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SEGA Dev May 25, 2017 @ 8:21am
Thank you for supporting Vanquish on PC!

We know some of you like your aspect ratios unlocked along with your framerates and resolutions.

We’ve therefore added some unsupported features that can be enabled by launching the game with the following command lines (the easiest way to do this is to right-click the game in the Steam library, select Properties, select General, select “Set Launch Options…”, and enter the commands).


Removes the borders on the top/bottom or left/right of the screen in non-16:9 aspect ratios. Please note that Vanquish was originally designed to a 16:9 aspect ratio only, and as such, certain UI elements will be distorted with the lock disabled.

-fov 80

Use a number between 40-120 to change the field of view. The game was designed for an FOV of 80 degrees, so errors may occur at other values.

PlatinumGames and Little Stone have worked hard to make this the absolute best experience on PC possible, but multiple system specs mean sometimes unforeseen issues can arise once a game is released into the wild.

Should you experience any issues, please report them IN THIS THREAD along with your system specs so we can keep track of them in one place.

Thank you, and enjoy Vanquish!


Hi Vanquish fans,

We've seen the reports linking framerate to damage taken in-game, as well as other issues reported in this thread, and we are investigating.

Please watch this space for further updates -- we'll keep you posted.

Thank you for your reports and system specs!


It’s a holiday here in the UK, but we wanted to get a patch out to you as quickly as possible, so we have made publicly available our beta patch. Please note that this patch has not been QA checked, so install at your own risk!

To install, go to Vanquish in your Steam library, right click and select “Properties,” then go to the “Betas” tab. In the field to enter the beta access code, type the password


(caps-sensitive); “public_patch” will now appear in the drop down menu. Select it and close the Properties menu.

This patch addresses the following:
• Fixed an issue with invincibility frame timing (which sometimes allowed the player to get hit more frequently at higher frame rates).
• Fixed an issue with health regeneration at higher frame rates.
• Fixed an issue when resetting to default on the options menu.
• Fixed an issue with video cutscenes skipping early for some players.
• Fixed an animation issue when sliding backwards and aiming using keyboard and mouse.
• Adjusted cutscene audio volume.

The patch also adds two more command line functions:
• -monitor 2 (or any number in a multi-monitor setup)

This will allow users to select which monitor to treat as the primary device, which will allow full screen exclusive to work on that display.

• -window

This will force the game to boot into windowed mode (which should help some players if the game is defaulting to an unsupported resolution).

Please feel free to give the beta patch a go and report your findings in this thread. Thank you.


The above patch has been QA checked and is now officially live. Time to hit hard and make'm regret it!


Hi Vanquish fans,

Another patch for you, just in time for the weekend. If you opted into the beta patch branch, please switch back to the main branch, as we’ve pushed all updates to the main branch.

Patch V1.02 change notes:

• Lock-on laser damage corrected for frame rate.
• Lock-on laser target lock-on timing corrected for frame rate.
• Fixed the sliding particle effect for frame rate.
• Fixed an issue where events would occasionally fail to trigger at high frame rates (e.g. the end of Act 1 Mission 6).
• Fixed animation issues when running towards the camera and firing/reloading with keyboard and mouse.
• Fixed an issue where scripted events would progress at the wrong speed at higher frame rates.
• Added “-audio 2” command line; enter the number of a specific audio device to force the game to use that rather than the default device (may help players with audio device issues).

Have fun!


Trading cards now drop. Sorry about that one, people.


Hi Vanquish people,

Another patch for your weekend enjoyment!

Patch V1.03 change notes:
• Fixed an issue where character dialogue would play too frequently at higher frame rates.
• Fixed an issue where the red bar on the ARS suit would fail to display correctly.
• Fixed a flashing effect in certain visor cutscene sequences.
• Fixed issues where the SSAO would fail to work correctly, and adjusted the strength of the SSAO effect.
• Adjustment to health/AR recovery rates.

Now go get those robots!
Last edited by SEGA Dev; Jun 9, 2017 @ 9:28am
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Showing 1-15 of 624 comments
Emilio May 25, 2017 @ 8:22am 
Does the game allow simultaneous mouse and joystick?
Last edited by Emilio; May 25, 2017 @ 8:22am
Katcher May 25, 2017 @ 8:25am 
Originally posted by Emilio:
Does the game allow simultaneous mouse and joystick?
Why would you use both at the same time? Unless you mean you can use either or?
Siroldas May 25, 2017 @ 8:26am 
Why you no preload :*(
Also TYSM for this port lol
Emilio May 25, 2017 @ 8:27am 
Originally posted by Katcher:
Originally posted by Emilio:
Does the game allow simultaneous mouse and joystick?
Why would you use both at the same time? Unless you mean you can use either or?
It's for the steam controller. On that controller you can use mouse aiming while having the ordinary buttons be xbox commands. To allow for smoother aiming while still allowing easy button access like a controller. But sadly some games lock up camera movement from mouses when moving a joystick from a controller.
"have worked hard to make this the absolute best experience on PC possible" but yet the game is buggy and promoted features need to be changed with a console give me a fing break
Cheating Death May 25, 2017 @ 8:29am 
give us speed please, i cant download it normally:bienfucrying:
Sega make me your office ♥♥♥♥♥, I LOVE YOU
plus there was no preload which pissed off a lot of your customers
Originally posted by Raklödder:
"have worked hard to make this the absolute best experience on PC possible" but yet the game is buggy and promoted features need to be changed with a console give me a fing break

Games are always going to have bugs with all the different setups on PC. Also they added a ton of graphics options and gave us 4k textures. FOV Changing was not promoted, everything they listed are unpromoted so GTFO
Last edited by RubberduckzillA RIP Alwyn; May 25, 2017 @ 8:32am
SweatyThighs May 25, 2017 @ 8:32am 
Thank you so much will buy it now awesome support for 21:9 users now please bring Yakuza or Persona Games to PC
Originally posted by SEGA Dev:
Thank you for supporting Vanquish on PC!

We know some of you like your aspect ratios unlocked along with your framerates and resolutions.

We’ve therefore added some unsupported features that can be enabled by launching the game with the following command lines (the easiest way to do this is to right-click the game in the Steam library, select Properties, select General, select “Set Launch Options…”, and enter the commands).

-unlockaspectratio Removes the borders on the top/bottom or left/right of the screen in non-16:9 aspect ratios. Please note that Vanquish was originally designed to a 16:9 aspect ratio only, and as such, certain UI elements will be distorted with the lock disabled.

-fov 80 Use a number between 40-120 to change the field of view. The game was designed for an FOV of 80 degrees, so errors may occur at other values.

PlatinumGames and Little Stone have worked hard to make this the absolute best experience on PC possible, but multiple system specs mean sometimes unforeseen issues can arise once a game is released into the wild.

Should you experience any issues, please report them IN THIS THREAD along with your system specs so we can keep track of them in one place.

Thank you, and enjoy Vanquish!
NO! Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Originally posted by UNLEASHED:
give us speed please, i cant download it normally:bienfucrying:
download server are hot :D
MyuniHausen May 25, 2017 @ 8:34am 
Originally posted by Katcher:
Originally posted by Emilio:
Does the game allow simultaneous mouse and joystick?
Why would you use both at the same time? Unless you mean you can use either or?
Nice smooth analog movement with Controller in the left hand + precise, swift aiming/shooting with mouse. Best of both worlds, IMO, but hard to implement, since you are missing out on half of the controller buttons.
Last edited by MyuniHausen; May 25, 2017 @ 8:37am
Emilio May 25, 2017 @ 8:37am 
Originally posted by MyuniHausen:
Originally posted by Katcher:
Why would you use both at the same time? Unless you mean you can use either or?
Nice smooth analog movement with Controller in the left hand + precise, swift aiming/shooting with mouse. Best of both worlds, IMO, but hard to implement, since you are missing out on have of the controller buttons.
You should try the steam controller then. It has trackpads and a gyroscope. They come damn close to being as precise as a mouse while still being pretty much as quick as a joystick.
Solves the problem of hybrid controller incredibly.
NEMRCOMEDY May 25, 2017 @ 8:39am 

I tried the following but to no avail, the game is still broken and won't launch for me:

1. Restarted multiple times
2. Uninstalled, redownloaded, checked the file integrity and it checked out, launched and still exact same issue

It boots to a white screen and just hangs! Nothing is happening :(

My system specs are:

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit updated to latest creators update
Intel core i7-4790 @ 4Ghz
32GB Ram
Two GTX 980ti in SLI (tried disabling sli, no change)
Last edited by NEMRCOMEDY; May 25, 2017 @ 10:04am
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