The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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Ilja Oct 17, 2021 @ 2:35am
Skyrim Anniversary Edition Fact Check
There are plenty of posts about this thing. Most of them have some sort of drama going on. It was high time to create a dedicated topic for this matter.

I am listing here everything we know about SAE. It is information that we have reason to believe being correct, and gets checked through reliable sources.

Who I consider reliable?
  • Cartogriffi, who deserves a raise for being consistent with his information and answering to all of our questions with best of his ability.

  • BGS developers at their own servers.

  • xSE developers tied to SKSE64 project.

  • Those few YouTubers and bloggers who actually follow the process through, share their sources and let us follow them through.

Who I do not consider reliable?
  • Bethesda PR. They have been inconsistent with the information over the whole autumn. Reason might be simple: they don't have enough technical understanding to reply certain questions, which is why they are making best guesses over each other.

  • Random redditors, nonsense bloggers and DramaTubers. Bigger the letters, bigger the BS. These guys want the visibility, but they do not want to carry any accountability. Most of them would likely get a seizure, if someone asks them to spell the word "integrity."

  • Steam forum drama llamas, conspiracy theorists and other silly pudding pots, who could use some relaxing breathing techniques between every 5 minutes of their lives.

How we work here?
Simple. You find some information that we have missed or misunderstood. We go and confirm the validity of that information, with people we consider reliable sources to help us.

See Reply #1 for relevant corrections made to this post.

Current situation (10.11.2021)
  • SAE will be separate title, when sold. It will not automatically overwrite SE on PC. Neither it is gained as free for PC. When purchased, SAE will replace SE. The main game will still remain the same. There will not be 2 versions of Skyrim SE. It will be same SE + updated compiler + creations added by SAE.

  • SAE includes the total of 74 Creation Club micro DLCs. 48 of them has been previously released. 26 of them are completely new ones.

  • SAE will act like a bundle, if bought by existing SE owner on PC. SE price will be redacted from SAE price, as it is the case with any current bundle released on Steam.

  • Next generation consoles can get enhancement update for free. SAE itself wont be free for them either.

  • All existing SE owners will get 4 creations for free, even if they didn't bought SE: Survival Mode, Fishing, Rare Curios and Saints And Seducers.

  • SAE uses upgraded compiler and it will come for SE as well. Several mods and xSE will be defunct with it, until xSE gets a matching release. Cartogriffi is working with SKSE64 developers to smooth the transition.

  • Under investigation: Bundle creations are considered as official content. They are not meant to be disabled. PC users can bypass the problem. Console players are going to have harder time, if they do not want the all the content. I am researching if this has changed.

  • Under investigation: Steam bundle practices have redacted all previously bought content from bundle price. I am researching if previously bought Creations are counted as part of the pre-existing product. So far it looks that they won't be, but I haven't gained any definite answer about this, so confirmation could go either way.

  • Under investigation: The length of SKSE64 update process has been questioned. We are invastigating if this is going to get a long time, or if update will be out faster than expected.
    Answer: No ETA. It is done when it is done.

Related content
Gopher's video about the matter.

Mods that Work with AE by cfs111

Please TURN OFF SSE UPDATES in STEAM by Vlad 254

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition FAQ By Bethesda

SKSE Plugin Status
A list of known plugins for Skyrim Script Extender and the compatible game versions. Link posted by Ianlyn.

Last edited by Ilja; Nov 12, 2021 @ 10:15pm
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Showing 1-15 of 682 comments
Ilja Oct 17, 2021 @ 2:46am 
Relevant updates
  • 13.11.2021
    - Added: Mods that Work with AE by cfs111
  • 05.11.2021
    - Added: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition FAQ By Bethesda
  • 31.10.2021
    - Added: Guide: Don't Panic! here is how to roll back an update for Skyrim SE by HazakTheMad
    - Added: Section Guides
  • 29.10.2021
    - Added: Changed the number free SE creations from 3 to 4, as per Bethesda Softworks YouTube video. Fourth is called Rare Curios.
    - Added: Link to page SKSE Plugin status from modding wiki.
  • 25.10.2021
    - Added: Please TURN OFF SSE UPDATES in STEAM by Vlad 254
  • 23.10.2021
    - Added: Gopher's video about upcoming SE/SAE update.
  • 17.10.2021
    - Edited: the information about how SAE is expected to be released on Steam.
    - Corrected: information about console updates. I made a mistake there, by following old and misleading information that was already corrected elsewhere.
Last edited by Ilja; Nov 12, 2021 @ 10:17pm
Ilja Oct 17, 2021 @ 3:44am 
They are not exactly releasing a new version of the game. SAE is just SE with added creations.

They are introducing updated compiler for SE / SAE. This is what messes up some thing. However, this time Cartogriffi is actually working with xSE team, so that SKSE64 would get updated rather sooner than later.

Edit: To be a bit more clear: compiler affects on mods with scripts. Standard scripted mods that have trouble should be easy enough to convert with updated Creation Kit. Those that depend on SKSE64 will have trouble, until extender gets updated for new compiler.
Last edited by Ilja; Oct 17, 2021 @ 3:46am
cfs111 Oct 17, 2021 @ 3:50am 
Ilja Oct 17, 2021 @ 3:58am 
Before the conversation about "if" and "but" begins, let me type this open.

BGS is doing exactly what the community has asked them to do for years!

This whole thing is yet another "be careful what you wish for" -scenario. People have complained about old systems for years and years.

Every time they make an update, players whine about how they are greedy SOBs for not providing upgrades to still active game.

And when they do, players whine about how they are greedy SOBs for providing upgrades to still active game.

This is why their PR staff must be eating meds for breakfast and walk backwards in stairs. What ever BGS does, someone always gets angry about it and writes a grumpy overly long posts to reddit.

Let's keep this with thread with technical matters and pricing. Those are the facts what we can check.
max Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:03am 
I'm sure I've seen ppl explaining this before but I wasn't smart enough to understand, the only thing I actually want to be clear on at this point is does that means my current mod list will be just fine once new skse64 is out or some mods would still require update on mod author's part?
cfs111 Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:08am 
Most, if not all skse mods will require updating by the mod authors. And if form id's for the game change nearly all mods will require updating.
Deltium Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:11am 
well done on this post. I am totally new to Skyrim, so I am keen to try the AE. Cheers.
Ilja Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:11am 
I have not noticed them speaking about Form 45, but that is of course plausible.

Nio info on that thogh. I can try and ask about it.
cfs111 Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:14am 
Cool, I am interested to find out. If the form changes then we will have to await a new CK before most mods can be converted. This is getting interesting.
TheGlitterJojo Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:32am 
You get a cookie for calling Steam dramatists "silly pudding pots". Thank you for constantly teaching me creative, yet family friendly ways to insult someone! :steammocking:

Subbed. :steamthumbsup:
Avrie Oct 17, 2021 @ 4:45am 
Lurking in the shadows as well
Great, lets just hope people actually read and don't just post "but the vid I saw says blah blah blah"
TheGlitterJojo Oct 17, 2021 @ 5:01am 
Originally posted by alexander_dougherty:
Great, lets just hope people actually read and don't just post "but the vid I saw says blah blah blah"
Alex, this is Steam.
Originally posted by ManicGlitter:
Originally posted by alexander_dougherty:
Great, lets just hope people actually read and don't just post "but the vid I saw says blah blah blah"
Alex, this is Steam.
Hence the word "Hope"

Not actually expecting it, just hoping, and as the phrase goes "Hope springs eternal"..... as opposed to "Hops spring eternal" which is something to do with brewing:steamsalty:
TheGlitterJojo Oct 17, 2021 @ 5:07am 
Originally posted by alexander_dougherty:
Originally posted by ManicGlitter:
Alex, this is Steam.
Hence the word "Hope"

Not actually expecting it, just hoping, and as the phrase goes "Hope springs eternal"..... as opposed to "Hops spring eternal" which is something to do with brewing:steamsalty:
It's too early to drink on a Sunday, Alex. :steammocking:

If I've learned one thing about Steam however, is that eventually, 75% of all responses to this post won't even read it - they'll head straight for the comment portion at the *bottom* of the page, insert a comment that was already answered in the original post, and/or make accusations that Ilja is on some form of payroll. :Cashmoney:
Last edited by TheGlitterJojo; Oct 17, 2021 @ 5:07am
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Date Posted: Oct 17, 2021 @ 2:35am
Posts: 682