Street Posse Showdown

Street Posse Showdown

Ryan Dorkoski Nov 21, 2016 @ 11:29am
How 'bout that price tag?
I wasn't expecting that. I am eagerly awaiting reviews. Not to be negative, but I somehow doubt there is anywhere near $20 worth of content and fun at this point.

Hopefully that demo gets working soon - that should shed some light on things.

Demo here (thanks to a poster below):

Best of luck with launch,
Last edited by Ryan Dorkoski; Nov 24, 2016 @ 5:06am
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Kishimojin Nov 21, 2016 @ 2:02pm 
Agreed, was expecting maybe $10 at most.

You would no doubt sell a lot more and be able to generate some reviews to get other people interested by lowering your price-point.

Good luck however, the game does look like it could be fun.
Alboreo Nov 21, 2016 @ 5:58pm 
Same here, I was really expecting ~$10 for an indie early access game. I love SRPGs so I'm sure I'll get it at some point either way.
Retro Nov 21, 2016 @ 9:21pm 
yeah i was going to pull the trigger but the price in comparison to other games that have a crap ton of content like Secrets of Grindea and crosscode - the price should be cut to 13 dollars and raise up as more content comes out
Last edited by Retro; Nov 21, 2016 @ 9:21pm
willsama974 Nov 21, 2016 @ 11:37pm 
Same here, it's sitting between Stellar Tactics/Renown Explorers/The Storm Guard/Halycion6 on my wishlist and other games are even cheaper...
I'll keep looking and waiting for the dev to respond on the other opened threads.
D9sinc Nov 21, 2016 @ 11:40pm 
I remember making a post like this when a certain indie game released at $30 on Steam. Then I remember someone basically coming on the post and berating everyone who didn't think it was worth $30. *EDIT* I just checked it's page and after seemingly being abandoned it was recently updated and dropped to $15 I hope early supporters were compensated.

That being said I'm looking forward to this game getting a price drop before I think of buying it.
Ryan Dorkoski Nov 22, 2016 @ 4:40am 
Originally posted by D9sinc:
I remember making a post like this when a certain indie game released at $30 on Steam. Then I remember someone basically coming on the post and berating everyone who didn't think it was worth $30. *EDIT* I just checked it's page and after seemingly being abandoned it was recently updated and dropped to $15 I hope early supporters were compensated.

That being said I'm looking forward to this game getting a price drop before I think of buying it.

Queen Under the Mountain by chance? Yep. I'm certain I'm right ;) I'm also certain it was Luna that berated everyone.

They were not compensated. Sad story, but true. They are *promised* additional content that sounds really lame, IMO.
Last edited by Ryan Dorkoski; Nov 22, 2016 @ 7:11am
Hammer Bear Nov 22, 2016 @ 1:07pm 
well... here goes my wishlist

i hoped this game worth 20$
but it seems it is not worth 20$
from what i see here
i guess i have to wait sale season
Carlz0r Nov 22, 2016 @ 2:16pm 
$20 is a lot to ask for a game when it's a dev I've never heard of, and early access. Not to accuse anyone of anything, but that sets off alarm bells in my head.
Lee-senpai Nov 22, 2016 @ 3:54pm 
^ what he is saying if it was ten dollars this game would be snatched up
Ryan Dorkoski Nov 24, 2016 @ 5:05am 
Originally posted by Randonx:

Nice. Thank you.
Lark Nov 26, 2016 @ 12:05am 
Interesting demo... But if that's the game, definitely not worth the current price tag.

A good one to watch out for in the sales though.
Hammer Bear Nov 26, 2016 @ 3:41pm 
indeed interesting demo
but not worth 20$ for sure
and as a pcgamer
controls are really confusing
i think i will have to pass this
D9sinc Nov 28, 2016 @ 1:29am 
Originally posted by Ryan Dorkoski:
Originally posted by D9sinc:
I remember making a post like this when a certain indie game released at $30 on Steam. Then I remember someone basically coming on the post and berating everyone who didn't think it was worth $30. *EDIT* I just checked it's page and after seemingly being abandoned it was recently updated and dropped to $15 I hope early supporters were compensated.

That being said I'm looking forward to this game getting a price drop before I think of buying it.

Queen Under the Mountain by chance? Yep. I'm certain I'm right ;) I'm also certain it was Luna that berated everyone.

They were not compensated. Sad story, but true. They are *promised* additional content that sounds really lame, IMO.
It was that game indeed. Sad that none of the original people were compensated.
sp3lfanaaT Dec 1, 2016 @ 10:27am 
less then 20$ or euros: Punch club excellent game great classic graphics even with the extras the price is cheaper then 20 euros or usd
I bought the game at release

I have been playing games for >40 years now from first small lcd games with a small battery , Atari 2600, c64,amiga,cd32, ...... PC
Maybe the aim is for young inexperienced gamers, but anyone gaming for at least 5 to 10 years
has played more games

20 euros? imho way to much 7.99 might fit better.
Why such huge requirements? these graphics and animations were able to developed in AMOS which was a 'programming' language for amiga, this 'tool' could create game like this, the graphics dont look cpu intensive so why all the extre duocore requirements?
Is it because some unity engine or gameframework is used that has to run itself under a duo core?

I have litterally seen and played 1000's of games, so i know what i am talking about.
I guess at 4 to 6 euros it might get some good sales.......
take some sime to search steam for games that cost 20 euros .... some of them are real gems.......

Fortix and Fortix one: 2 very cheap games, but i own both, they are small but so addictive i play them at least once a day, every day.
Last edited by sp3lfanaaT; Dec 1, 2016 @ 10:31am
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Date Posted: Nov 21, 2016 @ 11:29am
Posts: 17