Trapped Dead

Trapped Dead

3 Things
When I started the game, there was Ads for the game Devs and such.
After that, there was the intro of the game.
The thing is that the sound was absurdely loud and I couldn't even do anything.
Pressing all the buttons didn't skip the (TOO) loud Ads and neither the game intro.
So pressing anything couldn't get me to the menu forcing me to watch the Ads and Intro.

After being forced to watch/listen to this with my destroyed speakers and ears, I get to the menu. What do I see? No Option Menu. ... What? Why? Why do I must be in game to change the settings? This is obviously dumb.

I'm now In game. The controls settings says that "A" and "D" is to move the camera right and left. Pretty simple. Like most RTS games.
Pressing "D" moves the camera to the right. That's ok.
BUT... Pressing "A" make a clockwise rotation around the player. Now, that's pretty weird.
Same things for Up and Down ("W" and "S")
I can move the camera Down with "S" but when I press "W", it simply does nothing.

So the controls in the Settings aren't even the same control as In Game. How great.

Pretty bad start for my first time playing!

EDIT : Oh wow. I just realised that the game is in AZERTY. WHY THE F... -.-'
Laatst bewerkt door Leonem; 21 dec 2013 om 11:53
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First, first time you start game intro don't skip with esc. most games are also same, after that you can skip it.
Second, there is a volume control on your computer if you weren't familiar with PC.
third, there is option menu (no matter where is it but still it is there ) and all the controls working.
So, it might be not a too good game but I don't see your argument is valid.
I hope after your second entry to game you can have some fun
Happy holiday.
So I suppose not being able to switch from AZERTY to QWERTY isn't that big of a deal.
Sure man. Happy Holiday too!
I have no idea what is the problem. I have QWERTY and the game default keys designed to QWERTY even. If you don't like it you can change it as you like thought.
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