moto RKD dash
Real Dec 26, 2016 @ 6:22pm
Getting hit in the back by opponents
First I have to say I really like this game, because it has a real arcade feel that not a lot of other games have today. I have it on my android smartphone too. There is something I think that really should be fixed, it's getting hit in the back by opponents when you accelerate, because:

1) it's very raging

2) it highlights that the game doesn't have any AI at all, which is a pity because this is a very nice game,

I think that lot of other cool old racing games like Sega Super Hang On didn't have any AI too, but this never appeared to the player, this by making opponents avoid to hit the player in the back and thus not showing that they are only stupid bots.

Do other players feel the same about this?
Last edited by Real; Dec 26, 2016 @ 6:32pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments  [developer] Dec 27, 2016 @ 6:34am 
It is a very annoying feature. I totally hate it, i want to get the developer and... wait a second, its me. Decided to leave it in the game because it's more challenging, more of a mechanical feel (the nod to 'Tomy turbo dashboard' and 'Sega Moto champ'), fear of slowing down... on the other hand, the patterns are easy to memorize and avoid.
Real Dec 27, 2016 @ 7:02am 
Ty for your answer. Most of all, this feature would have been difficult to develop because opponents are not intended to move horizontaly, excepts on windy roads where it would have been even more complicated to implement this because of steady horizontal moves of them.

And yes, you're right that it's easy to avoid this by remembering to always accelerate with the bike placed on a side of the track.

It does not remove that it is a good game, congrats for the good work.  [developer] Dec 27, 2016 @ 8:28am 
Thanks a lot, at first it was really annoying for me as well, but i decided to keep it... post here if you hate it people. If its really that irritating, i'll try and remove it.
Kashorro Jan 2, 2017 @ 12:39pm 
Im also stuck on stage 4 which is windy roads (@Real, probally already completed it)
I gave about 8-10 runs there, max distance I went was 54 miles, went that far twice
so I know that is possible to beat it xD

Im not sure if you should remove it, I mean I hate it as well.
But I kinda enjoy games that gives me some frustration feeling.
4 hours of gameplay aint enough to "master" it lol

the game is really great, especially the ost.

Real Jan 2, 2017 @ 2:22pm 
Originally posted by Kashorro:
Im also stuck on stage 4 which is windy roads (@Real, probally already completed it)
I gave about 8-10 runs there, max distance I went was 54 miles, went that far twice
so I know that is possible to beat it xD

Yeah the level 4 one is a windy one and maybe one of the most difficult level of the game (there is also another windy one near the end, but I found it a bit easier). One trick is to try to figure out both the vertical speed and the horizontal steady speed of the opponents, in order anticipate their position when you'll reach them. Both speeds are not correlated.

I've beaten the game, but now I'm trying to get the two other achievements, "do 6/9 perfect levels" and "win the game with no lose", and that's very challenging (but Im sure it's possible too :)).

And that's true that getting hit in the back is not really a problem when you start to familiarize with the game.  [developer] Jan 3, 2017 @ 9:52am 
Hey guys, here is a little tip i made for level 4
Last edited by; Jan 3, 2017 @ 9:58am
Real Jan 3, 2017 @ 10:44am 
tyvm! was wondering why sometimes bikes were going in opposite direction earlier than others, now it makes sense! :)
Red Jan 8, 2017 @ 1:06am 
I would definitely despawn any bike that disappears behind us for more than a second. You can at times end up in a situation where it's simply impossible to recover from a single hit because of this.
dagr Jan 29, 2017 @ 12:26pm 
Hero cracked from behind too much.
I think there is a huge hole

The most ridiculous thing: bike who cracked hero from behind don't lose speed. wtf

Terrible game mechanic tbh
Last edited by dagr; Jan 29, 2017 @ 12:39pm
limelight1210 Jul 21, 2017 @ 6:54pm 
Yes this is frustrating to me. Building up speed and then you get hit, slowed down while the AI just keeps going.
Also if you run out of time and the screen freezes with GAME OVER is a bit jarring.
And the only way to earn a continue is to not hit anything? I wish there were more ways than that.
Still a fun game though and my controller works fine with it.
Originally posted by
It is a very annoying feature. I totally hate it, i want to get the developer and... wait a second, its me. Decided to leave it in the game because it's more challenging, more of a mechanical feel (the nod to 'Tomy turbo dashboard' and 'Sega Moto champ'), fear of slowing down... on the other hand, the patterns are easy to memorize and avoid.

I know its an old thread but i do think its a lousy mechanic for an otherwise nice game. I i couldnt agree more with limelight1210, howcome the player loses speed by hitting AI in the back but the AI just speeds up and moves forward, lazy job there that really cant be excused by anything.  [developer] Dec 2, 2017 @ 6:00am 
Hey there Helper, i know that a lot of time has passed since i explained the premise behind the game and most of you haven't gone to anyway. The game is based on an electromechanical arcade machine from 1973 and a toy from the 80s the point is to approximate the behavior of a mechanical archaic machine. Getting hit from behind is annoying, but is intended to be like that. The game can be completed from start to finish without being hit for big score bonuses ;)
Last edited by; Dec 2, 2017 @ 6:01am
Originally posted by
Hey there Helper, i know that a lot of time has passed since i explained the premise behind the game and most of you haven't gone to anyway. The game is based on an electromechanical arcade machine from 1973 and a toy from the 80s the point is to approximate the behavior of a mechanical archaic machine. Getting hit from behind is annoying, but is intended to be like that. The game can be completed from start to finish without being hit for big score bonuses ;)

First of all the first video was pretty cool :) and as a kid of the 80ies i remember the last one or atleast models in the line of it :) Biggest problem for me isnt that much to get hit from behind but the fact that the AI doesnt slow down when hit but when it happens to me i drastically slows down, that simpley doesnt make sense,
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