Her Majesty's SPIFFING

Her Majesty's SPIFFING

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jaderhade Mar 17, 2018 @ 10:07am
Game won't load on startup?
I'm running Windows 10 x64-bit with an NVIDIA 860M graphics card. When I hit 'play' in steam, the icon pops up on the taskbar, and I can hear (what I assume is?) the menu music, but there's nothing visible on screen. If I hit spacebar, it sounds like it starts the first cutscene of the game. It'll keep my current desktop/programs open, and I can still click on everything else as if the program weren't running at all. Going through task manager and right-clicking to maximize the game only brings up a black screen with the blue windows loading circle. Any ideas?
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jaderhade Mar 17, 2018 @ 10:08am 
Forgot to add I've already reinstalled the game twice, updated my graphics card drivers, and restarted my computer multiple times.
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