Dead Space 2
Ok, I don't get it.
I don't understand how this game and it's predecessor get such good reviews. I played the first Dead Space for about an hour and couldn't play it any longer. The combat is terribad, the camera view is awful and the game is just dull.

I've really tried to give the second one a chance, but all the same problems are still there. Terrible camera view with your character taking up half the screen, consolified inventory system, dodgy combat.

Am I missing something?
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what were you expecting it to be?
people might get angry at me for making this comparison but I always loved resident evil games, and for me it feels alot like RE4 but with better camera,controls,combat. I also love the sci-fi theme better than zombies.
I play alot of single player games and dead space 1/2 is definitely one of my favourites!
maybe, this game genre is not your taste.
have you played any other survival horror games you liked better?
Indeed. The original FEAR was a superb game, dripping with atmosphere, and despite burning out on FPS games a decade ago I loved it.

Perhaps my expectations were just too high based on the hype.
This game is supposed to be horror, so having part of your screen obscured adds a little "fear" at first, but you get used to it. And for combat, I love it. Keep in mind he is wearing a suit, that is not supposed to add agility and speed like Master Chiefs lol, if anything it is more cumbersome. But you adjust... though for the comparison to RE4... idk, I cant stand the RE4 gameplay lol, mainly because you cant move and shoot at the same time... but Dead Space isnt supposed to just be a FPS, its a horror/story driven game.
i thought dead space and 2 was cool cause it introduced antigravity stuff, and crazy aliens, and a different style of combat cause usually its shoot the head! but now its take off the alien limbs to survive lol
Don't even get me started on the Elder Scrolls series. Sometimes you just don't like what you don't like.
I feel the same way as the OP. Resident Evil 4 was one of my most played games on the gamecube so when I finally got around to trying Dead Space I was severely disappointed. In terms of game mechanics, DS is inferior to RE4 in almost every regard, which is sad seeing as how it came out several years later. Dead Space had:

-Fewer, slower enemies.
-Worse melee combat (improved in DS2 but only because it was made usable, in RE4 melee was essential to conserving ammo and had just plain cooler moves)
-Bad weapon balance. I liked the "uniqueness" of DS's weapons, but it's almost pointless using anything other than the plasma cutter.
-Fewer and lamer boss fights. Beat the final boss of DS1 on my first try, even on hard.
-Overall low difficulty, being able to purchase ammo and numerous check points really kills the tension for a so called horror game. Stasis module completely neutered any of the tougher enemies and could be used as a panic button.
-Antigravity had potential, but it was mostly used for lame puzzle segments. Same with the kinesis module.

I wouldn't call the Dead Space games terrible, I just wish they had tried to be more unique instead of copying RE4 so closely and failing.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Mec; 20 Νοε 2012, 16:06
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Risk Galiant:
This game is supposed to be horror, so having part of your screen obscured adds a little "fear" at first, but you get used to it. And for combat, I love it. Keep in mind he is wearing a suit, that is not supposed to add agility and speed like Master Chiefs lol, if anything it is more cumbersome. But you adjust... though for the comparison to RE4... idk, I cant stand the RE4 gameplay lol, mainly because you cant move and shoot at the same time... but Dead Space isnt supposed to just be a FPS, its a horror/story driven game.
i feel the same way, i feel like it was really story driven. the combat for me was alot better than RE for the same reasons as you said. to be honest i didnt have any problems with the dead space combat. i played dead space first than i tried RE5 and i never thought they wer the same in any regard. but thats just my opinon
The same feeling I have is that a game thats usually ported over(meaning not made from the bottom up)wont look aas well as play the same as it was supposed to, so it usualy comes down to preference(Eg. FPS, RPG, Point and click) of games chosen by the player. This geme remind me of my first date too(Awkward and backwards feeling at times.

Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Risk Galiant:
This game is supposed to be horror, so having part of your screen obscured adds a little "fear" at first, but you get used to it. And for combat, I love it. Keep in mind he is wearing a suit, that is not supposed to add agility and speed like Master Chiefs lol, if anything it is more cumbersome. But you adjust... though for the comparison to RE4... idk, I cant stand the RE4 gameplay lol, mainly because you cant move and shoot at the same time... but Dead Space isnt supposed to just be a FPS, its a horror/story driven game.

this game is also awesome becouse of its background-sounds, its small-bit history that makes you want to find old radio-recordings, the build up tension soundtrack and a great intepretation of insanity
I personally feel that both the games were excellent. I enjoy the progression and pacing of the games. At first everything is a threat, then when you settle in and start upgrading, you feel more powerful and more confident. Then you stumble on some other hard enemy to kill and you are at square one. All the others seem easy, but you don't know when that big armored guy you need to shoot in the back will be back around. I think both games are very tense and it's one of the few games that didn't piss me off with the whole over the shoulder perspective. But, I can easily see how this particular game is not really for you. Not all games are for everyone. I am not sure how this Steam trading thing works, but since you have both games and don't really enjoy them, you can probably trade them to someone else.
I think the reason for me is immersion. I found myself so easily immersed in Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2. All the sound bits and visual graphics are very well put together. The story line is something that appeals to me. It's surely not for everyone.
The thing I love most about this game is the sense of tension. The controls are solid, IMO and you get used to the camera. I mean, I know parts that are coming up and I still get anxious about playing them. It's like it's worse knowing what is coming versus not knowing. I know the parts that are gonna be a challenge and the parts that are gonna be easy. Even with multiple playthroughs I don't know where the necromorphs are going to jump out of. And I may be going a bit against the grain to all the people who think it's awesome to talk about how scary the game isn't, but they developers did a godo job on their timing. They get that you make someone expect something bad to happen, and when it doesn't people put their guard down and when it happens it gets them. But then there are plenty of spots where you expect something, it doesn't come and there is no followup. The developer understands tension and timing, which is rare. They know the expectation is the build up and delivery is what's important. And in that they do very well.
Have you tried playing it with a pad? I hear the keyboard/mouse controls are kind of dodgy (even in the second on). Played the first and a bit of the second one with a pad and loved every second of it, not scary games by any means, but not much is when you have your horror game cherry popped by Amnesia. I think the second one delievers more on the creepy because of the better lighting.
Maybe it's not for you. I enjoy this game (and enjoyed the previous one) much more than some other big titles. It's sci-fi with horror so what's not to like. I wish they made an Aliens game with this engine and in this same style. Would be epic.
The deadspace series is the only 3rd person games i can enjoy. Great story, great graphics ( well, atleast in ds2) and hawt physics :)
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Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 13 Νοε 2012, 13:16
Αναρτήσεις: 16