Catch Canvas

Catch Canvas

Please research before you purchase.
As nice as this game looks;
I ask, steam user to steam user, you do a basic background check of the developer:
Unwonted Studios / Kyle Tyner

This is not the sort of studio that needs to be supported by the Steam community.
They already have a penchant for struggling to release a game unfinished
(and well past the promised date),
and then abandoning it for another title that is already in the works.
To say nothing of the fact that they have been caught lying and acting overall unprofessionally.
Your wallet is your voice here, please put it behind a studio that actually deserves it.

Thank you for your time on this message,
< >
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caesar_ensalada lähetti viestin:
As nice as this game looks;
I ask, steam user to steam user, you do a basic background check of the developer:
Unwonted Studios / Kyle Tyner

This is not the sort of studio that needs to be supported by the Steam community.
They already have a penchant for struggling to release a game unfinished
(and well past the promised date),
and then abandoning it for another title that is already in the works.
To say nothing of the fact that they have been caught lying and acting overall unprofessionally.
Your wallet is your voice here, please put it behind a studio that actually deserves it.

Thank you for your time on this message,

Really enjoyed No One But You and will be buying this when it comes out. My wallet IS my voice and I happen to like Unwonted.

Bring on the pitchforks and torches :shiro:
hobojohnny lähetti viestin:
caesar_ensalada lähetti viestin:
As nice as this game looks;
I ask, steam user to steam user, you do a basic background check of the developer:
Unwonted Studios / Kyle Tyner

This is not the sort of studio that needs to be supported by the Steam community.
They already have a penchant for struggling to release a game unfinished
(and well past the promised date),
and then abandoning it for another title that is already in the works.
To say nothing of the fact that they have been caught lying and acting overall unprofessionally.
Your wallet is your voice here, please put it behind a studio that actually deserves it.

Thank you for your time on this message,

Really enjoyed No One But You and will be buying this when it comes out. My wallet IS my voice and I happen to like Unwonted.

Bring on the pitchforks and torches :shiro:

I can understand someone saying they like certain parts of their games,
but how exactly do you like Unwonted Studios?

-Releasing games unfinished, buggy, and broken, well past their release date.
-Abandoning some games all together.
-Hiding what games they actually have worked on.
-Lying about features in upcoming games.
-Lying about the content that was in the released game.
-Lying about what customers were paying for.
-Neglecting to mention that there were different versions with different price points.
-Then lying that the content would be fixed in patches/updates,
and it would be available to everyone.
-Constantly lying about when updates would be released to cover their ass.
-Repeatedly switching name tags to try and distance the Unwonted brand from liability of claims made.
-Constantly wiping their personal forum/site to hide any evidence they could of claims made.
-Blaming (cheap-foreign) employees for Unwonted's own incompetence, and then firing them. (which is unethical)
-Releasing publicly, information about another employee's identity, their medical predicament,
and then blaming the employee for Unwonted's own incompetence. (which is illegal)
-Lying about how many employees they have hired/lost
-Juggling multiple development projects, and funneling money from multiple sources to feed the beast.
-Lying about having multiple "development teams".
-Failing to funnel money from one project as a developer to another as a publisher.

and that's just what I remember off the top of my head...
anyone who reads this is more than welcome to the treasure trove of evidence against Unwonted / Kyle.

I am not saying people can't like their games, I'm saying they just should not support Unwonted, and should instead go out and choose from the massive selection of VNs that are already out there (that Unwonted is trying to imitate anyways).

Unwonted Studios doesn't even like Unwonted Studios.
It's why they don't associate the name directly on a lot of projects now.
It's why Razz has been the only developer commenting on this forum so far.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on caesar_ensalada; 25.9.2016 klo 8.03
Don't care about Unwonted, I'm buying this for Razz.
tmtapani lähetti viestin:
Don't care about Unwonted, I'm buying this for Razz.

Which is what Unwonted wants to hear. They do this sort of collaboration to pool from someone who is actually professional and has a following.

If you are doing this for Razz (who does deserve some support in this scenario), then go support their patreon, that way the money goes to their side of the prodcution, and you get access to all the visuals, bonus material and even the steam key itself (listed in the rewards section).

I would only question it first, because getting access to steam keys through only one developer makes it sound like there's still some money shuffling in the background, and I wouldn't put it past Unwonted.
i'm buying for the hentai, i mean razzart's art :P
Vinyl 30.9.2016 klo 17.15 
TysonL lähetti viestin:
i'm buying for the hentai, i mean razzart's art :P
lol im getting it cuz of the art style i love there art and story i don't really care for the H-scene i mean if they have it that would be lovely but not gonna cry and ♥♥♥♥♥ like other people and won't buy it cuz of that :renoah:
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Vinyl; 30.9.2016 klo 17.15
Is it out? I see it on the 'new releases' page, but I see no purchase button.
luxtizer lähetti viestin:
Is it out? I see it on the 'new releases' page, but I see no purchase button.

caesar_ensalada lähetti viestin:

...They already have a penchant for struggling to release a game unfinished
(and well past the promised date)...

This is the sort of thing I'm trying to warn people about.

CC was 'promised' around July 2016,
and Unwonted said there was now way they'd run off track again,
they'd learned from their mistakes, everything was running smoothly, etc....
Then there was an apparent hiccup,
but Unwonted said they weren't going to discuss it or if it would delay CC
(b/c of course it would!!!).
Then July rolled around and Unwonted kept their heads down and tried
not to open their mouths.
Then they finally gave the early September release date, in late August,
but look: It's already October!

This is how Unwonted works.
They are highly unprofessional and not worth supporting
when there are so many other (better) teams out there who need support!
Unwonted will desperately drag this out,
indicating the release is just around the corner,
and you should be excited, and remember to purchase,
but you can never truly know with them.
Man, I was actually kind of looking forward to this when it popped up on the new items page. The art style's neat and the premise seems original... I guess I'll wait when (or if) it ever comes out. See what people think about the story aspects before I sink any kind of money into it. That's what's most important to me in Visual Novels. Was I engaged and interested in the characters? Was it a cute story?

Thanks for the head's up, by the way. I was wondering why it still wasn't out, despite it saying yesterday that it was coming out on the same day. I shall be wary. :P
Mister-Blender lähetti viestin:
Man, I was actually kind of looking forward to this when it popped up on the new items page. The art style's neat and the premise seems original... I guess I'll wait when (or if) it ever comes out. See what people think about the story aspects before I sink any kind of money into it. That's what's most important to me in Visual Novels. Was I engaged and interested in the characters? Was it a cute story?

Thanks for the head's up, by the way. I was wondering why it still wasn't out, despite it saying yesterday that it was coming out on the same day. I shall be wary. :P
The developer wasn´t online for 10 days (also the last time he posted) + The release is still "September". Damn... Hope it will be released soon.
Mister-Blender lähetti viestin:
...the premise seems original...

May I point you towards the internet;
which is absolutely filled to the brim with hentai sex games,
and the ENTIRE SUB GENRE of visiting an aunt/uncle who is in charge of
overseeing some aspect of the lives of a group of young women;
and then you end up in a harem-esque situation???

And that's just the free porngame stuff that has been around for decades.
Start piling all the anime and manga on top of that,
and CC is quite literally ripping off everything that ever existed. xD

Dovahkein lähetti viestin:
The developer wasn´t online for 10 days (also the last time he posted) + The release is still "September". Damn... Hope it will be released soon.

You can always go join the 'Wander No More' community hub and keep on hopin' with them:

Or join either the 'Written in the Sky' or 'No One But You' communities, and keep wandering when the promised content will come out:
caesar_ensalada lähetti viestin:
Mister-Blender lähetti viestin:
...the premise seems original...

May I point you towards the internet;
which is absolutely filled to the brim with hentai sex games,
and the ENTIRE SUB GENRE of visiting an aunt/uncle who is in charge of
overseeing some aspect of the lives of a group of young women;
and then you end up in a harem-esque situation???

And that's just the free porngame stuff that has been around for decades.
Start piling all the anime and manga on top of that,
and CC is quite literally ripping off everything that ever existed. xD

I meant the whole artist theme and such. I haven't seen artist stuff before. Don't freak out, I was saying it as it applied to me. I, personally, have never seen that. :P

I'm not looking for sex games, friend, this just caught my interest and I was putting in my two cents. I want it to be a good story over whatever else it may have. If it doesn't, I'm not going to be interested. ^^
Viimeisin muokkaaja on That-Blender-Ashe; 1.10.2016 klo 14.35
Mister-Blender lähetti viestin:
I meant the whole artist theme and such. I haven't seen artist stuff before. Don't freak out, I was saying it as it applied to me. I, personally, have never seen that. :P

I'm not looking for sex games, friend, this just caught my interest and I was putting in my two cents. I want it to be a good story over whatever else it may have. If it doesn't, I'm not going to be interested. ^^

Nothing I said would've changed, you simply assumed I was talking about only harem sex games. (Or were just getting weirdly defensive over it, idk :P)

Again, internet:
Paintbrush, musical instrument, sportsball. These have all been done
to no end and have become cliche framing devices.

As for the story; this is by Unwonted Studios.
There is literally no reason to buy this product except for
the shameless branding of boobs by the artist they hire at the time.
This is a hentai-game, which is why they have the 'patch' in the first place.
It's why they run every kickstarter with more boob-mousepads
and body-pillows than you can shake a stick at.

You'll see this is apparent if you do even a minor gloss over their past works.
They can't write a coherent story,
and have gotten caught ripping off other (more successful)
works and sprinkling it into their stories.

At least with NOBY, the novelty was the Voice Acting (but we never even got that!), the expanded stories (which we also never got completely!) and the extended list of characters (which we also never got!).

This time the only novelty they could come up with was swapping genders when you h-scene the harem. There is literally no window dressing here. It is a hentai game on steam.

AT BEST, it's ecchi. There's no denying it; There's only one 'plot' here that is coherent. :AwesomeBorn:
Viimeisin muokkaaja on caesar_ensalada; 1.10.2016 klo 15.11
caesar_ensalada lähetti viestin:
Mister-Blender lähetti viestin:
I meant the whole artist theme and such. I haven't seen artist stuff before. Don't freak out, I was saying it as it applied to me. I, personally, have never seen that. :P

I'm not looking for sex games, friend, this just caught my interest and I was putting in my two cents. I want it to be a good story over whatever else it may have. If it doesn't, I'm not going to be interested. ^^

AT BEST, it's ecchi. There's no denying it; There's only one 'plot' here that is coherent. :AwesomeBorn:

Okay, I'm sorry. ;_;
Mister-Blender lähetti viestin:
caesar_ensalada lähetti viestin:

AT BEST, it's ecchi. There's no denying it; There's only one 'plot' here that is coherent. :AwesomeBorn:

Okay, I'm sorry. ;_;

That's right!
NOTHING can hide from *generic Ace Detective trope*. :conwayshrug:
(or the snarky forum poster trope)
< >
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