Lord of Rigel

Lord of Rigel

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Stationary ships with destinations plotted.
What is going on with ships that plot (and display) a course to another system but never move? It appears as if they are not being processed during turns. This is another oddity that has been around for a long time. Is this an intended behavior?
Originally posted by Ace:
Hi moto, that's the bug I mentioned in another post there's a case in your games causing the player to act in auto mode when the AI ambushes and it'll be fixed next update :-)
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Ace  [developer] May 19 @ 8:05am 
Hi moto if you can send a save file I can confirm if this has been fully resolved for the next patch.
Ok, sent the save file. There may be more than one ship that's not moving in this save, so a good example. I called out the ship and where it's located in the email. -thanks
Ace  [developer] May 19 @ 10:03am 
Just tested your save, Issue should be fixed in the next update :-)
Last edited by Ace; May 19 @ 10:04am
Great, that was a little distracting. Were they just being passed over during turn processing?
Ace  [developer] May 19 @ 11:17am 
What happened was the movement array got added onto and not cleared earlier. Technically they'd all arrive in 40 turns but they should have been arriving in 2.
Well, the last patch did the trick. The stationary ships all started moving and .. the AI aggression ramped up again. Perhaps those ships were blocking AI strategies?

Another thing I noticed, when I attack the AI my ships don't begin moving until I tell them to. When AI attack me at one of my planets .. as soon at the battle is unpaused my ships start moving.

With a standoff strategy firing missiles at the AI, its nice to keep my ships from running headlong into the enemy at the start of battle. Is that difference an intended defensive behavior?
Last edited by moto_sapien; May 24 @ 7:23pm
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Ace  [developer] May 25 @ 3:49pm 
Hi moto, that's the bug I mentioned in another post there's a case in your games causing the player to act in auto mode when the AI ambushes and it'll be fixed next update :-)
Last edited by Ace; May 25 @ 3:49pm
Sorry, didn't catch that. Played a 2-faction game on hard in a tiny galaxy and ships never went into auto mode. Leaders had a big (good) impact on the course of the game. AI still tend to send single ship fleets on suicide missions. With the last couple of patches the game seems to have slowed down. Could be the longevity of the save file (speaking of the previous 3-faction game) or late game status but it is running pretty slow. Any possibility of more optimization?
Last edited by moto_sapien; May 26 @ 11:22am
Ace  [developer] May 26 @ 2:35pm 
There will be some more optimizations coming next update along with the aforementioned fix, but they're pretty minor (but every little bit helps). If you can send over that file can take a look too, see if there's odd issues causing a slowdown.

I'll take a look at the combat thresholds again, as offensive fleets are meant to be sent out when their over a certain threshold but that kept getting lowered to increase aggressiveness. But if it's too low it looks like suicide fleets.

Also keep in mind if you have traits like stealthy ships or cloaking devices the AI won't take that into account when doing it's assessment since it uses sensor data and exploration. So it may send a force too small not realizing your full defenses.
Last edited by Ace; May 26 @ 2:37pm
Ok, will send the larger slow save and the small aggressive one. Just finished another 2-faction, tiny galaxy with impossible difficulty. The other faction was tougher. Odd Diplomatic message warned if I keep spying they would declare war.. but the war had been in progress for many turns and the other faction was about to lose..
The larger 3-faction save (just sent) that has been around for quite awhile ,, is not listing "Mirach Prime" in the Planet display. Tried all filters, just invaded it and its still not showing (?) In the NW corner of galaxy.
Last edited by moto_sapien; May 27 @ 9:14am
Ace  [developer] May 27 @ 11:02am 
I'll take a look at the dialog issues and that planet.

Edit- Did test an invasion and Mirach shows up in the Empire menu.

The Planets menu only shows unoccupied planets.

Also yes the slow game issue is tied to it spanning a few patches as there's been small data structure changes. (trying to optimize some things)
Last edited by Ace; May 27 @ 11:25am
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