Mafia II (Classic)

Mafia II (Classic)

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Mafia II Steam sale
Get 80% off Mafia II! Get ready for #Mafia3 news August 5. Tell ‘em Vito sent ya.
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 292
not be downloaded not
is Mafia 3 going to have the same EULA where u guys "have the right" to sell our private information right and left ?
can select language only french.
paid for downloaded does not work
Can someone get me mafia 2 please.
KRON 30 juil. 2015 à 0h29 
Too bad i already own the game.
Still waiting for Mafia 1 to return to steam.
Rust a écrit :
Still waiting for Mafia 1 to return to steam.
очень повезло
what happen to the 80% untill the 5 of aug. it wasnt on sale as of thurs morning. Steam i think you need to get you site fixed\
Was waiting for this to come on sale for a very long time.
ziegenbock a écrit :
Rust a écrit :
Still waiting for Mafia 1 to return to steam.

+1, i want too Mafia 1 on Steam! :steamhappy:
And now it's gone..
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