Day of Infamy
Banned from Frankfurt server for being AFK
Come on guys, a bit harsh dontcha think? Especially there are hardly any servers left.
I'll not mention the players name that had me banned so i'll just say,
"I'll be back" after a few days, but that was ridiculous, please don't ban people for minor stuff.
Автор останньої редакції: Drunk Rambo {The Dirty Dozen}; 5 трав. о 19:51
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Показані коментарі 12 із 2
The "bans" on official servers only last for an hour or so.
Цитата допису ashton:
The "bans" on official servers only last for an hour or so.
Yeah i thought so as I was allowed back on. But still, everyone voted to BAN me not just kick. It's a pretty poopy attitude considering there's only a few active servers now.
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Показані коментарі 12 із 2
На сторінку: 1530 50

Опубліковано: 5 трав. о 11:25
Дописів: 2