Night in the Woods

Night in the Woods

How Long Until Cringe?
We all know it will happen...

Question is how long until it?
I'm betting a month.

Also try to hide spoilers, haven't finished the game.
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115/47 megjegyzés mutatása
feeling bad because of second hand guilt/shame: maybe an hour or two
cringe because of some kind of "edgyness": not at all.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: sugar enjyouer ;3; 2017. márc. 8., 6:32
Depends what you mean by cringe.
Edgyness? Ehh, idk. I kinda like it.
Junky fan-made characters? Bet those are already happening.
Rule 34? It's already happening :undyne:
Dead half of Schrödinger's cat eredeti hozzászólása:
Depends what you mean by cringe.
Edgyness? Ehh, idk. I kinda like it.
Junky fan-made characters? Bet those are already happening.
Rule 34? It's already happening :undyne:

Every single one of those. Basically what a quarter of the community did to Undertale.
Goosander (not fat) eredeti hozzászólása:
Dead half of Schrödinger's cat eredeti hozzászólása:
Depends what you mean by cringe.
Edgyness? Ehh, idk. I kinda like it.
Junky fan-made characters? Bet those are already happening.
Rule 34? It's already happening :undyne:

Every single one of those. Basically what a quarter of the community did to Undertale.
This game isn't a special snowflake and neither is untertale. ALL of the above happens in literally every game.

Treating them differently is what makes it this overused word "cringe", and everyone calls everything cringe these days. It's the cool thing to do which is cringe in and of itself ironically.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: テレサ (Boo); 2017. márc. 8., 11:02
spoiler -> everything sucks forever
I'm looking at some cringe right now, OP.
Can't spell bae without Bea eredeti hozzászólása:
Goosander (not fat) eredeti hozzászólása:

Every single one of those. Basically what a quarter of the community did to Undertale.
This game isn't a special snowflake and neither is untertale. ALL of the above happens in literally every game.

Treating them differently is what makes it this overused word "cringe", and everyone calls everything cringe these days. It's the cool thing to do which is cringe in and of itself ironically.

I never said anything special snowflake syndrome.

Perhaps a better way to word the question would be, when will the game start to be hated by half the internet for its cringe.
Goosander (not fat) eredeti hozzászólása:
Can't spell bae without Bea eredeti hozzászólása:
This game isn't a special snowflake and neither is untertale. ALL of the above happens in literally every game.

Treating them differently is what makes it this overused word "cringe", and everyone calls everything cringe these days. It's the cool thing to do which is cringe in and of itself ironically.

I never said anything special snowflake syndrome.

Perhaps a better way to word the question would be, when will the game start to be hated by half the internet for its cringe.

I know what you mean, but you are asking the question entirely wrong. I will fix it for you.

"When will NitW have a fandom that I can make fun of"
🐾悪夢・目🐾 eredeti hozzászólása:
Goosander (not fat) eredeti hozzászólása:

I never said anything special snowflake syndrome.

Perhaps a better way to word the question would be, when will the game start to be hated by half the internet for its cringe.

I know what you mean, but you are asking the question entirely wrong. I will fix it for you.

"When will NitW have a fandom that I can make fun of"

Replace the I with the internet and sure.
I like the game.
I don't think there's anything in the game that would make you cringe, that is to say ; if you bought the game because it looked interesting to you .
if you're an outsider, you will porbably cringe a lot.
TemmieNeko eredeti hozzászólása:
I don't think there's anything in the game that would make you cringe, that is to say ; if you bought the game because it looked interesting to you .
if you're an outsider, you will porbably cringe a lot.

Not IN the game, I mean some stuff fans make.
Goosander eredeti hozzászólása:
TemmieNeko eredeti hozzászólása:
I don't think there's anything in the game that would make you cringe, that is to say ; if you bought the game because it looked interesting to you .
if you're an outsider, you will porbably cringe a lot.

Not IN the game, I mean some stuff fans make.
That's already happened i bet, go ahead and google some!
I'm just going to copy-paste a comment I made in another thread because I'm too lazy to type it again:

I don't think this'll turn into a major "fandom" type thing. It's too... adult, I guess. And not in the way that most people think of "adult", either. A lot of it is quiet, and spent dealing with the realities of being an adult or being stuck in a world that's left you behind. I mean, the main thrust of the plot didn't even really kick in until I was six hours into the game (though that was with taking a lot of time to smell the roses) and even then it heavily relates to all that stuff. The fact that it's genre fiction at all kind of comes as a plot twist (and honestly, a part of me is still disappointed that it did choose to go down that route - I like genre fiction and all, but games lean on it nigh-exclusively. Off the top of my head, I can only think of four or five games that aren't.) But that's still a lot of time sans evil cults, sans eldritch gods, just picking through Possum Springs' decaying corpse. I don't think a fandom can really survive that level of genre deficit.

Then again, if you went back in time to September 2015 and asked me if I thought Undertale would catch on with 12-year-olds, I'd have said no, it requires understanding of genre conventions (and medium conventions), narrative structure, metafiction, and like a bunch of other ♥♥♥♥, and I would have been very wrong, so...
I'm hoping this will get a fandom that sticks around 'cult' levels.. But I also hope that funds the developers enough to make more games.
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Közzétéve: 2017. márc. 8., 3:25
Hozzászólások: 47