Ultimate General: Civil War

Ultimate General: Civil War

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TymBark Mar 5, 2017 @ 9:49pm
Battle of Chickamauga
Im starting to get irratated as the union in the first part of the battle where u have to hold off the bridge heads with about 1200 troops armed with spencer rifles. it seems to me my army loves to let the confederates rout behind them at this point i have no cav to deal with a routing unit or my units are too small to be usefull to pursue the routing unit. It makes no sence to me how a unit would route towards an enemy. this is irratating becasue when they come back they are about 1600 men strong flanking my position
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Guernica Mar 5, 2017 @ 9:53pm 
Yeah I've had the same issue.

I route the unit, and they route through the line, reform behind. I've replayed 5 times now, same thing every time.

If it wasn't for that, I'm pretty sure I could hold Alexander's Bridge.
banditks Mar 5, 2017 @ 10:59pm 
I am about to lose it, this battle is all kinds of screwed up. I had two full units of cav SPAWN behind my lines! right ontop of an objective. So far i hate this battle about as much as Chancellorsville. this battle for where the freaking confeds SPAWN and where they start with there units, and Chancellorsville for teleporting my units around instead of leaving them where i placed them!
I am so irratated for the first time with this game i want to play it less and less.
This battle is freaking full of confeds routing DEEPER into my territory. not to mention where these freaking units start out at in the first place.
I just finished and won the battle but good lord i dont want to play this game for a few days it was so annoying.
Wright29 Mar 5, 2017 @ 11:31pm 
Playing on Colonel and was not expecting to be outnumbered 65,000 to 125,000. I'd expect that from Hard or Legendary, but not almost 2:1 on Easy mode.
uhamster9 Mar 5, 2017 @ 11:44pm 
Originally posted by Wright29:
Playing on Colonel and was not expecting to be outnumbered 65,000 to 125,000. I'd expect that from Hard or Legendary, but not almost 2:1 on Easy mode.
What's your army composition? If you have too many too many brigades of smaller units, the enemy will outnumber you with their infantry brigades.
Vilmin JF Mar 6, 2017 @ 7:10am 
Chickamauga is a difficult battle even for CSA; I uderstand people screw up!!
So suggestion:
Change your strategy:
For me as CSA I use to disband (arty and infy)a part of my 3th corp; some of my cav s 2nd corp and shock cav and skirmishers of my first corp.
I have to reorganise a big part of my army to face chickamauga.
So as Union if you need cav to hold alexander s bridge just afford cav for it!!!
Save your game and try if it s works!!
Ring & Chime Mar 6, 2017 @ 7:23am 
Originally posted by Vilmin JF:
Chickamauga is a difficult battle even for CSA; I uderstand people screw up!!
So suggestion:
Change your strategy:
For me as CSA I use to disband (arty and infy)a part of my 3th corp; some of my cav s 2nd corp and shock cav and skirmishers of my first corp.
I have to reorganise a big part of my army to face chickamauga.
So as Union if you need cav to hold alexander s bridge just afford cav for it!!!
Save your game and try if it s works!!

The issue is that the Union gets a predetermined set of units for the first part of the battle before being reinforced by the player and have to face off against a much larger group. Because of how large the enemy force is against what the game forces you to use, it makes units routing behind you much more deadly because positioning matters more than ever as the Union. A single brigade that routs behind you is larger than your whole force at the bridge combined sometimes, so your units take immense amounts of damage because of weird routing ai rather than through a fault of your own. Because the enemy has routed behind you and come up behind you, you are now attacked from two sides by forces that are larger than everything you have, it is almost impossible not to get rear flanked in that situation. If you abandon the bridge and decide to hide in the woods to save your units, if they get found they'll still get a lot of damage.

The rest of the battle was not a problem for me, just this beginning part.
Vilmin JF Mar 6, 2017 @ 7:35am 
Sorry didn t know you cannot choose your units.
A good trick if you don t want to allow ennemy routing on your back (it s work for me as csa)is:
Fall back first; soften up the ennemy then when time is coming just charge as Hell and retake the bridge.
If it doesn t work it s because the devs want you to proceed next day and victory on day one is not a real option.
good luck
gshawcross Mar 10, 2017 @ 4:46pm 
The beginning of Chickamauga (the river crossings) is an unpleasant experience. I do my best to maneuver, hide and evade but in the end I have to let the first two crossings go—there's no holding back a 10-to-1 disadvantage in men.
Wright29 Mar 11, 2017 @ 4:00pm 
Originally posted by uhamster9:
Originally posted by Wright29:
Playing on Colonel and was not expecting to be outnumbered 65,000 to 125,000. I'd expect that from Hard or Legendary, but not almost 2:1 on Easy mode.
What's your army composition? If you have too many too many brigades of smaller units, the enemy will outnumber you with their infantry brigades.

I have a massive five-corps army in that campaign with maxed out infantry brigades. I'm OK with the AI army scaling to my army, but it only let me deploy two corps. And the union starting forces don't scale. So my own forces can take on 2950 brigades, but the starting forces just get overpowered.
I agree that the start of this battle as Union is unusually difficult with the confederates outnumbering the union by about 10-1.
Guernica Mar 13, 2017 @ 7:50am 
See, I don't even mind the 10-1 troops. Historically, those bridges and the troops defending them only delayed the CSA.

My issue is with the routing mechanics, where the CSA brigades rout through the union troops and then reform behind them. This is absolutely gamebraking imo. There's just no way you can maintain the line with a brigade firing at your flannk from behind.

The only viable option I've really found is to pull your troops backafter the first 2 brigades attempt to cross, and rout through you line.

It's definitely does not make the game fun.
Koro Mar 13, 2017 @ 7:55am 
The routing issue could not be fixed during beta unfortunately. Bridges apparently make the rout mechanic go nuts and you see the result yourself. Hopefully it can be addressed as the game develops
Koro Mar 13, 2017 @ 7:57am 
Originally posted by gshawcross:
The beginning of Chickamauga (the river crossings) is an unpleasant experience. I do my best to maneuver, hide and evade but in the end I have to let the first two crossings go—there's no holding back a 10-to-1 disadvantage in men.
I agree the numbers are not balanced at all. Even though you're not "supposed" to hold the river crossings long term, it is still a bit too unfavorable with the numbers.
stevenkj Mar 13, 2017 @ 5:13pm 
It's absolutely horrible to play through this battle as the Union right now, in the campaign. Enemies routing behind fortifications on day 1 is just the start; on day two there are a horde of over-powered skirmishers defending Jay's Mill turning it a micro-managing grind & then what seems to be an almost endless stream of full-size enemy brigades show up later.
It's not much better from the CSA side. I lost 19k of the 34k men in the battle. The Union lost like 26k of 40k. And even though I had rolled the Union flank and held both crossroads and it was just a matter of time, I lost because I didn't beat the stupid clock.

And for the love of god, this game needs to do something about the AI just never quitting. Battered and decimated brigades of thousands of men don't just fight and fight and keep coming until they're ground down to nothing. Which is what keeps happening. Which means my brigades, even though they're winning the fight, have to fight until they go from 1300 men to 400 men and it's ridiculous.
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Date Posted: Mar 5, 2017 @ 9:49pm
Posts: 22