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Monkey_Feats Feb 21, 2017 @ 3:58pm
Things that would be good for the editor.
- Triggerable saws, text, godrays and smoke/fog.
- The ability to change the pitch and tempo of ambient sounds.
- A black texture and/or a foreground window panel.
- More ambient sounds and more textures.. duh.
- Certain things to be rotateable, such as fire, smoke and godrays.
- Foreground neon signs.
- Items respawn after spawning at checkpoints

Just things I can think of from the top of my head. Anyone else?
Last edited by Monkey_Feats; Feb 22, 2017 @ 6:01am
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Doomcaster Feb 22, 2017 @ 2:01pm 
It'd be great to have access to the exterminate display text that gets shown when an arena begins. That way you could display custom text for "RUN", "ESCAPE", "FIND ALL THE BUTTONS", or "SELF-DESTRUCT ACTIVATED".

Oh, and being able to play sound effects would also be cool. I could see making hidden pressure plates with player triggers that make a clicking noise when stepped on.
s-m-k Feb 22, 2017 @ 2:55pm 
I'm gonna pin this thread so it doesn't go away when I'm in mood of implementing some of those features ;)
Last edited by s-m-k; Feb 23, 2017 @ 5:03am
.deckuser Mar 1, 2017 @ 8:27pm 
- Ability to enable semi-transparent grid overlay with visible level limit border.

- Zoom in/out to view total level progress and/or proximity to level limit borders.

- Complete tile rotation for more visually/functionally complex level designs. - (Probably not possible)

*- Ability to modify specific NPC movement speed per spawn (ex: setting Guards to move as fast as Ninja units (currently Guards and the like are very slow and levels are restricted to that limitation).

* - Pulsing lightsources, with adjustable timing.
Last edited by .deckuser; Jun 22, 2017 @ 6:42pm
shade_of_fox Apr 29, 2017 @ 4:16pm 
Mayhaps a mode that will randomly populate the level with enemies (not sure how possible this would be). With different settings like spawn frequency, enemy types, auto-locate player, the ability to define areas where spawning can occur, specific spawn frequencies for specific enemies, spawn amounts, etc. As I said not sure how possible this would be.
s-m-k Apr 29, 2017 @ 4:53pm 
"- Zoom in/out to view total level progress and/or proximity to level limit borders."

This is done btw.

"* - Pulsing Lightsources, with adjustable timing."

This is achievable with generator (circuit element) connected to a lamp.
.deckuser Apr 30, 2017 @ 12:19am 
I noticed zooming was added in some time ago. It's extremely useful.

I can't quite wrap my head around how generators work, though. Triangle? Saw_A/B? SINE? I don't understand the terminology at all. That's my own fault though.

My drive to continue working on Extermination_2 has pretty much died for the time being, unfortunately. I can't fathom what direction I want to take the map in.

Once again, thanks for continuing to add more and more features to the editor.
s-m-k Apr 30, 2017 @ 2:55am 
They're just names of the functions of the output signal over time. Triangle gives you a "zig-zag" (the signal bounces between 0 and 1), saw(tooth) gives you a signal that gradually grows and suddenly falls to 0 (or vice versa, hence a/b), sine bounces from 0 and 1 in a smooth way, square alternates between 0 and 1 without any in-between states.

.deckuser Jun 22, 2017 @ 6:39pm 
Would it be possible to implement an infinite ammo player modifier that can be enabled through the player spawn in the level editor? My level design philosophy revolves around giving the player a fraction of the usual time to aim, with a fraction of the area to move, while also being surrounded by enemies with very powerful weapons. To keep things fair I have to choreograph dozens of ammo spawns along with everything else so the average player has a chance.

I understand you're all working hard on polishing the demo levels before release, and it's a minor feature so I won't mind if my request is disregarded.

Never mind all that, Extermination_2 is out! Hope you all enjoy it.
Last edited by .deckuser; Jun 29, 2017 @ 8:05pm
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