Catch Canvas
No 3D waifu to make love to....
Games like this remind me that I should just kill myself :steamsad:
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
Цитата допису ☭Comrade Red DAS:
Games like this remind me that I should just kill myself :steamsad:
Thats deep mate. But still, keep your head high. It will happen someday. *cryes with you* :steamsad:
Making lots of $$$ is about the only option now a days unless you look like Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp...or have the body of Chaning Tatum...

At least we have these games for us normal folks!

Don't worry once you get married you will want to kill yourself again ends up playing this game.
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
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Опубліковано: 17 жовт. 2016 о 17:36
Дописів: 5