Night in the Woods

Night in the Woods

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MaxieFox Feb 22, 2017 @ 10:06am
[SPOILERS] any idea who is the hooded ghost?
I finished the game. walked around a bit and tried to find people who were missing. When you kick him into the elevator I notice his helmet come off and reveal a cats head with a bitten ear but I couldnt think of anyone who it matched. I was thinking maybe the violin guy or maybe it was the ghost of little John. anyway. what do you think?
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
TemmieNeko Feb 22, 2017 @ 10:54am 
Originally posted by MaxusCorkus:
I finished the game. walked around a bit and tried to find people who were missing. When you kick him into the elevator I notice his helmet come off and reveal a cats head with a bitten ear but I couldnt think of anyone who it matched. I was thinking maybe the violin guy or maybe it was the ghost of little John. anyway. what do you think?
well if you look at Mae, she's also missing some of an ear, and she does have a grandpa that passed away.
MaxieFox Feb 22, 2017 @ 11:05am 
Originally posted by TemmieNeko:
Originally posted by MaxusCorkus:
I finished the game. walked around a bit and tried to find people who were missing. When you kick him into the elevator I notice his helmet come off and reveal a cats head with a bitten ear but I couldnt think of anyone who it matched. I was thinking maybe the violin guy or maybe it was the ghost of little John. anyway. what do you think?
well if you look at Mae, she's also missing some of an ear, and she does have a grandpa that passed away.
That thought had also crossed my mind actually. Also something I realised is that he can teleport or walk through walls or something, this means they can probably escaspe the cave in no? also we never hear from Germ at the end. he doesnt show for band practice to watch like all the other times and considering they say that they only sacrafice delinquents, drifters and people not giving to society he could be a target as he lived in the woods
CharlieDeCat Feb 25, 2017 @ 12:38am 
Early Builds of the game showed him as a really tall dinosaur looking entity or a really big gator with shiny eyes.
Right know it seems to have a "hat" like angus describes it.
I dont recall it very well but does he lose his arm on the elevator?
I really think he is kinda a paranormal entity.. probably.
He can cross solid objects aparently.. or jump really high.
Run really fast carrying a person.
And "teleport"?
he is such a big mystery.
boberro Feb 25, 2017 @ 4:50pm 
Not the ghost, but I think the guy killed in front of the mine was the "go smelters" gator guy (I'm a racist, I know).
CJ Feb 25, 2017 @ 11:17pm 
I think the cat's torn-up ear is just a symbolic thing, that reinforces the parallels between Mae and the cult. Like... up until that point, Mae hadn't wanted her life to change, just like them. Then she falls down a ravine, kicks the overly conservative guy in the face, blows up a mine, and just kinda goes "♥♥♥♥ it, this town sucks," and moves on with her life. She literally kills her old ideology.

But from a story point of view... it's possible that he was one of the first settlers of Possum Springs? Maybe even Little Joe himself? We know the thing in the hole gave the cultists the ability to walk through walls, so it's possible that it might have lengthened their lifespans somewhat. Although it's explicilty stated that it can't make anybody immortal.

Also, Mae didn't recognize the character's voice, so it's probably not anybody the characters had met before... hm.

I don't think he'll be getting out of the well, btw. He's an old man who got shot with a crossbow, had his arm ripped off, and then had an elevator dropped on him. Bit hard to recover from that.
Zaltys Feb 26, 2017 @ 12:27am 
Well... There was that play about the origin of Possum Springs. Anyone who died because they drank from the cursed spring is doomed to remain as a ghost.

So if we were to assume that it's actually a true story, then it could've very well been one of the original settlers.

But probably not. During the final sequence you can see that the hat is clearly a mining helmet. One of those round ones with a small lantern in front. I'd guess that he's simply that miner who discovered the hole in the first place.
Last edited by Zaltys; Feb 26, 2017 @ 11:10am
Starit Feb 27, 2017 @ 8:52am 
I also think he's one of the original miners, or at least he's very old. He probably doesn't live in the town proper, instead lives in the woods, the mines or one of the abandoned houses. He wouldn't be someone you'd be able to recognize in the streets.

The cultists talk a lot about how they're very old and how the "god" from the hole has given them health and abbilities, and they talk about the hole discovery like something they lived personally.
Last edited by Starit; Feb 28, 2017 @ 4:52am
Gummy Feb 28, 2017 @ 10:50pm 
Well, his name is Eide. That's what the cult member who addresses you when you confront them in front of the hole calls him. As for walking through walls, the cult member also said if the demon took a "shimmer" to you, it would grant you special powers, and references one of the miners who discovered the place (Ed Skudder I believe) being given a power to walk through walls.
Chicken Scrap Mar 19, 2017 @ 3:22pm 
i think it is the granddad because if you look in the journal, there is a drawing of him and he is missing some of his ear
Rich Mar 19, 2017 @ 8:44pm 
Originally posted by Dr. mantis toboggan:
i think it is the granddad because if you look in the journal, there is a drawing of him and he is missing some of his ear
It's also potentially Skamz, who you meet hanging with Germ, Mae's Grandad has a different type of hole
It was Aunt Mall Cop.
Mae said that 'cop always dies' :undyne:
Rich Mar 29, 2017 @ 11:33am 
Originally posted by Dead half of Schrödinger's cat:
It was Aunt Mall Cop.
Mae said that 'cop always dies' :undyne:
Molly doesnt have a mark though...
Originally posted by Higuera:
Originally posted by Dead half of Schrödinger's cat:
It was Aunt Mall Cop.
Mae said that 'cop always dies' :undyne:
Molly doesnt have a mark though...
Ehh I was kidding. She seemed kinda protective of Mae too.
She could have gotten the mark as the helmet fell off tho. We dont know if its fresh or old. Plus we could guess that she has similar hair to Mae's mom...
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