Mythic Wonders: The Philosopher's Stone

Mythic Wonders: The Philosopher's Stone

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EvathCebor Oct 3, 2017 @ 1:12pm
Beautiful game, very fun and pleasant. But the story...
Everything in these worlds is charming. What a nice trip ! Plus the puzzles and HOG were both very fun. Sadly, as usual with Artifex Mundi (even if they just published it, it's always the same), the story is terrible. Well, the story could be just "basic and forgetable" if it was not so poorly acted, "filmed" and written. I just started Nearwood after this one ; so far, the story does not feel much better. But, unlike Mythic Wonders, it doesn't look ridiculous at all ; not because of what it says, but because of how it says it. Here is the huge difference.

You can consider stories as not important, just a simple reason to travel through amazing worlds or atmospheres. But you should take a greater care about HOW you tell your stories, even if they are not the priority. You can not make one of your characters write a letter in which he says to himself "I'm a vilain, Ha Ha Ha !". You just can't. I will not even talk about how he was defeated...I believe the game would be even better with less "cinematics" and "texts". Because if the texts suck that much, I think you should just avoid to write them and make an even more basic story. If you can't show properly, then suggest instead.

Anyway, I was happy to play this game and I'll be happy to replay it sometimes. Plase apologize my english.
Last edited by EvathCebor; Oct 3, 2017 @ 1:21pm