Bot Vice
Level 12 - Deserve No Bullet achievement not working

Level 12 -
Beat Stage 12 without destroying divers during the boss battle.

I've played this level multiple times with multiple weapons/combos (just using the default gun etc) and can't seem to unlock the achievement.

I can destroy both boss vehicles very quick before a single diver surfaces but the achievement doesn't pop.

All the other game achievements have worked fine though.
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Dani  [kehittäjä] 25.7.2018 klo 0.54 
This should work, but I'll take a look at the game code.
DYA GAMES  [kehittäjä] 25.7.2018 klo 4.50 
Mmm, looking at the code, it works like this. When the battle ends, all minions (divers) are destroyed (if there's any) and you can't get the achievement. To get this achievement you must destroy both bosses at almost the same time, because divers won't appear until some boss is destroyed.

I think I'll rework this achievement rules in the future, but I won't update the game anytime soon, sorry. I'm very short on time these days working on our current project.
Thanks for looking into it. I'll see if I can crack it under the current conditions. I appreciate you taking the time to respond and clarify everything. Cheers!
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