Siralim 2

Siralim 2

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Thylacine Studios  [developer] Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:00pm
Discussion Board Rules - READ ME!
Our goal is to foster an active, friendly community for our games. To that end, we have a few basic rules we hope you'll follow to make our community a better place for everyone. These rules apply to our forums, shoutbox, and anywhere else related to our company:

Don't be excessively negative. Complaining about something without offering a solution is a useless endeavor and will only start arguments. We've worked very hard to maintain a positive community full of happy people and will strive to maintain that at all costs. This also means that excessive trolling is frowned upon.

Don't spam. This includes posting the same thing in multiple places, even if re-worded slightly. And please, for the sake of all humanity, keep your memes to yourself.

Don't disrespect others. Heated discussion can lead to all sorts of interesting conclusions, but that doesn't mean you need to flame others if their opinion is different than yours. Racism, homophobia, and anything else like that is unacceptable as well.

Don't post links to pictures, videos, or other media that contain offensive material such as nudity, excessive amounts of foul language, etc. If you wouldn't show your mother or allow one of your children to view one of your links, please don't post it here.

Don't discuss anything illegal, such as drugs, bombs, etc.
Last edited by Thylacine Studios; Aug 16, 2016 @ 4:01pm