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Aceypoo92  [developer] Jun 22, 2018 @ 11:34am
Neighborhorde ONLINE with Parsec!
:nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun: :nh_boombox: :nh_doodoo: :nh_guitar: :nh_polaroid: :nh_sword: :nh_watergun:

Howdy Neighbors!

Neighborhorde is at its core a "Couch Co-op" game. However, here's some game changing news:

You can now play Neighborhorde with your actual neighbor, or anyone in the world ONLINE, using Parsec!

The wizards of Parsec have made something truly magical, and you can use their free app to play Neighborhorde online. It's super easy to set up too!
  1. Go to and download the app.
  2. Launch the app and create an account.
  3. If you want to host the party, click "Add A Computer", and use your own computer or rent a cloud computer from Parsec. Then have a friend request to Co-play.
  4. If you want to join a friend who is hosting, find them with their Parsec username and request to Co-play.
  5. The host can run Neighborhorde, and the other players can join in as if their controllers were connected to the host's computer. MAGIC!
If you have any issues with Parsec, jump on over to their Discord here[].

I thought it was too good to be true, but it really works quite well, and I hope it catches on for fans of indie couch games!

Last edited by Aceypoo92; Jun 22, 2018 @ 11:34am