The Last Leviathan

The Last Leviathan

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erretter Feb 23, 2019 @ 10:47am
Development still going
tl;dr: Everything points at: Red Flag! Do not buy this game!
Not true? Well then; developer/s please break the silence , what is going on?!

In detail:
I'm monitoring Steam's E.A. program closly since day one. I've currently around 300 games on my "follow" list and in the last few years I was following more then thousand games overall.
I've unfollowed around 600 games (yes, 600 this is no typo!) because the development of those games has stopped.
Around half of the time developers made one final post, stating that and why the development has stopped (on another note; I think most of those reasons are laughable and the dev/s should be ashamed of themselves, but that's a whole other topic)

However the other half of the times, developers just stopped working on the game without any notice, any post, any message, any kind of communication at all.
Leaving the game and it's followers and what's worse it's buyers in an limbo of uncertainty.

This game right here... just looks like that limbo.
If I'm wrong (which I hope, because this game looks really promising so far!), I encourage the developer/s to tell us the state of the development.

If you were reading carefully, I mentioned around 1000 games from which around 300 are still in development (I'm currently following those), around 600 which have stopped development and the remaining 100... well those made the miracle happen and were developed to a final stage and left E.A.
100 of 1000.
Think about it.
Last edited by erretter; Feb 24, 2019 @ 6:51am
Originally posted by Crimson Zeta:
Development for TLL has not ceased, though it is admittedly at a low due the cost of concentrated development.

We're sorry to hear that you feel this way about TLL; for us it's simply been the case that we had to take on and develop other titles so that we could remain financially afloat, much like any other game developer.

The majority of our team is working on such titles right now, with a very small portion of them working out of hours on The Last Leviathan when they have the time.

TLL is our own unique game and we hold it very close to our hearts, so it's never "forgotten".


The realities of game development mean we cannot focus all of our dev team on TLL at this time - don't forget we're still pretty small!

We will push out more stuff, but think of it as a slow-cook process :)


Thanks for your understanding and continued interest in The Last Leviathan. We are still here!
< >
Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
GeneralClayman Feb 23, 2019 @ 11:24am 
I think you forgot that TLL had an update about a month ago? and if you actually follow the devs on social media you'd know what they're actually doing aside full force working on this game?

You're underestimating how much work is put into creating and developping a game, if you think every EA title gets a full release, no matter how small the team or person behind it.
Unless you paid 60,- for a game that just started EA and has been pushing on then it's understandable to call out to anyone to avoid buying said game. But if the game's 3,- and works perfectly fine, there should be no issue of the game eventually stopping development [Sword with Sauce ended with the dev stopping it after adding a level editor and 7 maps]

This game's about 12,- on steam at the moment? i bought it when it was around 8 and it plays perfectly fine for the amount i've paid for it.
12,- for a sandbox that comes close to besiege but on sea and with a working AI that can also work with your own creations is a good price. Not to mention that Besiege itself still costs less than 10,- and has enough content avaiable to make it a 25,- / 30,- game.

Could you also state which genres in EA tend to fail more? so we can actually weed out the ones that have nothing to do with a DiY sandbox game? As i'm sure a trash game that got asset flipped out of the 100,- paywall wont make it far in development, compared to a game like Astroneer, Everspace, DeadCells and GRIP, all games that started in EA and hit the 1.0 release within 2 years of development.
erretter Feb 23, 2019 @ 11:31am 
Bound to fail:
- one man dev teams
- "super creative hipster" devs
- top down view games (don't ask me why but this is what I'm seeing fail all the time)
- crowdfounded games
- first time dev teams

Edit: Oh an btw I am not using any kind of social media. This is the game's forum this is where the devs should and are supposed to inform their costumers in the most complete and fastest way.
Last edited by erretter; Feb 23, 2019 @ 11:33am
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Crimson Zeta  [developer] Feb 24, 2019 @ 5:15am 
Development for TLL has not ceased, though it is admittedly at a low due the cost of concentrated development.

We're sorry to hear that you feel this way about TLL; for us it's simply been the case that we had to take on and develop other titles so that we could remain financially afloat, much like any other game developer.

The majority of our team is working on such titles right now, with a very small portion of them working out of hours on The Last Leviathan when they have the time.

TLL is our own unique game and we hold it very close to our hearts, so it's never "forgotten".


The realities of game development mean we cannot focus all of our dev team on TLL at this time - don't forget we're still pretty small!

We will push out more stuff, but think of it as a slow-cook process :)


Thanks for your understanding and continued interest in The Last Leviathan. We are still here!
Last edited by Crimson Zeta; Feb 24, 2019 @ 5:16am
GeneralClayman Feb 24, 2019 @ 5:43am 
seems that erretter has posted this exact same thing on multiple game forums without backing any of his statements. It must be nice to say something's dead after seeing a forum for 10 seconds and calling it ''following''
ash Mar 29, 2019 @ 6:52am 
Thanks for the warning OP, I haven't purchased the game and it looks like I won't be.

@Crimson Zeta Not sure if you're a dev and/or moderator. However if TLL is not being actively developed it needs to be taken out of early access.

Otherwise you're just yet another developer using early access purely as a marketing tool to trick people into buying a game that has long since died.

"we hold it very close to our hearts, so it's never "forgotten"."

Give me a break! Its 'wonderful' to hear how much it means you but I've heard this all before from other devs wth failed ea projects. It's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ piece of software you're charging money for, not a child!
WarPaws Apr 10, 2019 @ 3:49pm 
The developers went silent on the game after months of no updates.

They broke the silence by stating that they had some "good news", this then turned out to be that they were going to be focusing on another game entirely. Turns out that this "good news" was only applicable to them, and is just bad news for anyone who bought into TLL.

The money for this game ran dry and they got offered £££ to make a game for the PS4 and mobile. TLL makes them almost nothing, therefore they commit almost zero resource to it.

That's how business goes, which is just one of those things. It's just a shame they didn't have the bollocks to be honest with their fans instead of drip-feeding this "we hold it very close to our hearts, so it's never "forgetten"" crap.
Last edited by WarPaws; Apr 10, 2019 @ 3:49pm
Von Pink Apr 10, 2019 @ 4:43pm 
Originally posted by Crimson Zeta:
Development for TLL has not ceased, though it is admittedly at a low due the cost of concentrated development.

We're sorry to hear that you feel this way about TLL; for us it's simply been the case that we had to take on and develop other titles so that we could remain financially afloat, much like any other game developer.

The majority of our team is working on such titles right now, with a very small portion of them working out of hours on The Last Leviathan when they have the time.

TLL is our own unique game and we hold it very close to our hearts, so it's never "forgotten".


The realities of game development mean we cannot focus all of our dev team on TLL at this time - don't forget we're still pretty small!

We will push out more stuff, but think of it as a slow-cook process :)


Thanks for your understanding and continued interest in The Last Leviathan. We are still here!

It's part of the EA terms that projects brought into it are not supposed to be financially reliant on sales made in EA to fund the project itself. This isn't kickstarter. You people are supposed to have enough money to fund the project to completion PRIOR to entering EA. It will be a good day for consumers if Valve ever decides to crack down on the EA program.
Angelus Apr 21, 2019 @ 12:13pm 
Wait, you're actually saying that EA gives a f about anything other than money?
Bruce Wayne May 9, 2019 @ 12:22pm 
this has been on my wishlist for a while, too. I don't use social Media, either. Thanks for the warning. Didn't know that development has ceased due to funding.
Forsaken Falcon Jun 3, 2019 @ 12:55am 
saw this on sale on gog and was going to just pay for it full price to get it over steam instead, but after reading this forum, its a shame really, after Atlas failed Me hard I am in the mood for a good boat game but sadly doesn't look like this is the place for it :(
GeneralClayman Jun 3, 2019 @ 4:18am 
Originally posted by Forsaken Falcon:
saw this on sale on gog and was going to just pay for it full price to get it over steam instead, but after reading this forum, its a shame really, after Atlas failed Me hard I am in the mood for a good boat game but sadly doesn't look like this is the place for it :(
If you're still looking for a similiar game, Besiege is a good one
FateWeaver Aug 29, 2019 @ 11:17am 
Originally posted by Angelus:
Wait, you're actually saying that EA gives a f about anything other than money?
He probably meant Early Access, not Electronic Arts.
Lukin Sep 10, 2019 @ 12:59am 
project dead
Memorible123 Jan 27, 2020 @ 5:50pm 
Im refunding ive had it an hour
< >
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