Trapped Dead

Trapped Dead

Removal Petition
Okay honestly now. I tried to find even one person that can say they finished the game.. no one seems to be able to here. Given the reports I've seen and the staggering number of complaints... me thinks a petition to have this game removed from the Steam Store is in order... Or at least the addition of a disclaimer that the game contains many game breaking bugs and is no longer supported by the devs.

This isn't about getting a refund or anything. I'll admit my own error there. i should have looked at the forums vbefore purchasing the game but that said...the game should clearly be tagged as broken, purchase at own risk or out right removed from the store..

SO who's in on this


If you;re one of those who has played the game and actually gotten around the glitches or not encountered us a favour and post your Windows version, DirectX version and whether you're rocking an ATI or Nvidia card (specific model doesn't matter) It'll help paint a picture of what you guys have in common that maybe the rest of us can make something out of.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Start_Running; 3 czerwca 2014 o 14:11
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 113 komentarzy
knootewoot 29 marca 2014 o 3:45 
Finished it twice. The bugs (once known) can be worked around. Game is great for it's value.
Start_Running 29 marca 2014 o 5:28 
How do you work around the ...'nope I'm not gonna move' bug?
I can't play the game correctly with all graphic options unchecked and minimum resolution. I have a lot of slowdown and i can't play the game. With the comments on the forum i agree to remove the game from steam.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Gerbling Therapie; 29 marca 2014 o 11:03
Purpleganja 31 marca 2014 o 3:58 
I just finished it and i got no game breaking bugs.
The controls could be better, but when you get the twist it becomes a really easy game.
Start_Running 31 marca 2014 o 5:33 
Okay that's two people that have played through the game so far. Which seems to be more a matter of not bug workaround but the bugs never triggered on your systems. Lucky dogs.
FuBar 7 kwietnia 2014 o 14:04 
I've been through it twice, just because you can't, doesn't give you the right to ask for it to be removed, grow up.
myzerie911 7 kwietnia 2014 o 16:27 
I binned this game about a month ago, got upto 116th minute and have never been able to load the game since have uninstalled 2x cleared registry etc etc and nothing game will go straight to an error and never load same happened to my neighbour now also his clock time on the game is 116mins so yeah count me in. Oh and Merle go cut yer hand off ya keyboard warrior.
Start_Running 8 kwietnia 2014 o 9:03 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Merle Dixon:
I've been through it twice, just because you can't, doesn't give you the right to ask for it to be removed, grow up.

Just because you don't get sick doesn't mean the mean isn't tainted. I'm not saying scrub it from existence but it's fairly clear the majority of those who have played this game have experienced game breaking bugs and glitches.. The devs need to either address this or have their product removed.

Granted these devs have already gotten on the blacklist but suffice it to say I've seen Early Access games with fewer glitches.
Samz 21 kwietnia 2014 o 8:42 
AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULL horrible slowdown and overall ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ this game much better games to get aka actually playable
Mop}|{ 23 kwietnia 2014 o 12:24 
The game does not start, I agree that there is no support, it was enough to read this forum. Very sad that the producers cast their offspring. :JustGreatRob:
srsly? the game is great, just DIFFICULT, like games used to be, you know? petition for removal ffs -_-!
Początkowo opublikowane przez Vyper2040:
srsly? the game is great, just DIFFICULT, like games used to be, you know? petition for removal ffs -_-!

It's not about difficulty.

A game requiring a perfectly executed triangle jump from moving platforms is difficult...

A game requiring perfectly executed triangle jumps from moving platforms when the jump button randomly refuses to glitched.

Though from what I've discovered it seems to be a mixed bag. Many of us encounter game breaking glitches:

* graphical corruption.

* Menus not appearing or not going away when cleared.

* And not least of all the game refusing to register input at random times. or the selected unit not responding to input. You know like clicking for them to move to a location and them just standing there... even after 10 such clicks.

Combine these glitches with the fact that the devs have flat out said that they aren't patching or supporting the game anymore.
never happened to me. not once. and seriously are you so lemon about it that you want a petition for removal? dude, this much effort for a cheap priced game, you must not have a lot to worry about. honestly, let it go man.
Remember that statement before you complain about an Early Access game being ♥♥♥♥♥ or a game being bugged.

I don't complain about those things pal. I check games out, if they look good I buy them, If not I don't. Early access is excellent, but again read that "EARLY access" as Unfinished... You're just complaining about a game and trying to have it taken down for no reason other than " Uh, No one likes it.... Um... I don't like it, THEY STOLE MY MONEY......" no one put a gun to your head man, please just let it go. I am sure you're better than this.
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