Scanner Sombre

Scanner Sombre

Visuals and Choppy Movement
This game looks AMAZING on an OLED screen because of the deep blacks. Really cool.

Also, anyone bothered by the movement feeling choppy, this is because it is tied to the physics tick rate. If you install Unity Explorer via Melonloader (0.5.7), you can run this command in the C# console:
UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime = 0.00XXXXf;

You can get the value you want by dividing 1 by your monitor refresh rate. For example, 144 Hz would be 1/144 = 0.00694444

UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime = 0.00694444f;

This may have unintended side effects. I will see if I have any issues as I continue to play.