The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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CRuDe BuDDha Jan 27, 2017 @ 7:17pm
Skyrim Roleplay Roulette
After seeing other people's ideas for roleplaying in Skyrim, I decided to take someone else's Skyrim roleplay-build roulette chart they made, and make my own adjustments to it. Figured I'd share it on here incase people are looking to try a different take on the game. This is just my version that I use personally, and can be used as a base to help you create your own roleplay.

For starters, I use a few mods for this: Live Another Life, Frostfall, Hardcore Mode: No Milk Drinkers, Mortal Wounds, Instant Mastery and a mod that has Werewolf races for creating a new character. I use a few others, but these are the ones needed to play by this method. You will also need a pair of 2 dice, or virtual dice to simulate roles.

RULES: Your only purpose is to live & survive in the world while staying true to your character (examples: Hunters hunt animals and sell their skins & meat as their primary way of making money. Good characters are strongly against murder, and only kill "bad guys" as a means of defense, or for the greater good) . You must eat & sleep, along with staying warm and surviving the Frostfall aspects of the game. You must eat 1.5 weight worth of food each day, along with staying on a realistic sleep schedule. The only time you are allowed to Wait, is when consuming alcohol or Skooma (1 bottle of mead/ale= 1 hour. 1 bottle of wine or special brews= 2 hours. 1 bottle of skooma or sleeping tree sap= 3 hours) If you die, you're permanently dead and must delete the character.

Roll 2 dice once for each list. Your results are the character you play with. Have fun!

2) Your choice or roll again
3) Argonian
4) Imperial
5) Nord
6) Breton
7) Redguard
8) Khajiit
9) Bosmer
10 )Dunmer
11) Orc


2)your choice or roll again
3)Lawful good
4)Neutral good
5)Chaotic good
6)Lawful neutral
7)True neutral
8)Chaotic neutral
9)Lawful evil
10)Neutral evil
11)Chaotic evil
12)Your choice or roll again

I didn't bother writing specific skill sets for these. I leave the specifics up to your own creativity. Use the Instant mastery mod to set your skills to a reasonable level you think they should be at for each class. Classes and occupations with different variants such as "priest/monk/summoner" are to give alternatives depending on your alignment. A priest can be for a good character. Monk for neutral. Summoner for evil. A "good" Assassin can work strictly for the peacekeepers, and take on bandit bounties, where as a "evil" assassin can join the Dark Brotherhood. A "neutral" warrior can be a sellsword or pick a side in the civil war, where as an "evil" warrior can be a bandit out in the wild, etc.

12)Beggar/laborer/scavenger (no skills, start out plainly as level 1. Only do delivery quests, collect ingredients and random items to sell, chop wood, mine ore, farming. A neutral or evil can resort to petty theft and banditry)


Your home region can be the deciding factor in either where you spawn, where you desire to live and work, or just where you grew up and moved on from. It also affects a few of the bonus traits/afflictions listed in the final section.

11)Raven Rock
12)Foreign country / the wilderness


You can call this the widcard section. These are little modifiers for your roleplay to make things interesting. You can choose to skip this if you wish. Like I said, most of this chart and a few of these traits are based off of someone else's roleplay chart, but most of them here I made up myself. The descriptions for each are listed at the bottom.

10)Light Eater
12)Skin tissue mutation

Traits/Afflictions descriptions:

Amnesiac- You awaken in the abandoned prison with no recollection of who you are or how you got there. Your class & skills are forgotten, and you are temporarily a neutral alignment. The only choice here is to break out of the cell, and play on as a level 1 character. If you manage to make it back to your home city and sleep in a bed (only if you have a home city) you can remember who you are upon waking up. If your home is the wilderness or a foreign country, you can leave the mortal world (goto Sovngarde, a daedra's realm, the Soul Cairn, etc.) and then remember who you are upon return. Using your amnesia to simply build your own character from level 1 is also an option.

Elderly- You must make your character an elder (wrinkly skin, white hair... you know... old)
Throughout your lifetime you managed to master your trade (you are able to set 1 of your primary skills to 100 right from the beginning), but you have also grown weaker. You aren't allowed to sprint AT ALL and any diseases you contract can NOT be cured. Not by altars, blessings, or cure potions.

Meditator- As a master of zen you are allowed to "meditate" (use the wait option) whenever possible and however often you want without the use of alcohol or skooma.

Werewolf- Start the game off as a werewolf. You can only transform at night (8:00pm-4:00am) and when outside. If it becomes midnight and you are outside, you MUST transform no matter what. Joining the Circle of the Companions, or obtaining the Ring of Hircine will teach you how to "control the beast within". (you can freely use beast form whenever, anywhere you want, or not at all)

Paranoia- Someone somewhere is out to get you. Whether it's true or just in your head, you aren't taking any chances. You can't stay in the same hold for more than 3 days at a time. You must not return to your home region (wilderness excluded) unless absolutely necessary. You can't stay in your home region any longer than 24 hours, and must disguise yourself when in public (mask, hood, face covering helmet)

Schizophrenic- You are a schizophrenic with an alternate persona, which means you have 2 alignments that alternate every day. Whatever your original alignment is, your alternate must be the exact opposite (lawful good & chaotic evil, neutral good & neutral evil, chaotic good & lawful evil) If you are a lawful or chaotic neutral alignment, roll the dice for your 2nd alignment. True neutrals can disregard this trait.

Addict- You are addicted to alcohol and skooma. You must consume at least 3 bottles of mead/ale/wine a day, or 1 bottle of skooma every 2 days. Fail to do so, and you can't sprint, use magicka, use shouts & powers, or perform any power attacks. You must consume 3 Cure Disease potions at once to kick your addiction permanently. After that you must refrain from drinking alcohol or skooma again, or else you'll relapse right back into your addiction, and have to be cured again.

Vampire-start the game as a vampire. Do what you wish with it as long as you're staying true to your role. If evil, being a vampire can be the right thing. If good, you may be ashamed of your affliction and might wish to keep it hidden, or seek out a cure.

Light Eater- You have alesser than the normal appetite , and can function on less food. You only need to eat 0.5 weight worth of food a day, rather than the normal 1.5 amount.

Clairvoyant- You are a clairvoyant who can see into the near future and predict misfortunes. ONCE A DAY you may load your last save incase you are killed, caught stealing, or simply changed your mind about something and want to take another approach.

Skin Tissue Mutation- Due to a rare mutation, any wounds you endure will heal on their own over a short time. (Disable the mortal wounds mod, allowing default health regeneration to take place)
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2017 @ 7:17pm
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