sumolagann Jun 2, 2017 @ 3:46pm
*spoilers* ending
I had a bad feeling the ending was going to be something like this. Leaves such a bad taste. I was fine with it being a bit random/knock off feeling, but this just makes the whole game feel meaningless. Also the random♥♥♥♥♥clothes just to throw you off... I enjoyed the platforming/animations at least. :/

I'm sure some people will like it, I just hate twists like this. Seems lazy.
Last edited by sumolagann; Jun 2, 2017 @ 3:52pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Gregarius Jun 4, 2017 @ 12:46pm 
I didn't like the ending, but not because of the twist - because it was wrapped in confusion.

You're playing the boy, but are you actually playing the grieving father? The name of the levels in the "Select Chapter" section are all stages of grief.
Why show the boy trying to save the father?
Why have the father inside the boy's world as a dark man wrapped in red?
Why turn dark yourself and then become colored again?

The music was great, the art style was great, but the story fell apart because it tried to force a "mysterious" narrative that, instead of leaving me with a feeling of profoundness, left me with a feeling of '...what?'. I think the game would've made more sense if you played the man and saw statues of a boy, and the boy's silhouette was there trying to aid you through the stages (game levels) of grief.
Last edited by Gregarius; Jun 4, 2017 @ 12:46pm
Urban Shaman Jun 4, 2017 @ 12:59pm 
Originally posted by Gregarious:
I didn't like the ending, but not because of the twist - because it was wrapped in confusion.

You're playing the boy, but are you actually playing the grieving father? The name of the levels in the "Select Chapter" section are all stages of grief.
Why show the boy trying to save the father?
Why have the father inside the boy's world as a dark man wrapped in red?
Why turn dark yourself and then become colored again?

The music was great, the art style was great, but the story fell apart because it tried to force a "mysterious" narrative that, instead of leaving me with a feeling of profoundness, left me with a feeling of '...what?'. I think the game would've made more sense if you played the man and saw statues of a boy, and the boy's silhouette was there trying to aid you through the stages (game levels) of grief.

While I didn't really like the ending myself, I think there is a bit of sense to the story.

It's what the father imagines is happening to the boy... sort of, kind of.

a) denial - the father imagines the boy survives, lands on a sunny island. Perhaps the father even imagines himself being there with him?
b) anger - even if the boy survives, there are bound to be dangers. The father imagines the boy overcoming the dangers. Some themes of the dead start to creep in tho.
c) barganing - the father hopes beyond all hope that somehow the boy managed to work things out. Perhaps he lost some thing along the way (i.e. broken "robots"), but would ultimately push forward?
d) depression - even the boy is sad at this turn of events. At this point things start to unravel a bit.

The scenario where you, as the boy, are trying to save the fateher might be visualization of the "it should have been me / what if it was me" theme.

I'm not sure why the boat from the "flashbacks" is, initially, in the sand tho. I'm also not sure how the sun / moon / light / shadow theme plays into it (beyond an obvious life - death theme), if at all. Same thing with the keyholes and the king / prince (?) subarc. These don't fit all that well into it.

Finally, in a story with such a (possibly) profound ending, things like extra outfits or boring collectibles really don't feel right.
Last edited by Urban Shaman; Jun 5, 2017 @ 3:07pm
Raith Jun 5, 2017 @ 12:57am 
Have to agree, sadly. Totally squandered all the intrigue generated over the course of the game with this cop-out ending.

To the Developers:: If you wanted to make a game about death and loss then make 'that' game, don't just ret-con it in as the ending as if it was in any way earned by the game that came before it.
mizlplix Jun 5, 2017 @ 12:08pm 
This was a REALLY nice game. BUT, as others have said, the ending SUCKS!
Now I will never replay it again, as I do other games I liked. I will NOT buy any more from this Developer....They are on my ♥♥♥♥ list.
Rofl its funny how retarded kids blacklist devs because they do not like a ending of a game.

I di not really like it either, still the game might as well has no story at all. Its just some excuse story to send someone into a fantasy world doing riddles. To me it does not really matter if the levels are stages or greif or just levels in a game.

This game is a piece of art without or with story.
sumolagann Jun 5, 2017 @ 3:09pm 
Originally posted by ЯeÐ ĄnimaŁ ШaЯ:
Rofl its funny how retarded kids blacklist devs because they do not like a ending of a game.

I di not really like it either, still the game might as well has no story at all. Its just some excuse story to send someone into a fantasy world doing riddles. To me it does not really matter if the levels are stages or greif or just levels in a game.

This game is a piece of art without or with story.

The animations are nice and all that, which is why I don't hate it, but I could never recommend it because of the ending. It almost turned my feelings into it being shovelware. It's like a cluster of ideas with no plan for them, and I wouldn't buy the devs new game until a low price because of it. The alternate outfits are tasteless too, but I guess that doesn't matter. It's just really weak in comparison to games I consider art or masterpieces.
Last edited by sumolagann; Jun 5, 2017 @ 3:15pm
Urban Shaman Jun 5, 2017 @ 3:13pm 
Originally posted by ЯeÐ ĄnimaŁ ШaЯ:
Rofl its funny how retarded kids blacklist devs because they do not like a ending of a game.

I di not really like it either, still the game might as well has no story at all. Its just some excuse story to send someone into a fantasy world doing riddles. To me it does not really matter if the levels are stages or greif or just levels in a game.

This game is a piece of art without or with story.
Well, each to their own. I won't be "blacklistting" anyone, but I do agree that the games ending is just as important as the journey.

The ending is what "sticks" with a lot of people. Botch that up, and it'll leave a sour taste. This can have a bad impact on scores and future purchases.

That said - the ending in RIME isn't "Duke Nukem bad". It's well crafted, it completes the story (see my reasoning above for why it at least sort of works). It's not a silly cliffhanger ending like so many games tend to do, or some sudden "the end" thrown into our face.

It's just a bummer - I thought this was an interesting exploration game with a positive attiude and a mysthery theme, only to find it being something else by the end. THAT'S where the problem is.
Originally posted by Shaamaan:
It's not a silly cliffhanger ending like so many games tend to do, or some sudden "the end" thrown into our face.

It's just a bummer - I thought this was an interesting exploration game with a positive attiude and a mysthery theme, only to find it being something else by the end. THAT'S where the problem is.

This ending feels like "eeeeh, we can't be bothered anymore" and it just leaves me wondering why bothered with the game :-|
rpgking111 Nov 23, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
I think you're all crazy... I played the entire game somewhat as a relaxed plat-former/adventure game... The revelation at the end had me in tears... Then I took a look at the "Chapter Select" and started crying again. Then looked at the "Extras" section and cried some more... Everything made sense because of the ending.
xVertigo Dec 25, 2017 @ 5:47am 
Originally posted by rpgking111:
I think you're all crazy... I played the entire game somewhat as a relaxed plat-former/adventure game... The revelation at the end had me in tears... Then I took a look at the "Chapter Select" and started crying again. Then looked at the "Extras" section and cried some more... Everything made sense because of the ending.

I feel the same. The game was fun at the beginning and it became dark. The ending was a punch in the guts for me.
At the last part I got the feeling that we were actually escorting the child's spirit to the next realm, as he tried to hold to the world in between.
Excellent game in my opinion. Since 'Journey', I was looking for a similar game.
Last edited by xVertigo; Dec 25, 2017 @ 5:48am
fish Dec 28, 2018 @ 8:52pm 
Weird, and sad, to see people hate on games for not having a 'happy' ending, or for trying to explore some dark emotions (like grief). I thought the ending was perfect. It was pretty obvious the first time you go through the white light that what you were viewing was not reality.
sumolagann Dec 29, 2018 @ 2:45pm 
Originally posted by fish:
Weird, and sad, to see people hate on games for not having a 'happy' ending, or for trying to explore some dark emotions (like grief). I thought the ending was perfect. It was pretty obvious the first time you go through the white light that what you were viewing was not reality.

That's not the reason, I just dislike the you're in a coma or dead and it was all a dream type thing. Seems like just an excuse not to write something, or just make up whatever and it doesn't have to make sense. I just find it bad, idk. Most of my favourite games have weird or unhappy endings.
Originally posted by fish:
Weird, and sad, to see people hate on games for not having a 'happy' ending, or for trying to explore some dark emotions (like grief). I thought the ending was perfect. It was pretty obvious the first time you go through the white light that what you were viewing was not reality.

Originally posted by sumolagann:
That's not the reason, I just dislike the you're in a coma or dead and it was all a dream type thing. Seems like just an excuse not to write something, or just make up whatever and it doesn't have to make sense. I just find it bad, idk. Most of my favourite games have weird or unhappy endings.

Plot twist: In the end of Rime 2, it's revealed that daddy was in a coma, dreaming the entire thing.
And depending on your choices; some/all of the family members mayy or may not be there to greet him as he wakes up.
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