Tig Ol' Bitties (禁止済) 2013年6月19日 23時02分
GRID 2 Anonymous
Meeting will come to order. First speaker, please.

Hi, my name is Tig Ol Bitties and I despise GRID 2.

I tried so hard. I really did. I read everything I could about GRID 2 and developed reasonable expectations, leveled up to 22 (mp) without DLC, bought numerous cars of all types, learned most tracks, was pleasantly surprised by the TrueFeel© assist system, took advantage of both official and custom playlists and put it forty hours of playtime before making a final judgment.

This game is a mediocre, unbalanced, schizophrenic ar-tard smash 'em up with an atrociously managed multiplayer component and yet another victim of the 'drift' phenomenom that is ruining far too many racing games nowadays.

I thought I was getting a simcade. You know, the type of racer that doesn't put you to sleep with the monotonous grind of Sunday drives around a track but also requires you to develop skill, learn the tracks and develop your own personal style of competitive racing?

What I got was "Blur 2." Press down the accelerator and smash into walls, bounce off them and keep on racing! Don't worry...if you mess up too bad you can flashback! In most cases, the flashback will spawn you ahead of that dumb sucker who is trying to take the corner without hitting the sides! Muhahahahah!

Also, if you spin out and become an obstruction for other racers, they'll probably smash into you anyway and also need to reset so fly and zoom away down the track! Also, if you're lucky, that idiot who crashed into your carcass that was sitting in the middle of the road will get a yellow or red exclamation point as punishment for his sensible driving!

Of course, this nonsense wasn't all that Codemasters had to offer. I got free game freezes and crashes-to-desktop in almost twenty five percent of all launches. I have heard of getting free extras on the side but Codemasters' generosity is unmatched in this regard.

So, I end the sarcasm and this post with a farewell to my fellow GRID 2 sufferers and invite them to join in this thread. Offer your name and publicly acknowledge that you got suckered by Codemasters.

Let the healing begin.

最近の変更はTig Ol' Bittiesが行いました; 2013年6月19日 23時05分
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1-15 / 111 のコメントを表示
Imo 2013年6月20日 3時54分 
Welcome to "Crash Driver DRIFT" =)
I agree - but my experience was a little different. I am a very average/below average player.

So... there I am at the front of the grid with all the hotshots behind me I would do good for awhile, have a nice lead, make a small mistake, would be attempting to recover and then WHAM, I am plastered by someone who was a level 30 (seriously what kind of life??) and am off the track.

This would happen again and again until I would be at the end of the pack totally freaked and just trying to make it.

A level 5 does NOT need to be in races with a level 30.

But... what really pissed me off was when I knew a track well and would be able to stay ahead of the pack I would sometimes win. As long as the @@@hole level 30s could not knock me off the track.

I seriously had more high level players abuse the well out of the game than most beginners.

And to add insult to injury "they" (high level players) would raise heck when THEY would crash me off the track, pissing and moaning about my driving, but there wasn't a single word of "good job you won" when I stayed ahead of them and beat the piss out of them.

This game is full of exploiters just like any run of the mill FPS. I get it.

I really think driving games are fun, but I play with a keyboard, I have a family, and a job. So... I don't have the time or money to be a "top" driver. Why can't I have the gaming experience I want without being subject to all the "professional" drivers. Give me time to learn.

The reason for all this frustration is what you referenced as the GARBAGE multiplayer implementation by CM.

I want to filter my game searches so I can find games that are suitable to my skill level.
I want to play against low level players so high level players don't take advantage of me,
I want collision off so I can learn a flippin track without ruining it for others,
I want to be able to mute any other player at any time - in the game or not.
I want chat, IN GAME chat,
I want to hit tab and see positions, time ahead, time behind, and other normal scoreboard functionality.

And I DO NOT WANT to have to DRIFT constantly to race. WT FUDGE IS ALL THIS DRIFTING CRAP???

Argh.... yeah I might uninstall GRID2 today. Maybe.... CM will listen, maybe.

最近の変更はGabrielが行いました; 2013年6月20日 4時00分
Imo 2013年6月20日 4時29分 
Hey, find some good friends and open your own game. Close all slots you do not need so no unknown drivers will be able to join. :)
Axe 2013年6月20日 4時39分 
I'll be hosting some no collision custom rooms starting next thursday while livestreaming. Just add me.
not to complain, but I have tried that and the response has been terrible.

I have waited for 1 full hour without anyone joining.

But I do appreciate a good suggestion - seriously. It is much more civil that having someone rant all types of rubbish innit.

I will keep on giving it the old college try. hehe.
The handling is the biggest gripe for me. I was really excited for this games as I like CM games. I thought "oh this looks cool, I'll preorder it so I can get those bonuses" never again will I pre-order unless I have played the game first.

I tried to complete a race with "normal" driving (you know... NOT drifting) but was unable to reach the desired time to 'pass' the event. After the 2nd try, I tried drifting round every corner (no braking just hard steering) and it worked. WOW. I have hardly played this game and it already just seems too much of a disapointment. I prefer GRID 1 than this.
最近の変更はSubaru Jが行いました; 2013年6月20日 15時24分
Tig Ol' Bitties (禁止済) 2013年6月21日 12時06分 
P.S. The 22mb patch (wow, what an effort) doesn't resolve the freezing problem/"app already running" mindfart.

Three weeks for a 22mb patch that doesn't resolve the worst problem in the game (of which there are many.)
Axe 2013年6月21日 12時42分 
CodeBreakers© の投稿を引用:
P.S. The 22mb patch (wow, what an effort) doesn't resolve the freezing problem/"app already running" mindfart.

Three weeks for a 22mb patch that doesn't resolve the worst problem in the game (of which there are many.)

This is the OP, again, who just cannot seem to let go after disrupting these forums and continually ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about the game, since its release.

Now it appears Mr TigOlBitties Alias CodeBreakers©, seems to be rather disappointed his pathetic post was being left behind and entering oblivion. Come back to have another go have you?

I think you are the saddest Steam member I have ever come across.
最近の変更はAxeが行いました; 2013年6月21日 12時43分
Tig Ol' Bitties (禁止済) 2013年6月21日 12時46分 
Hi Axe,

Still flying the fanboy flag? I admire your optimism.

Anyway, I saw the patch and did indeed launch the game today. The game freezes are worse than before.

I'd like to write more but...APP IS ALREADY RUNNING! (

P.S. You're the one who bumped the thread. Thanks.
最近の変更はTig Ol' Bittiesが行いました; 2013年6月21日 12時51分
Axe 2013年6月21日 12時52分 
CodeBreakers© の投稿を引用:
Hi Axe,

Still flying the fanboy flag? I admire your optimism...

Well captain sadness, yes I was fortunate to have the game work for me and yes I do like the game you'll be sorry to hear - but repeating 'fanboy' at every and any opportunity simply informs me of the level of intelligence I am dealing with here.

Someone likes the/a game = fanboy, oh hell yeah of course - internet clichés rool!

I bumped the thread after 37 minutes...whoohoo. Although I don't know why you would thank me.
最近の変更はAxeが行いました; 2013年6月21日 12時54分
Tig Ol' Bitties (禁止済) 2013年6月21日 15時14分 
Axe is banned! We can now have a reasonable discussion about what went wrong with GRID 2 and what's gone completely wrong at Codemasters.

Are they going too arcade? Did they lose some tech expertise? How did they go from games like GRID and DiRT 2 to disasters like DiRT 3 and GRID 2?
最近の変更はTig Ol' Bittiesが行いました; 2013年6月21日 15時19分
Tig Ol Bitties の投稿を引用:
Axe is banned! We can now have a reasonable discussion about what went wrong with GRID 2 and what's gone completely wrong at Codemasters.

Are they going too arcade? Did they lose some tech expertise? How did they go from games like GRID and DiRT 2 to disasters like DiRT 3 and GRID 2?

What happened with GRID 2 is simple, it is not made by the same team that made all the race driver games up to GRID 1. I wasn't expecting anything equal, but also not anything as bad.

In the end, CM is going to go either the EA way or the THQ way, I would lean for the THQ way, with each further game they release it shows that they are a company without any long term business model, and without the franchise horsepower of neither brand.
Doatg 2013年6月21日 17時12分 
Ōkami の投稿を引用:
Tig Ol Bitties の投稿を引用:
Axe is banned! We can now have a reasonable discussion about what went wrong with GRID 2 and what's gone completely wrong at Codemasters.

Are they going too arcade? Did they lose some tech expertise? How did they go from games like GRID and DiRT 2 to disasters like DiRT 3 and GRID 2?

What happened with GRID 2 is simple, it is not made by the same team that made all the race driver games up to GRID 1. I wasn't expecting anything equal, but also not anything as bad.

In the end, CM is going to go either the EA way or the THQ way, I would lean for the THQ way, with each further game they release it shows that they are a company without any long term business model, and without the franchise horsepower of neither brand.

Well said, i think your example of THQ is correct, and we all know what happen to THQ.
最近の変更はDoatgが行いました; 2013年6月21日 17時13分
Ruck 2013年6月21日 17時14分 
It's simple. They made GRID for the console and screwed the PC owners over. Don't trust the old makers of good games. About the only one that has interested me recently has been Star Citizen, google it, looks epic.
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投稿日: 2013年6月19日 23時02分
投稿数: 111