Watch_Dogs 2

Watch_Dogs 2

Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:08am
Good news, it's a decent PC port (PC Options Menu inside)
After some disappointing PC versions recently it's refreshing to see WD2 delaying it to make sure it runs great and despite tweaking a few settings to remove a little slowdown (likely because I am on an older Nvidia Driver) it can run at a smooth 60 FPS with a 980 Ti / i7 6700k. Granted I haven't had much time with it but this is it's definitely running smoothly compared to most recent titles.

Oh and here's the PC settings menu if you're wondering -

I can go higher with it, but it was a little too demanding atm (likely to improve with Game Ready Drivers).

After original tests, it appears Temporal Filtering was on and may have created inaccurate tests, I have since turned that off and ran various tests to see if I could maintain 60 and the answer is yes, but at some reduced settings. There are 4 big killers to the Framerate, these are MSAA/TXAA, Geometry Detail, Vegetation and Terrain Detail. As I am still not on the latest drivers and running a preview build there may be a better driver out by launch another of our "team" has a similar setup but with a 1080 instead and they drop down to the 50's.

To sum up, it's still a good PC port but I have no idea how it will perform on lower machines.
Last edited by Superchu; Nov 27, 2016 @ 2:55pm
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Showing 1-15 of 75 comments
RIP 970 and 980 users if it is using more then 4gb of VRAM.

Going to be funny people complaining they can't max out newer titles.
Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:33am 
Originally posted by Sachi:
RIP 970 and 980 users if it is using more then 4gb of VRAM.

Going to be funny people complaining they can't max out newer titles.

You can tweak options in much the same way you can in DOOM/Gears of War 4 etc to get it under your limit.
Astoria Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:38am 
how did you get the menu?
Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:44am 
Originally posted by Error sans:
how did you get the menu?

I have a preview copy of the game.
IQu Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:55am 
It delay for the best PC port like AC:Syndicate

I'm sure Watch Dogs 2 is not Goty 2016
but it the best PC game 2016
Lyoko_Lombax Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:18am 
If I completely disabled Anti-Aliasing, would I be able to max out this game at 1080p on a GTX 980?
Knottypine Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:23am 
Well looks like I'll have a lot of settings cranked down to run on my 960.
Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:29am 
Originally posted by Punished "Venom" Kenny:
If I completely disabled Anti-Aliasing, would I be able to max out this game at 1080p on a GTX 980?

AA is a bit weird right now, I have tested all forms of the MSAA / TXAA and really it hits the framerate hard (could be a driver issue, will not know until they release game ready drivers). Best way right now for me to run the game is with Temporal Filtering On (does look a little crappy at times but beats the frame drops without it).
Lyoko_Lombax Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:31am 
Originally posted by Moonky:
Originally posted by Punished "Venom" Kenny:
If I completely disabled Anti-Aliasing, would I be able to max out this game at 1080p on a GTX 980?

AA is a bit weird right now, I have tested all forms of the MSAA / TXAA and really it hits the framerate hard (could be a driver issue, will not know until they release game ready drivers). Best way right now for me to run the game is with Temporal Filtering On (does look a little crappy at times but beats the frame drops without it).
Do you know how much VRAM the Anti-Aliasing uses?
n1coR Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:32am 
Does it support SLI? 1080 Sli shud be carrying 100fps+ on 4K?
Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:43am 
Originally posted by FAVELA♥♥♥♥.illuw5k':
Does it support SLI? 1080 Sli shud be carrying 100fps+ on 4K?

SLI support works yes, I can't really test since I have a single 980ti card.

Originally posted by Punished "Venom" Kenny:
Originally posted by Moonky:

AA is a bit weird right now, I have tested all forms of the MSAA / TXAA and really it hits the framerate hard (could be a driver issue, will not know until they release game ready drivers). Best way right now for me to run the game is with Temporal Filtering On (does look a little crappy at times but beats the frame drops without it).
Do you know how much VRAM the Anti-Aliasing uses?
Lyoko_Lombax Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:49am 
Originally posted by Moonky:
Originally posted by FAVELA♥♥♥♥.illuw5k':
Does it support SLI? 1080 Sli shud be carrying 100fps+ on 4K?

SLI support works yes, I can't really test since I have a single 980ti card.

Originally posted by Punished "Venom" Kenny:
Do you know how much VRAM the Anti-Aliasing uses?
Well, that completely destroys my hopes of maxing out the game. Thanks for the quick response anyway!
Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:55am 
Originally posted by Punished "Venom" Kenny:
Originally posted by Moonky:

SLI support works yes, I can't really test since I have a single 980ti card.
Well, that completely destroys my hopes of maxing out the game. Thanks for the quick response anyway!

I am not sure if they are doing a launch day patch or not so take it with a grain of salt on the optimization as it could change (with new drivers).

Also have a tiny dog -
JackStillAlive (Banned) Nov 27, 2016 @ 8:09am 
What does "Pixel Density" means in the first picture?

Does it hit the fps hard when increased?
Superchu Nov 27, 2016 @ 8:19am 
Originally posted by JackStillAlive:
What does "Pixel Density" means in the first picture?

Does it hit the fps hard when increased?

It's basically an upscale/downscale modifier.
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Date Posted: Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:08am
Posts: 75