Farming Simulator 17

Farming Simulator 17

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GIJoe597 Sep 4, 2018 @ 7:52pm
Pleasant Valley V3.96 Farming and Production 4x map
Dedicated Server - Pleasant Valley V3.96 Farming and Production map

This map always has something for you to do. My intention is to have each farm operate as it's on entity. However, we should offer and source product between farms. Building an interdependency among ourselves.

  • You must have the game on Steam!
  • I will provide a download link for all mods once we have spoken. Please use the link provided and do not update or alter any mods as it will no longer match what the server has loaded.
  • Voice chat is a must.
  • I prefer older people as I myself am in my 50's, but as long as you can play nicely I will consider you regardless of age.
  • The server is in Dallas TX.
  • I will need your Steam name/handle to contact you for voice.
  • As the server is in North America, players in this region are preferred over non NA players. However we will consider you regardless of region.
A little more info about the game play and theme I am trying to create.

Here is a snippet from a document listing info/rules of the server. It is a work in progress, but this encapsulates the essence of what I am trying to accomplish.

Server Theme

My vision for the server is as a small “city”, with its own economy and interactions. I want to force us to work with each other in order to promote the inter-farm dependency/economy. The whole point of playing multiplayer is to have some interaction. We can be a solo farmer in single player. There are many fees/costs which individual farmers do not have to pay in MP games due to FS17’s bank/money mechanics. I am attempting to replicate the finance side of having to weigh every decision/purchase against your wallet. Not just the initial outlay, but also the ongoing costs.

In order to accomplish the vision, the following rules are applied to the specific farmer/player.

  • Cow owners will only be allowed to plant Grass and non straw bearing crops. Straw will need to be sourced from a fellow farmer.
  • Pig owners will be required to source a minimum of two needed crops from a fellow farmer.
  • Sheep owners must source grass from a fellow farmer.
  • The Animal Upkeep fee is paid from the ADMIN account, at some point the Admin will assess each animal owner a “tax” to cover the fee.
  • The primary income for animal owners should always be the animals. Field/factory income should be a “side” income and should not be considered your primary focus. In fact at some point, you may stop doing field work if you can sustain yourselves with animal/factory income.
  • Movement of crops/product will be accomplished either by the owner or another player contracted/hired to do so. There will be a minimum flat rate paid to hired drivers equal to 10% of product value, rounded to nearest dollar.
  • We may only mow grass on fields we own or around the immediate area of our farm/field(s). If in doubt, ask ADMIN.
  • Each individual piece of equipment has a daily maintenance cost associated with it. At some point the Admin/Logistics Manager may start assessing each farm a tax on the equipment they have. This is realistic and will help offset maintenance fees the admin has to pay for all the equipment.
  • At some point the Admin/Logistics Manager may assess a tax on Factory owners as each factory has a worker cost deducted daily from the Admin account.
  • Once factories are up and running, owners will need to source x number crops/resources from other farmers. The number will be based on how many inputs your factory requires.
  • Factories may not be upgraded until all of them are online/owned. Once a factory has been placed for auction the starting bid price will include a reasonable amount to offset the cost of building it.
All of this is subject to change as things arise. If this interests you, please be aware Pleasant Valley is not a normal map. Here are a few examples of how it is different;

There are about 32 industries.
  • Approx half of the factories need to be constructed prior to use.
  • There are also approx 133 added crops/products/resources to use.
  • A specialized menu system.
  • The need to pay for logging rights. If you cut trees without a license you are penalized a fee.

Positions open currently

1 Logistics Manager assistant.
1 Farm available
1 Sheep Farmer

The rules I have in place are not for everyone, I recognize and accept that. if you want to try something different, this may be for you.

Please leave a post in this thread if you have any questions.
Last edited by GIJoe597; Nov 19, 2018 @ 10:52am
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
W-Gaming-Belgium Sep 5, 2018 @ 4:54am 
i would like to be the cow farmer if possible?
W-Gaming-Belgium Sep 5, 2018 @ 5:08am 
I'm from Belgium and would love to join
GIJoe597 Sep 5, 2018 @ 8:51am 
Stoner, send me a friend request and we will discuss it further on Discord.
GIJoe597 Sep 5, 2018 @ 8:52am 
ward - I have accepted your request. Send me a message, we will speak a bit on Discord.
mudgie Sep 5, 2018 @ 10:05am 
Sign me up! I have a few hours put into that map. It is a challange tring to do it by yourself.
GIJoe597 Sep 5, 2018 @ 10:10am 
Mudgie, sending a friend request.
GIJoe597 Sep 5, 2018 @ 12:16pm 
We now have a cow farmer. Original post updated.
GIJoe597 Sep 6, 2018 @ 1:34pm 
Today, we had our first Straw producing crop mature. Both Cook Farm (Cows) and Johnson Farm (Pigs) will be happy to finally be able to place orders for Straw. Evans Farm looks forward to filling those orders.

Do YOU want to participate! See original post above.

D3C0D3D Sep 6, 2018 @ 5:51pm 
Super Interested in joining and helping build the community. Interested in being the sheep farmer
GIJoe597 Sep 6, 2018 @ 6:58pm 
D3 - I have sent you a friend request. We can talk details via voice.
Wulferick Sep 7, 2018 @ 8:30am 
Interested. I wouldn't mind Grain Farming, or whichever crops is needed.
GIJoe597 Sep 7, 2018 @ 12:24pm 
Wulferick, I have sent you a friend request. We can discuss details via Discord.
GIJoe597 Sep 8, 2018 @ 8:34am 
Last night we managed to get the Seed Factory running as well as the Solid Fertilizer plant. We also had 2 new farmers move in.

Kudos to Cook Farms for selling their first batch of Milk.

At this time all 5 farms are occupied and every animal is being handled. It is possible we may hire a couple of helpers to assist the Logistics Manager. Original post updated.
Last edited by GIJoe597; Sep 8, 2018 @ 8:35am
GIJoe597 Sep 9, 2018 @ 11:16pm 
We have a full house as far as Farms are concerned. We even have one "roving helper" who gets paid for jobs at farms and around the map.

We potentially have one slot left for a select individual. This position starts out as a rover also, however, may lead to other positions.

Today, everyone was on, we negotiated many deals amongst ourselves. Much haggling around crops, services and prices/pay.

Roberts Farm had some trees which needed clearing.

He wished to reclaim some prime grasslands and struck a deal with the Logistics Manager (LM).

The LM was able to vist the local foresty division headquarters, Cogent Forestry Products, and purchase a logging permit. This cost $50,000 but did allow us to bring down 100 trees within the next 24 hours. Roberts Farm harvested 57 trees while clearing the land.

The LM was pleased as it allowed him to place many more resources into the industry chain. An example would be the aforementioned Cogent. It requires Woodchips and manufactures Paper, Resin and Boards, while using Coal as a power source.

The Coal is extracted from the Quarry, along with Ore (Iron), Salt and Stone. In the picture below, the excavator in the foreground is Salt/Stone, in the background is Ore/Coal. This is a fully functional site. The excavators move to your selected resource and begin digging prior to delivering the resource via conveyor belts.

The Logistics Manager (LM) visited the Northen town of Pleasant Dale

Where he stopped at the local Remax Real Estate.

and placed a bid on a new industry starting up in the valley. PJev's concrete plant. It will require Stone, Sand, Water and Gravel to build.

We should hear back soon if our offer was accepted or the owner is holding out for more money. Personally I think it was over priced at $250,000.

While the LM was in Pleasant Dale he also dropped by Big Sky Remodel and Construction.

With the new Farmers moving in and new industry starting up in the valley, our existing manufacturing infrastructure is being strained. We determined the need to upgrade the Stone Processing facility.

In the below picture you can see the Stone Crusher as well as the many pipes and storage bins. The four red storage containers in the background are for Calcium Carbonate, Lime, Limestone and Gypsum. These are extracted from the boulders during the crushing phase. All four are used in one of the many factories in the valley.

It was a great day to be a citizen of Pleasant Valley.

Original post updated with current information.
Last edited by GIJoe597; Sep 10, 2018 @ 3:45pm
JeremyB Sep 10, 2018 @ 7:47am 
I'm interested in joining if theres still room for more. I'd be willing to do any jobs available
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
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Date Posted: Sep 4, 2018 @ 7:52pm
Posts: 58