Interknet Mar 4, 2017 @ 11:25am
Playing natively on Linux

Here's the files for anyone else wanting to play it natively Linux without using Wine:

No files will be overwritten using this.

Last edited by Interknet; Mar 4, 2017 @ 11:25am
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Matt Mar 4, 2017 @ 2:17pm 
Thank you for this.
Interknet Mar 6, 2017 @ 7:51am 
Originally posted by Matt:
Thank you for this.

No problemo.
Hopefully the developer starts doing a Linux build, because all I did was run the same version of Unity he has and create the files for Linux via compiling an empty project.

Works fine with no additional changes.
Bad 💀 Motha Mar 6, 2017 @ 8:41am 
Originally posted by Interknet:
Originally posted by Matt:
Thank you for this.

No problemo.
Hopefully the developer starts doing a Linux build, because all I did was run the same version of Unity he has and create the files for Linux via compiling an empty project.

Works fine with no additional changes.

But when you compare Windows OS vs Linux with this, how does the performance differ?

What's your hardware specs and Linux build?
Interknet Mar 6, 2017 @ 9:58am 
Originally posted by Bad-Motha:
Originally posted by Interknet:

No problemo.
Hopefully the developer starts doing a Linux build, because all I did was run the same version of Unity he has and create the files for Linux via compiling an empty project.

Works fine with no additional changes.

But when you compare Windows OS vs Linux with this, how does the performance differ?

What's your hardware specs and Linux build?

4790k, GTX 980 on the 375 nvidia build drivers, Linux Mint 18, kernel 4.10

I've not compared the performance, but Unity is supported on Linux. All I did was make a launcher for the game. So you can essentially use the one I uploaded for other games, provided they're the launcher is the same version from whatever version built the game files.

So performance difference is probably 0-5%. I'd guess 0% though.

I haven't played the game on Windows for a long time either, so it could be more optimized. Runs fine though.
Last edited by Interknet; Mar 6, 2017 @ 9:58am
MinskWorks  [developer] Mar 6, 2017 @ 10:48am 
How is this wizardry working? Does it emulate the windows files? I can't test it because I've not got a Linux machine, but I'd assume the port would take a few months to get right.

Edit: just read the compile comment. So surprised this works, official Linux support is still TBD after 1.0, as I want to get game content finished before porting as I'm already struggling with work load for one platform as is.
Last edited by MinskWorks; Mar 6, 2017 @ 10:50am
Bad 💀 Motha Mar 6, 2017 @ 10:52am 
Originally posted by MinskWorks:
How is this wizardry working? Does it emulate the windows files? I can't test it because I've not got a Linux machine, but I'd assume the port would take a few months to get right.

Edit: just read the compile comment. So surprised this works, official Linux support is still TBD after 1.0, as I want to get game content finished before porting as I'm already struggling with work load for one platform as is.

Sounds like you have a friend who can help you out :steamhappy:
Interknet Mar 6, 2017 @ 10:57am 
Originally posted by MinskWorks:
How is this wizardry working? Does it emulate the windows files? I can't test it because I've not got a Linux machine, but I'd assume the port would take a few months to get right.

Edit: just read the compile comment. So surprised this works, official Linux support is still TBD after 1.0, as I want to get game content finished before porting as I'm already struggling with work load for one platform as is.

I followed a guide that someone sent me to get a different game working.
Then I decided to try it on others. It comes up saying what version it expects of a launcher.
Basically all the launcher on Linux does is run the files in the _Data. Not sure if the same applies to Windows.

Anyway, I couldn't find the correct version, so I went and downloaded one that someone had compiled ages ago, but I could have installed the same version as you and compiled an empty project to Linux then put those files in the folder.

Here's the guide I used:

Unity supports Linux, or at least the version you're using to build this game. All you need to do is compile a Linux version and it'll work fine for the majority of Linux users.

So yeah, you don't really need to test it on Linux it seems. You should be perfectly fine compiling Linux versions as it currently stands.

I will mention I tried it with other Unity games and didn't have much success i.e textures weren't rendering at all. Not sure why though.
Bad 💀 Motha Mar 6, 2017 @ 11:03am 
Yes it really should not be hard. Engines like Unity are available on pretty much every major platform; conversion should be fairly simple. The only issue being, one OS over another (Like Windows vs Linux) a certain OS based version/compile of the game, may obviously require its own/separate optimization to be needed. But that is probably obvious I would think.
Interknet Mar 6, 2017 @ 11:04am 
Originally posted by Bad-Motha:
Yes it really should not be hard. Engines like Unity are available on pretty much every major platform; conversion should be fairly simple. The only issue being, one OS over another (Like Windows vs Linux) a certain OS based version/compile of the game, may obviously require its own/separate optimization to be needed. But that is probably obvious I would think.

Someone mentioned the rendering issues I experienced with other Unity games were to do with DirectX or something like that, which seemed to happen in games that were above version 5.2 or 5.3

Probably why some developers hold off on Linux/Mac support
Last edited by Interknet; Mar 6, 2017 @ 11:05am
MinskWorks  [developer] Mar 7, 2017 @ 1:40am 
I'm going to hold off on linux till I have a linux machine, because it's pretty sketchy of me to try and sell a linux version of the game that may not even work, and I wouldn't be able to fix.
Bad 💀 Motha Mar 7, 2017 @ 6:56am 
Dont need another machine; can just hookup another drive that you would just install Linux onto; separate from your Windows OS; and use your Motherboard boot options to switch boot drive / OS.

Doesn't even need to be a big drive either. Linux OS itself could be housed on a somewhat small (but being fast drive helps) USB Flash Drive or SSD; you can still read/write and work with files that are stored on your Windows OS based drives.
Last edited by Bad 💀 Motha; Mar 7, 2017 @ 6:57am
Slash0mega Mar 11, 2017 @ 3:04pm 
2 things,
1, minskworks, getting a linux machines is super easy, just use a flash drive. you can use somthing like ubuntu or xubuntu's flash drive installer and then you just boot up your machine with the flash drive in a usb port and boom, running linux, just shut down and unplug it to go back to windows.

2,to everyone else, makes sure any bugs you encounter can be repoduced in windows before reporting it.

makes sence this works, considering how engines like unity work. but there are always little things between os's that may not work properly,
Faalagorn May 1, 2017 @ 4:06pm 
You could probably even just launch a Live CD, though it makes no sense to do so given the ease of making a dedicated drive as other suggested to make a permanent Linux drive for testing. I'm currently on the verge of buying the game because of 50% discount. If I'd have Linux support, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but seeing how it's another Unity title that is really simply to get working, I may as well buy the title now, hopefully not disappointing myself in the process and the game will see the Linux version :).

It was similar with My Summer Car. I finally bit the bullet, suspecting it will get Linux support down the road, though would be much clearer to have a working Linux port (it also runs either via Wine or natively via replacing the executables).
Interknet May 1, 2017 @ 4:15pm 
Originally posted by Faalagorn:
You could probably even just launch a Live CD, though it makes no sense to do so given the ease of making a dedicated drive as other suggested to make a permanent Linux drive for testing. I'm currently on the verge of buying the game because of 50% discount. If I'd have Linux support, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, but seeing how it's another Unity title that is really simply to get working, I may as well buy the title now, hopefully not disappointing myself in the process and the game will see the Linux version :).

It was similar with My Summer Car. I finally bit the bullet, suspecting it will get Linux support down the road, though would be much clearer to have a working Linux port (it also runs either via Wine or natively via replacing the executables).

My Summer Car can run natively on Linux without Wine.


It's not where I gained the info from to do it to Jalopy, but on Escape from Tarkov which someone pointed out to that thread also.

Some unity games can be manually made to run natively from what I've tried. Others will just display purple graphics which are something a developer needs to attend to for it to work.

(Didn't see your last part, my bad. Keeping it here for info I guess xD)
Last edited by Interknet; May 1, 2017 @ 4:16pm
Faalagorn May 2, 2017 @ 8:31am 
Originally posted by Interknet:
My Summer Car can run natively on Linux without Wine.
Yup, that's why I mentioned it with Jalopy - the story is the same here :)

Originally posted by Interknet:
It's not where I gained the info from to do it to Jalopy, but on Escape from Tarkov which someone pointed out to that thread also.
That would be be, just realized your name is familiar - hello here as well then :D

Originally posted by Interknet:
Some unity games can be manually made to run natively from what I've tried. Others will just display purple graphics which are something a developer needs to attend to for it to work.
Someone mentioned that Tarkov uses custom DX9 shaders(?), that's most likely why textures are purple :(

Quite a bit list is mentioned at the article I posted before Windows Unity-Games on Linux[seegras.discordia.ch], though because of age of the article it mostly mentioned old titles. Sometimes I wish we should make a community-based list of such games, to document the findings. Maybe on PCGaming Wiki or GamingOnLinux wiki? But that's a topic for another discussion I guess :)
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Date Posted: Mar 4, 2017 @ 11:25am
Posts: 24