RuneScape: Idle Adventures

RuneScape: Idle Adventures

Hyper Hippo Productions  [developer] Apr 21, 2016 @ 11:16am
Welcome to the RuneScape: Idle Adventures Closed Beta! We've put together a few questions to help you out, but if you need assistance with anything else, please comment below!

- The RuneScape: Idle Adventures Team


1. How long is the Beta?!

Since we’re doing a staggered release of the Beta, we don’t have a confirmed timeline for when the Beta will close. However, we will notify everyone well in advance when time comes!

2. Does my progress save after the Beta is done?!

As this is a Beta, your progress will not carry over to the final version. There is also potential that your progress made be lost with updates or bug fixes, so be warned!

3. How do I provide feedback to the devs?!

We’d love to hear any and all feedback you may have! Please comment within the Forums with whatever you’d like to share!

4. Oh no! I lost all of my progress - what do I do?!

Sorry to hear that! With the nature of a Beta version, there can be bugs and strange occurrences. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything we can do to restore your progress. However, we’re going to have tools to do so within the final version!

5. Do I get anything special for participating in the Beta?!

Yes! We’re going to figure out a special gift for all of those who helped out with the Beta test. More info to come!

6. My game is all messed up - how do I start over?!

Click on the “Gear” icon in the top right, and then click “Hard Reset” - it will start you over!

7. I'm stuck - what do I do?!

Click on your Quest Tab to double check what you need to do. No quests? Look for an "!" icon on

8. How do I get hard currency?!

Each player will be awarded 10 Gold per day, so make sure you keep checking back!

9. What are the min specs for the game?

OS: Windows 7
Memory: 2 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 700 MB available space
OS: Mac OS X 10.7
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 700 MB available space

10. My game is stuck and won't load - what can I do?

In some cases, deleting your Regedit files for RS:IA can help with this. Here is what you need to do:

1. Search your computer for "Regedit"
2. Once Regedit is open, go to Edit>Find: Hyper Hippo Games
3. Open the Hyper Hippo Games folder - delete the "Idle Adventures" folder within it

If this doesn't help, please send us your Log Files at "". Here how you can find them:

Right-click RuneScape: Idle Adventures in your Steam Library
Select "properties" at the bottom of the right-click menu
Select the "local files" tab of the popup that appears
Select "browse local files..."
Open the "idle-adventures_Data" folder
Copy/paste "output_log.txt" into an email as an attachment
Last edited by Hyper Hippo Productions; Sep 1, 2016 @ 8:27am
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Showing 1-15 of 1,136 comments
Hyper Hippo Productions  [developer] Apr 21, 2016 @ 11:19am 
The Good
What are you enjoying about RS:IA? Let us know below - a little positive reinforcement goes a long way!
Hyper Hippo Productions  [developer] Apr 21, 2016 @ 11:21am 
The Bad
Oops! Did we mess something up? Is there a nagging bug, gameplay flaw, or just flat-out miss? Let us know, and include as much information as you can!
Hyper Hippo Productions  [developer] Apr 21, 2016 @ 1:30pm 
Can't access the RS:IA Closed Beta? Fear not... can sign up here! Please fill out the survey below for a chance to join in on the testing!
Last edited by Hyper Hippo Productions; Apr 21, 2016 @ 2:59pm
Shoppa Apr 22, 2016 @ 5:52am 
When will you guys send out beta keys? I'm really excited for this game :D
Hyper Hippo Productions  [developer] Apr 22, 2016 @ 8:47am 
Soon! We're going to be slowly releasing them in stages :)
Last edited by Hyper Hippo Productions; Apr 22, 2016 @ 8:47am
Andersson Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:25am 
Been playing the game for just under 5 minutes and have some super early thoughts/suggestions:
  • The SFX/Music/Master sliders seem to disable their respective sounds when they are at 50% or below, rather than at 0%
  • Since the audio was very loud for me as soon as the game started, I would have liked access to the settings menu as early as the character creation screen, since you currently don't get access to it until you've done the first quest (which takes a minute or two with the amount of text there is). Had to lower the audio in the windows mixer.
  • Just a nice-to-have which doesn't detract from the experience would be having the window scalable by dragging rather than fixed window resolutions through the settings menu :)
A-peli Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:34am 
After traveling to Lumbridge Catacombs to kill Warped rats / spiders the ability "bash" seems to display wrong cooldown time. It says "2s" when it's 10 seconds. (maybe I misunderstood something?)

Edit: seems like I got it wrong, when you hover it it displays the time left when you started hovering. Still, it's a bit misleading. Maybe make it showcase the full cooldown time and not change, since you can already see the cooldown timer count on top of the ability icon.
Last edited by A-peli; Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:37am
Aspacid Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:36am 
I have similar thoughts:

My immediate urge was to explore how this is different/similar to other idle games by clicking through it, but I was immediately dragged into a tutorial. Unlike the quick, first encounter based tips/suggestions seen in AdCap.

I don't mind fix resolution, but I really miss when the taskbar isn't taken into account. A non-scalable fullHD window on fullHD resolution hiding the taskbar is just a drag(literally).

More information on what is what:
It may not be part of the design to show some tooltip, but my personal preference is to have a name for an icon. What does this sword icon, star, green/red drop represent. I can guess, but some feedback would be nice anyway

Being way too picky now:
certain sounds:
The sound played when switching tabs between quest requirements/rewards and mortal/divine quests, sounds like an error message, it's quite unpleasant.
Last edited by Aspacid; Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:45am
A-peli Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:43am 
Originally posted by szatmaripet:
I have similar thoughts:

My immediate urge was to explore how this is different/similar to other idle games by clicking through it, but I was immediately dragged into a tutorial. Unlike the quick, first encounter based tips/suggestions seen in AdCap.

I don't mind fix resolution, but I really miss when the taskbar isn't taken into account. A non-scalable fullHD window on fullHD resolution hiding the taskbar is just a drag(literally).

More information on what is what:
It may not be part of the design to show some tooltip, but my personal preference is to have a name for an icon. What does this sword icon, star, green/red drop represent. I can guess, but some feedback would be nice anyway

I agree with last paragraph at least. Maybe hoverover could tell what they're called so It's easier to understand them.
ImmerseExploit Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:50am 
The world map will occasionally show white borders if you're zooming in all the way and then zooming out completely, usually around the edges of the map. Also it would make more sense for the scroll wheel to zoom in/out on the map instead of moving it vertically.

If you bash an enemy and they die immediately, the next enemy will remain stunned as well.
Last edited by ImmerseExploit; Apr 22, 2016 @ 10:13am
Aspacid Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:51am 
Some praises are in order:

Job well done on the overall design!
Icons, UI is clean, consistent.
Love how the skill screen looks. Reminds my erliest Runescape memmories when I looked at the overwhelming ammount of skills I could do.
time_warden Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:56am 
kind of a minor thing i just noticed, when you are leveling up a skill if it says 371 anima to level it actually takes 372 to level it
Halko Apr 22, 2016 @ 9:59am 
First 5 minutes into game:
Stuck in tutorial screen due to not being able to purchase citizens to continue fishing after the first quest. This was because my purchase multiplier in the bottom right of the screen as set to x10, requiring me to have to purchase 10 citizens for 350 anima instead of 1 for 35. I closed out of the game and restarted, and found my avatar was set back to the default female Sally instead of the male one I chose. Also found that there is hardly a difference between capital and lowercase letters when naming your avatar and there is also some static in my earphones with the music when playing this game.
Dragon Dive Apr 22, 2016 @ 10:10am 
The scroll speed (using the mouse wheel) on Quest Requirements/Rewards is incredibly slow. I understand that you can click and drag to scroll, but it's often easier to just use the mouse wheel.

Edit: On your character's general stats screen (the one that displays health), for some reason the stars and weapon points are clickable. However, clicking them and moving your mouse off of them causes the button to retain its "hover" color. (brighter than usual)

Edit 2: Shortcut keys (typically numbers or Function keys) for skills (such as Bash) would be really nice.
Last edited by Dragon Dive; Apr 22, 2016 @ 10:15am
Greg Apr 22, 2016 @ 10:15am 
A few things that I observed so far -

1. Is there a reason why the original Runescape music isn't used for this game? Having the Draynor BGM from Runescape while you're in Draynor would make it feel more a lot more relatable to Runescape. Runescape: Chronicle Legends does this and the feedback to it was pretty good.

2. During combat, I don't feel like I'm doing anything at all. This is probably in the works, but there should be an attack animation for when the character attacks.

3. When entering a new dungeon, the best skills should be set be default, or at least there should be an option for the user to set their default skills. There's definitely going to be a few people tanking dungeon monsters for several hours before they realize that they didn't have an attack skill set.

4. Since you still gather Anima when you're in a dungeon, perhaps the combat window and the town window could be separated? It feels like a chore to have to restart a dungeon from scratch each time I visit the town to buy more citizens, and when there may be special rewards for fully completing a dungeon, it would be really inefficient to fully complete the dungeon when you can increase your Anima generation by spending Anima during the period of time where you're in the dungeon. Realized that dungeons don't take that long - Thought the 6 minutes shown was 6 hours.

5. Why is it hold to spend Anima to upgrade a skill? Pressing it once to spend the exact amount of Anima required to level up the skill sounds more reasonable. Imagine when skills reach a higher level and the player would have to hold the button for several minutes just for a single level. Also, overspending hurts as the additional Anima spent doesn't do anything and could have been better spent elsewhere.

Edit: I just realized that the attack button for the skill bash on the top-left side of the window is clickable to use the skill. I'm not sure if I accidentally skipped that in the tutorial or if that wasn't covered in the tutorial.

Also, 6. The player's health should be displayed in the combat window as well, instead of being on the sidebar. It's kind of weird to have to scramble through the menu just to see how much health I have left and if I should continue on with the dungeon.

7. When you unlock skills that span past one page in the skills page, the scrollbar only scrolls by a bit when you try to drag it down, then it jumps back up to the beginning.

8. When using the upgrade by multiples (10x, 100x, max), the increment in cost per level is not added to the calculation when displaying the costs.. It simply shows the price multiplied by 10 and 100. However, when you click the buttons, the anima that they deduct goes in accordance to the increment in cost per level.

9. When entering a dungeon, after clicking "Travel to Dungeon", if you click on "Open Map" in the dungeon window, the "Travel to Dungeon" button stops working in the map.

10. The quest count size is kind of odd for the quest "Teach a man to cabbage". The text is slightly bigger than normal, and makes it look like the quest window is saying "Complete Farming x/5050 times in Draynor Village", which can be misleading.

11. The duration of town skills state "Instant", when it should state the duration of how long it lasts. Also, the cooldowns are extremely long for their effects. For example, Farming 1 lasts for around 50 seconds, and has a 6 hour cooldown. That's a really long cooldown for such a short effect.
Last edited by Greg; Apr 22, 2016 @ 11:36am
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