Stars in Shadow

Stars in Shadow

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Arioch  [developer] Feb 24, 2017 @ 9:27am
Stars in Shadow Development Roadmap
Stars in Shadow has completed its Early Access phase, during which we received tons of valuable feedback and suggestions, and is now formally released. We are continuing to work on improving the game after release; we have a long list of things we’d like to add, and an even longer list of player suggestions. Some larger features may require a formal expansion or DLC. While plans for that are being worked out, we will continue to post patches, with smaller features and gameplay and UI improvements.

(Post-Legacies edit: I have marked off the items which have already been completed.)

Near-term Updates
We plan to keep up a schedule of semi-regular update patches. Keeping in mind that this list may be subject to change and so shouldn’t be viewed either as an exhaustive list or a contract written in blood, the following are some of the features and additions we have in mind:
  • Victory Screens
  • Research Screen Tree Display Mode
  • Improved Load/Save UI with Steam Cloud integration
  • Steam trading Cards
  • Improved Diplomacy: More diplomatic options, better AI, resource trading, more diplomatic events
  • New Encounters: more complex Pirate and Marauder behaviors and interactions, more minor factions and space monsters, and new interactions with existing minor races.
  • Tactical Combat Enhancements: UI and graphical improvements, new damage types and targeting mechanics (such as area-of-effect weapons)
  • New Technologies: new weapons (such as the Black Hole projector), repeating endgame technologies, research boosts
  • Additional Faction Mechanics: Orthin shield capacitors, Yoral flak cannons, Phidi sales commandos, and more faction-specific behaviors and dialogue options
  • Improved in-game player help and documentation
  • Other UI Refinements: improved Loading screen animations, report sorting, button click animations, etc.
Longer-term Additions
Some of our planned features will take more development effort, and will probably require some kind of formal expansion or DLC. Exactly what form this will take remains to be determined. Larger features we’d like to add include:
  • [more] New playable factions and third-party threats
  • Improved Terraforming System
  • Officers and Ship Promotions, Flagships and named fleets
  • New Player Campaign Victory Conditions
  • Espionage
  • Space Habitats, Asteroid Bases
  • More star and planet types
  • Improved faction and hull customization options
  • Multiplayer support
  • Linux/Mac ports
  • Language Localizations
Thanks for supporting the game! As always, your feedback and suggestions are appreciated.
Last edited by Arioch; Aug 31, 2019 @ 4:18pm
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Showing 1-15 of 205 comments
mewdego Feb 24, 2017 @ 10:16am 
applaus, looking forward to it...
dollars202 Feb 24, 2017 @ 11:32am 
It's really nice to see where the game is going in short and long term goals! I was wondering if you are going to allow the trading of terraforming and other race specific techs from a diplo standpoint or are you going to allow tech trading at all?
Arioch  [developer] Feb 24, 2017 @ 5:48pm 
Originally posted by dollars202:
It's really nice to see where the game is going in short and long term goals! I was wondering if you are going to allow the trading of terraforming and other race specific techs from a diplo standpoint or are you going to allow tech trading at all?

I'm not a fan of tech trading for a number of reasons, but we are looking at other possibilities such as the ability to share tech boosts with an ally, etc.
The Walkin Dude Feb 24, 2017 @ 9:13pm 
That looks awesome! Everything I've pretty much wanted! Can't wait to see these patches and updates hit the floor!
dollars202 Feb 24, 2017 @ 9:33pm 
Well, if no tech trading are you going to make tech stealing available from capturing planets or Espionage in due time? Maybe have a raiding force for a planet which targets tech upgrades? Kinda like slave raids but going for tech upgrades would be the idea.
Arioch  [developer] Feb 25, 2017 @ 12:13am 
Tech swapping, tech stealing and instant tech upgrades tend to hurt game balance. My preference is to implement tech boosts instead -- you would be able to steal or trade tech boosts, but you shouldn't be able to instantly get a new tech under most circumstances.

However, we are speaking of systems that are as yet theoretical. There are a lot of steps between here and there. :D
Last edited by Arioch; Feb 26, 2017 @ 10:32am
Jmac Feb 25, 2017 @ 9:56am 

With just about every space game Iceberg made I would always comment about what the game needs to make it closer to moo2. Which to me and many players of this genre was the best in class game. I still to this day would fire it up and play it every now and then. I got the game yesterday and I've told my steam friends about it, wrote a review and after reading your development roadmap, I have to say thank you very much. Between what the game already is and what you have listed, you sir are the first to actually give us a true spiritual successor to Moo2 but you also managed to improve on it without ruining the game.

Keep up the great work and I seriously salute you. It took you as the developer to finally improve on a best in class game. I truly believe word will spread about this game and you will have an extremely long sales tail and I do think you will have some loyal fans that pick up your DLC when you get around to that part of improving the game.
Last edited by Jmac; Feb 25, 2017 @ 10:00am
dollars202 Feb 26, 2017 @ 6:25pm 
Originally posted by Arioch:
Tech swapping, tech stealing and instant tech upgrades tend to hurt game balance. My preference is to implement tech boosts instead -- you would be able to steal or trade tech boosts, but you shouldn't be able to instantly get a new tech under most circumstances.

However, we are speaking of systems that are as yet theoretical. There are a lot of steps between here and there. :D

I could see that, instead of getting the tech right away, get the idea of the tech and then research it. That way you aren't getting instant tech upgrades but would get the oppertunity in the fullness of time to get a tech. Right now you do get instant tech upgrades if you scrap certain ships you captured for tech. Are you planning on making it so you only get a boost on that tech instead of getting it right away now if it's a different races tech. That would make more sense as researchers would still need to integrate the tech into your own races ships.
mewdego Feb 26, 2017 @ 6:32pm 
Originally posted by dollars202:
Originally posted by Arioch:
Tech swapping, tech stealing and instant tech upgrades tend to hurt game balance. My preference is to implement tech boosts instead -- you would be able to steal or trade tech boosts, but you shouldn't be able to instantly get a new tech under most circumstances.

However, we are speaking of systems that are as yet theoretical. There are a lot of steps between here and there. :D

I could see that, instead of getting the tech right away, get the idea of the tech and then research it. That way you aren't getting instant tech upgrades but would get the oppertunity in the fullness of time to get a tech. Right now you do get instant tech upgrades if you scrap certain ships you captured for tech. Are you planning on making it so you only get a boost on that tech instead of getting it right away now if it's a different races tech. That would make more sense as researchers would still need to integrate the tech into your own races ships.
it would make sense if you get the acquired/stolen tech unlocked for your researchers, regardless if they need prerequisites and of course with a big discount ;P
so yeah, +1
Last edited by mewdego; Feb 26, 2017 @ 6:33pm
I brake for bonks Feb 28, 2017 @ 8:47am 
The Phidi sales commandos seems particularly intimidating.
malgrumm Mar 1, 2017 @ 7:21am 
nice to see a good short/long term road map!
lastblacknight Mar 4, 2017 @ 12:32am 
This is great, the only thing missing is the tech tree.
Arioch  [developer] Mar 4, 2017 @ 1:13am 
Originally posted by lastblacknight:
This is great, the only thing missing is the tech tree.

It's not missing; it's the second item in the "Near-term Updates" section.
Zockopa Mar 4, 2017 @ 7:19am 
Well,personaly i would like a way larger tactical battlefield that is not always in a planets orbit
but probably in a asteroid field nearby or just in space. At this time there are not much tactics
possible in the tactical battle screen. You cant even choose where the ships of a fleet are placed,which is bad imho. Im ok with a 2D battlefield,it just has way to less freedom for the
player to play tactical battles that are worth the name and a challenging fun.
Last edited by Zockopa; Mar 4, 2017 @ 7:22am
Bip Mar 4, 2017 @ 2:29pm 
Thank you for the roadmap. I look forward to DLCs, as well, and seeing this game become something even greater.
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