Natural Selection 2
Graphics Card
Will my Graphics Card (GC) be able to run this game?

I have an AMD Radeon HD 8330

I meet all the other reqirments and can run games like Contagion, Team Fortress 2 and Hawken if that info helps at all.

Any info if it can or not would be great,
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At 128 shader cores, those specs are even lower than some of the lowest end discrete Radeon cards. Notebook check claims the specs of the HD 8330 are similar to Intel's HD 4000 integrated graphics and I have an ultrabook with that iGPU. I tried running NS2, but I could not even get playable frame rates even at the lowest settings. Keep in mind these are theoretical benchmarks.

Unfortunately, NS2 is a pretty demanding game and you have to have some pretty beefy hardware to want to max it out. However, it runs pretty well on mid-range hardware now if you ever decide to get a desktop PC. Something like a GTX 750 Ti, HD 7850 or above would give you a good experience and those are very affordable cards.

Just to give you some references, I used to run a GTX 480, which is slightly faster than a HD 7850 and could play it on high with a few settings turned down and maintained 60fps almost consistently @ 1080p. If you're looking to max it out at 1080p then my best guess would be a GTX 760 or even a 770. I'm currently running an i5-2500k @ 4.5ghz with a GTX 780 and it can easily maintain 60fps on a 1440p monitor, but I would need to SLI in order to keep it at 120fps consistently.

Hope this helps.

Отредактировано Sp0oky F1sh; 23 апр. 2014 г. в 0:01
Автор сообщения: Jormungandr
Will my Graphics Card (GC) be able to run this game?

I have an AMD Radeon HD 8330

I meet all the other reqirments and can run games like Contagion, Team Fortress 2 and Hawken if that info helps at all.

Any info if it can or not would be great,

GPU doesn't really matter. Yeah, this won't run well on Intel HD 4000, but it doesn't take that much GPU power to run the game at an acceptable FPS.

What matters is your CPU.

I'm going to repeat what I've said about 10 times.

I used to run this game on a Core 2 Dual 2.93 processor with 9800GTX+. I was struggling to get 40 FPS with everything off at a 1200x800 resolution.

I then bought on sale a GTX 560 and got, wait for it, 1 more frame per second on the same settings. A vastly superior card got ONE more frame. ONE MORE FRAME -> Sad panda bears. At least TF2 ran way better though on the 560.

I then built a new computer around an i5 4670k with the same GTX 560 and at a higher resolution with higher settings got 170 FPS.

Night a day between the Core 2 Dual and the i5. Same GPU, but 130 FPS difference.

Yes, your GPU is weak, weaker than my old 9800GTX+, but it's your CPU that will make or break the performance on your computer.
^ GPU still makes a good difference, recently got a GTX 770 Windforce (overclocked it to 1250MHz/7250MHz) and noticed something like a 40FPS boost from my HD 7850 - now I can run max settings <3

Edit: How are you liking the 4670k? I have the same.
Отредактировано LucK_; 23 апр. 2014 г. в 7:27
this is all great info but just to be clear if i did buy the game and if i did play it, i couldnt play it on max settings and even on medium to low id still only have 40fps or less? <-- if thats wrong please forgive me but i have limited knowledge on GC, gpu's and cpu's lol but talking of cpu my cpu is an AMD Quad-Core Processor A4-5000. So a basic question to it all, is NS2 playable (40fps or better) on my laptop? once again thank you all for the info :)
I do not think you'll get that much on your laptop.
When I ran NS2 on my laptop, I got around 15 fps. Sorry, man.
no worries and thanks a bunch for all the info :) im planning on splashing out on an alienware in the near future so i wont have to ask but as always thanks to all of you who help out the numb nuts (thats me lol) who doesnt know crumbs about tech ^^ and if you wonna advise on anything i should get when i do splash out (the limit is £1500 maybe £1800) then please let me know what to look for so i can run pretty much any and all games with no problems :D thanks again!
Отредактировано JormungandrRising; 24 апр. 2014 г. в 0:20
You could try the low textures mod to see how that runs. It's in the workshop.
Автор сообщения: Jormungandr
no worries and thanks a bunch for all the info :) im planning on splashing out on an alienware in the near future so i wont have to ask but as always thanks to all of you who help out the numb nuts (thats me lol) who doesnt know crumbs about tech ^^ and if you wonna advise on anything i should get when i do splash out (the limit is £1500 maybe £1800) then please let me know what to look for so i can run pretty much any and all games with no problems :D thanks again!
laptop or desktop..
2nd. do not get an alienware
Most likely a desktop seeing as im gunna use it for gaming and how come not an alienware? i heard there one of the best :o is there something better?
Автор сообщения: Jormungandr
Most likely a desktop seeing as im gunna use it for gaming and how come not an alienware? i heard there one of the best :o is there something better?
Desktop. You can build your own for a lot less than what they can do for you.
I built my first PC in the 90s before I was a teen without knowing anything, just by reading.
Now, we got youtube and all that sort of things.

Something that they may charge L1250 for, you prolly can make for L660....
Well, I don't know the price of anything around there, but I know that you can make it a lot cheaper and faster than what they can do.

If you are not comfy with doing that, I think it's best to buy from a place that would make one for you. It'll be a lot more expensive, but still way cheaper than an Alienware.
For me, I couldn't recommend a brand, I can never pay for a branded one since it is pretty easy to do it yourself.

I'm not sure on the pricing of stuff over there.
I would prolly avoid AMD graphics cards because i hate how they have their drivers.
but, it's cheaper than an nVidia.
If you do get an nVidia gfx card, I'd go for eVGA and register. (if it dies, they will replace it free and if years pass and they do not have one like yours, they will get you a higher model)

I'd use pcpartpicker to help with compatibilities and choose what you need.
I'm not quite up to date with desktops lately, I've been using laptops for a few years gaming on it.

Read reviews on the parts you'll get. Don't just buy one with 1-2 stars or no star ratings.
I wouldn't really know where to buy stuff online at your location, I'm sure someone could help with that. I generally use newegg or amazon. +, they have a lot of reviews for products.
Автор сообщения: Jormungandr
Most likely a desktop seeing as im gunna use it for gaming and how come not an alienware? i heard there one of the best :o is there something better?

Build your own desktop.

Gaming laptops are a neat concept, but you're paying a lot more for inferior hardware and virtually no room for upgrading if you need to. Pre-build desktops are even worse because they almost always skip out on something (power supply or mobo) and there is still a hefty upcharge. Building a PC isn't hard.

As far as AMD vs Nvidia goes, the whole AMD driver problems (in regards to stability) is nonsense. I don't have a personal preference as I tend to switch back and forth between the two every other generation or so. They both have their own problems, but it's pretty miniscule today. AMD used to have really, really bad problems and the only thing the 7000 series had problems with were frame pacing issues, which was still a new concept at the time and was brought up by Nvidia. They have since fixed those issues.
Автор сообщения: 100% Recycled Awesome
Автор сообщения: Jormungandr
Will my Graphics Card (GC) be able to run this game?

I have an AMD Radeon HD 8330

I meet all the other reqirments and can run games like Contagion, Team Fortress 2 and Hawken if that info helps at all.

Any info if it can or not would be great,

GPU doesn't really matter. Yeah, this won't run well on Intel HD 4000, but it doesn't take that much GPU power to run the game at an acceptable FPS.

What matters is your CPU.

I'm going to repeat what I've said about 10 times.

I used to run this game on a Core 2 Dual 2.93 processor with 9800GTX+. I was struggling to get 40 FPS with everything off at a 1200x800 resolution.

I then bought on sale a GTX 560 and got, wait for it, 1 more frame per second on the same settings. A vastly superior card got ONE more frame. ONE MORE FRAME -> Sad panda bears. At least TF2 ran way better though on the 560.

I then built a new computer around an i5 4670k with the same GTX 560 and at a higher resolution with higher settings got 170 FPS.

Night a day between the Core 2 Dual and the i5. Same GPU, but 130 FPS difference.

Yes, your GPU is weak, weaker than my old 9800GTX+, but it's your CPU that will make or break the performance on your computer.
Intel HD 4000 runs this at 1024x800(?) on med with 40 FPS, which is playable for most.

i also find it redicilous that you seem to get 170 FPS on high settings ona just a GTX 560 with 4670K? Unless you OCed?
This game's performance is strange indeed.
Infact, about a month ago I was running a AMD HD 6750 DDR3.
The FPS I got was unplesant (about 20-35 on LOW settings) until the graphics card died.

About a 3 days later I received a 6770 1gb GDDR5.
Now? I can play on high everything (no atmospherics or post processing) at about 45-57 fps, even when getting to end game.
What's weird though is the first day I have my card the game was running at about 110 fps (this was before setting to Max) and now when I do it I barely get 5 more fps.

Oh, and nothing changed but my GPU.

My CPU is a A6-3650.
i see, so basically you pay 1000 or less for a DIY PC and save a load for a better product. Nice :D thanks for the info and ill look around but as always im gunna do a bit of searching myself to see what goes well but any feed back you know works well it would be greatly appreciated. And i dont know a lot but im assuming that the important parts of the PC would be the GPU, CPU, GC, RAM and the HDD? if theres something important i missed (probably have lol) please let me know and like i said any suggestions mean a lot, it does me a great deal of help :D
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Дата создания: 22 апр. 2014 г. в 20:43
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