Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

Should I play or skip Dragon Age 2?
So let me start by saying that I've played all of the Mass Effect games and DLC and loved it back then and still do. I bought DAO shortly after and forgot about the game so it drowned in my backlog for couple of years. I've completed the game recently and absolutely love it. I also own DA2 on Origin for some reason, can't remember buying it though, it seems that the game was a huge disappointment considereing how bad it got reviewed by users on Metacritic. Now I'd like to know if it's worth trying the game at all or just skip and move to Inquisition? I've seen couple of gameplay videos and it doesn't look that bad, more like Mass Effect, no?
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16-30 / 45 のコメントを表示
Anders is probably one of the main reasons people dislike DA2. Even Angry Joe mocked him.
He's just... not Anders anymore :/

Also, people get uncomfortable about being ninja-manced. It's so awkward.
He's so not Anders that Bioware should've just made a new character. Same for Merril.

I've heard the legend of the ninja-mancer, but yet to see it. I don't doubt it's awkward though as all Bioware romances are that way.
GodOfHeWhoSleepsOnRailroads の投稿を引用:
He's so not Anders that Bioware should've just made a new character. Same for Merril.

While there is some sort of reasoning behind the changes, it's awful to see a loveable rogue turn into a haunted wreck (Anders) and a bit odd to see a near non-entity who seemed to me a little stuffy turn into the very quirky and avant garde character that looks completely different (Merril).

I find myself wondering how things would have worked out for Anders if they'd just let him keep his darn cat.
The reasoning behind Anders descent into emo always seemed very forced to me. His merging with SPOILER doesn't make sense either.

I find myself wondering who took his cat away. My Warden was cool with it.
The good thing about DA2 is that on the highest difficulty, its far more challenging than DAO and DAI together. The combat system is the best of them all as well, and the boss battles are really memorable (at least on the aforementioned highest difficulty).
Downsides are the repetitive maps (but that doesnt affect the gameplay much, its just visual thing) and the way AI fights: constant ambushes. Basically every fight consists of many waves of enemies appearing from nowhere in all directions (you can usually sidestep this by pulling the fight away before killing too many enemies). Last bad thing is that recruiteable NPCs have predetermined combat styles, which sucks a lot, but can be "fixed" by a small mod.
DAO is easier because, for the most part, it is fair. DA2 resorts to cheap tricks to add difficulty such as spawning two assassins behind your mage, or bosses that never stop teleporting.
DAO has its cheap tricks too. I really hated the wolf encounters mainly because of their bite ability where your whole party gets run over and stuck in an animation for 15 seconds while your health decreases without being able to do anything about it. Or multiple mages who simply stun you to death and remove your ability to heal, good times.

Also that Golems of Amgarrak DLC was an absolute pain in the butt and no fun at all. I was playing as a duel wielding rogue and quit on that room with 4 boss golems and 2 normal ones who hurl rocks at you non stop because my party was simply useless and died instantly. Came back after playing Awakening with books to respec the characters with more success but still it was an unpleasent journey.
最近の変更はTheLastLionが行いました; 2016年3月25日 17時42分
SerraShaar の投稿を引用:
I would recommand DA2 , I personally like it more then DAO . You may not have choices in choosing a different race , but Hawke grow on you in the end . And you have sibling that you can decide their fate .

As for re-used map , I don't mind that . and you can be a Blood Mage (wee) without any negativity !

And get both DLC , one tie to DAI main story and the other is hilarious .

just make sure you get the mod that retains the proper bethamy from varrics explanation of opening scene.
Just replay DAO. Trust me...DAII is terrible. Think of it as an extremely skimmed down version of DAO that was rushed out of the door and never got the level of attention it deserved. If you want to play other games similar to DAO, I recommend BG 1+2, SWTOR 1+2, NVN 2+MOTB expansion, and Pillars of Eternity.
Skip. It's one of the worst AAA RPGs. The same dungeon ever and ever again, combat like in an action game (It works in ME, because it's a shooter, but not in DA), the companions are walking clichés. The story and especially the PC is stupid and dull.
最近の変更はElokoMsが行いました; 2016年4月2日 7時15分
ElokoMs の投稿を引用:
Skip. It's one of the worst AAA RPGs. The same dungeon ever and ever again, combat like in an action game (It works in ME, because it's a shooter, but not in DA), the companions are walking clichés. The story and especially the PC is stupid and dull.
someone didnt play sarcastic hawk.

and apart from fenris and anders the followers had plenty of depth
Pav 2016年4月13日 10時49分 
I played all 3, DA2 is the worst one out of all 3 but it is still a good game.

Afterall the Dragon Age series is amazing.

Key things: Combat is better and faster paced in DA2 than DAO (blood mages yaaaaaaay)
Hawkes (the MC in DA2) story is important to DAI so you should play it
The DA2 DLC is VERY important - it introduces the main villain for DAI.
The ending of DA2 directly leads on to DAI and some key characters appear in both games.

(Having said that, nearly all of Biowares DLC are important story wise)

Reasons why DA2 is the worst one out of the 3 : - Small Map/Re used locations
- Companions aren't as cool
- Hawkes voice is annoying for me
- Story is slower and isn't as epic

Having said all this it is a still a solid game and worth a try.
最近の変更はPavが行いました; 2016年4月13日 10時50分

You forgot to list Anders as one of the reasons DA2 is the worst out of the trilogy.
Pav 2016年4月14日 11時51分 
GodOfHeWhoSleepsOnRailroads の投稿を引用:

You forgot to list Anders as one of the reasons DA2 is the worst out of the trilogy.

I said "Companions" so he was included in that.

For me DAO had the best characters hands down, out of al the dragon age games aswell as the best story. But contray to popular opinion I liked the new combat style on Inquisition - I prefer action based.

DA2 had the worst character roster I think - Varric was the only good one really.
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16-30 / 45 のコメントを表示
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投稿日: 2016年3月13日 4時49分
投稿数: 45