

Still some issues with the newest version. (Right eye flicker in menus, can't change player position.)
I reverted back to version 4.881 for months after the newest version came out with these issues, which worked great until recently. Now when I boot into it the only thing that pops up is a jumbled menu with no way to play or do anything.

So I went back to the newest version and I am sad to say but it still has some issues.

1. With the menu open my right eye has a single black flicker regularly. Seems to be about the length of a single frame. It is actually really distracting and just keeps happening.

2. While playing videos left clicking doesn't always bring the menu back up, I have to press another hotkey of some kind for a specific menu and then my ability to left click and bring up the menu returns. This happens at least once per file.

3. I am for some reason not able to change player position to move me forward or back. Which is sometimes needed. Also nothing when I try to move "Left or Right" "Up or Down"
Only thing that works in that menu now is rotating and roll.

I am using a Valve Index on Windows 10, with a Ryzen 9 3900X and a 2080Super
Last edited by We.Are.Simulated; Mar 28 @ 6:58pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Whirligig  [developer] Mar 29 @ 4:00am 

Thanks for the feedback. I half expect the new version to have some issues as I've rewritten a lot of the code. I'll go over each one and see how we go.

1. This is something that I've not experienced and I'm not totally sure how to address it. There are serval things that could be causing it and I'll do some research into what changes I can make to fix it. In VR there is a thing called multi and single pass. I use multi pass as stereo playback required it but it's been a while since the single pass was implemented so I'll give it another go.

2. I'll look into this and see if I can recreate it. I have a couple things I can try to improve this so I'll go over a few of them and see if I can improve it.

3. I'll check this and see if I've broken this in the latest version. A lot of the UI needed addressing after the fix so it's possible not done it in the position menu. Does the movement not work when you map these functions? I'll check both regardless.

I know you've probably already tried this but just in case a full reset can also help. Here are instructions:
Close Whirligig.

Navigate here :
Find the folder called 'Whirligig' and rename or delete it.
Restart Whirligig.

I'm a bit worried I won't be able to recreate these issues but if I can't there are a few things I can try, to improve the chances of these not happen.

Thanks for the feedback. Fingers crossed I can resolve them.

Thank you for the response!

I did some testing and with hotkeys I can still move the player position forward and backwards. But I have no idea what the values are so it is kind of hard to figure out where the best spot is.

Also the left click issue is with mouse controls if that wasn't clear originally. Normally you can left click at any time and it brings up the UI.
I have more to add!
The flicker issue happens in both eyes actually, but not at the same time. it is always one or the other. I also found a way to consistently make it happen and that is by having the Explorer open and looking at a list of files. If I move my mouse across the titles it will cause a flicker consistently and pretty often. Like every few seconds. Sometimes it causes two in a row within a second. If I am doing nothing the flicker does not seem to happen.

EDIT: I think the issue with flickering is with my "Video Path" as this problem seems to be mostly happening when I have Media Foundation selected. This used to be the only option that really worked for me on previous versions. As others would playback the video slowly or not at all.

But now it seems the other options work fine and they have less flickering, Video Lan still has a bit of a flicker but it is only about half the frame and not the entire one. The other two options do not have this problem.

Still can't change player position in the menu on any of the different video path options available. Sorry for the long comment, just trying to give as much info as possible.
Last edited by We.Are.Simulated; Mar 30 @ 1:58pm
Whirligig  [developer] Mar 31 @ 8:13am 
Thank you this is very useful. I think I know what the issue is as flickering seems to be an issue in relation to Vsync. I've had reports of flickering on the desktop monitor and turned on the Vsync which seemed to alleviate it. However I think it's possible it has pushed the problem to the VR headset. I'm going to add an option in quality settings to turn this off and on and see if that helps. I only have an original HTC vive so recreating the issue is a bit difficult for me but I might be able to jiggle with the settings to recreate it.

Regarding the position menu not working. I'll look into that and see if I can find the issue. Hopefully it's just an issue with the updates I've made.

I'll message once I have an update you can try and thanks again for the feedback, it's often the only way I hear about issues and with so much different hardware available it's not always straight forward to find them :)
Whirligig  [developer] Apr 15 @ 2:12am 

Just a quick message to say I've updated Whirligig and fixed the issue with the positions menu and also added an addition of Vsync in the quality options. Vsync is something that has helped flickering on some systems so give that a try and see if it effects the eye flickering issue. Hopefully it helps. I've updated all the plugins, engines etc so that might help as well.

Thanks for letting me know about the issues.

All the best

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