalty that I am not seeing?

Thanks in advance for any clarification.
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When you troops are out of ammo it take longer for them to reload before they fire again i think its suppose to simulate your guys searching for ammo from spent rounds or looking for them from dead soldiers.
Large panalty on your mens reload time. In a big fight it becomes a real problem because they can't fire much.

If they run out of ammo I'd pull them back because you will lose a ton of men.
Yeah, everyone is correct so far. That is what I have noticed anyway.
Ok thanks. I will have to pay closer attention to the reloading times.
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Geplaatst op: 20 jun 2017 om 21:10
Aantal berichten: 4