Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2 PC FIx
I'm setting this post up on Reddit and on the Lost Planet 2 Steam Discussion page to make it easier for everyone to be able to google this and run Lost PLanet 2. First and foremost, before you go through the fix process, remember DirectX 9 is the option you will choose. DirectX 11 will cause crashes. I will also supply screenshots of sites and process to make it easier.

1: Have the game (crazy i know), if you dont you WILL find keys on sites liek ♥♥♥ for close to 500 dollars. I got mine off Newegg for $20: https://www.newegg.com/capcom-lost-planet-2/p/N82E16832233146?nm_mc=AFC-RAN-COM&cm_mmc=afc-ran-com-_-GG.deals&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=afc-ran-com-_-GG.deals&utm_source=afc-GG.deals&AFFID=3816191&AFFNAME=GG.deals&ACRID=1&ASUBID=&ASID=&ranMID=44583&ranEAID=3816191&ranSiteID=I_8gdPaacpM-MDaXX75yHoL.Uft3LjiP2g

2: Now we can get to the meat and potatoes, Microsoft Games for Windows. This is also referred to as the GFWL: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1012-microsoft-games-for-windows-live/ click the "download this file" and download the "GFWLiveSetup.zip"

3: Once downloaded, extract the .zip file and download all files EXCEPT for the "wllogin_32", most systems today run 64 bit and if youre on a 32 bit im surprised programs still function but good on you.

4: When you run Lost Planet 2 through steam, when you hit start game, in the top center of your screen you will be prompted to Login or Create a Windows Live account. Use your EXISTING microsoft account. Whether or not it actually logs in or creates a new one i could not tell you, HOWEVER my Microsoft login went through and im able to save my game.

5: After you have logged in through Windows Live it will prompt you for a game key, you can find that in steam by clicking the gear on the right side of the game selected> Manage> Show CD Key. Enter that back inside Lost Planet 2 and enjoy playing an over decade old game!

Enjoy Lost Planet 2 in the Year of Our Lord 2024. Get to hunting Akrids comrades!

Notes: if ANYTHING prompts you to remove programs DO NOT remove programs. This is the exact steps i took to ensure it works.
Heres the Reddit Link for images to assist in what and where to click: https://www.reddit.com/r/LostPlanet/comments/1csuczu/lost_planet_2_steam_fix/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button